22 Dutch Road

Billy Buchanan has a life that could be considered normal. Then he is called to the big ugly house of his late fathers, lured with the promise of money that he desperately needs. So he makes the trip to 22 Dutch Road. Only to arrive to an ostentatious lawn with odd statues ornamenting the house. He does not understand how his father could afford those statues. His dad may have conned food onto their table when he was a child but he had been broke at the end. Before the shock of the carvings wears off, he realizes that he can only get his money on Friday. So he must stays, and during his time at 22 Dutch Road something is speaking to him, maybe it’s the statues or maybe it’s his father. In any case, strange things are afoot.

There is something about meeting Billy and building a mental image of him that will keep you hooked. You will especially enjoy the part where a patron tells him a story of a man who used to separate people from their money. And the part where the neighbor asks to be paid for volunteering to mow the lawn. This book is chock full of light moments like that. This is despite the seriousness and intensity of the darkness that lurks in the big ugly house. This book will have you teetering on the edge with intrigue and despair on either side. The author’s brilliance shines through his expert blend of genres.

22 Dutch Road is emotionally engaging while consistently being entertaining. You will enjoy being plunged into this world of talking statues and mysterious paranormal phenomena. If ever there was a book worth taking the time to read word for word, this is it. The characters are rich and believable, developed slow, they were easily to relate to and empathize with. You can tell from the way the characters have been developed that time and thought were vastly spent. You will enjoy the amount of detail and dimension to the characters.

22 Dutch Road is a riveting novel that use a well deployed mystery to keep the tension high. The paragraphs are short enough such that the reader can enjoy and not be lost in a sea of words when they have been reading for long. This novel will delight fans of paranormal fiction with its artful use of language and superb character development.

Pages: 492 | ISBN:1678134821

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Posted on June 9, 2020, in Book Reviews, Five Stars and tagged , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.


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