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Σ Book I: Thumos Rising

Set against a richly imagined world, Σ Book I: Thumos Rising delves into deep-seated emotions and the impact of political turmoil through its compellingly crafted characters. The journey begins with Zeno, who carries the weight of his past losses, including the poignant death of Alexandra during a brutal conflict. Now, in the bustling city of Sarpedon, Zeno faces both political conspiracies and supernatural challenges that test his resolve and moral integrity. His story provides a thoughtful exploration of guilt and redemption.

The focus shifts to Alexandra, formerly of the warrior Menimu tribe. Her transition to training as a Ranger in Dioskuria is fraught with the challenges of assimilation and the heavy burdens of responsibility. Her narrative is a vivid portrayal of personal transformation and the sacrifices involved in establishing one’s identity in an unforgiving world. The narrative arc culminates as we return to Zeno, now deeply entrenched in a rapidly growing rebellion against a tyrannical rule. His strategic prowess and previous experiences as a Ranger place him at the heart of pivotal conflicts, emphasizing the brutal realities of war and its profound effects on individuals. Lopez effectively captures the personal sacrifices entangled with larger societal conflicts, prompting reflections on the costs of resistance.

Demitrios Lopez masterfully blends personal dilemmas with broader political dynamics, presenting a narrative tapestry that emphasizes the complexity of human emotions amidst ongoing strife. With its vivid characters and thematic richness, Σ Book I: Thumos Rising is poised to engage readers who seek stories that not only entertain but also inspire deep reflection on identity, power, and the lingering influences of the past.

Pages: 343 | ASIN : B0D22VQZ4N

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Literary Titan Gold Book Award: Fiction

The Literary Titan Book Award honors books that exhibit exceptional storytelling and creativity. This award celebrates novelists who craft compelling narratives, create memorable characters, and weave stories that captivate readers. The recipients are writers who excel in their ability to blend imagination with literary skill, creating worlds that enchant and narratives that linger long after the final page is turned.

Award Recipients

Visit the Literary Titan Book Awards page to see award information.

Literary Titan Silver Book Award

Celebrating the brilliance of outstanding authors who have captivated us with their skillful prose, engaging narratives, and compelling real and imagined characters. We recognize books that stand out for their innovative storytelling and insightful exploration of truth and fiction. Join us in honoring the dedication and skill of these remarkable authors as we celebrate the diverse and rich worlds they’ve brought to life, whether through the realm of imagination or the lens of reality.

Award Recipients

THE VOID by Safdar Ali

Visit the Literary Titan Book Awards page to see award information.

When the Hoax Becomes Real

T Kolodziej Author Interview

Mimic follows an online content creator who accidentally opens a portal to another dimension, letting in a supernatural killer with the ability to imitate with great skill humans and invade the police. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

The set up for Mimic was inspired by fake paranormal online content. They’re the kind of videos we often see where someone films themselves opening demon boxes, having seances or playing with spirit boards. I pondered what would happen if the creator of hoax content actually tapped into something from another realm. What would that mean for them specifically and for humanity as a whole.

A supernatural killer that mimics humans is a creative character. How did you come up with the idea for the antagonist in this story, and how did it change as you wrote?

The antagonist was inspired by my love of monsters and my belief that nothing is scarier than a deadly threat that blends in. A something or someone that could pass you on the street and you’d never know how close you came to certain death. As the story progressed, the antagonist transitioned from a basic creature to an otherworldly entity with a profound connection to the existence humans currently enjoy and that evolution afforded the exploration into how tenuous our reality truly is.

What was the hardest part about writing a mystery story, where you constantly have to give just enough to keep the mystery alive until the big reveal?

The most difficult part of writing a story like Mimic is keeping it unique, intriguing and engaging while ensuring it’s not predictable for the reader. Each revelation should be akin to a step on a staircase. Once the reader reaches the top and looks down on the story it should all come together. Knowing when to reveal something and how, becomes the real challenge. I worried constantly that I would reveal too much too soon. For me, it’s probably the most stressful part of writing a story.

What is the next book that you are working on, and when can your fans expect it to be out?

My next release, which will be book three of this series is called Lake Halcyon. Decima and the detectives are summoned to a small cottage town to investigate a series of deaths that all have a tie to water yet are seemingly impossible. Lake Halcyon explores mythology, mysticism and the power of the human mind. Tentatively, its release is slated for winter 2024.

Author Links: GoodReads | Website

Ancient myths, otherworldly beings and a mystery that defies time. Let the hunt begin…

When an online content creator accidentally opens a portal to another dimension, Decima, Rennic and Stokes find themselves in a high stakes game of cat and mouse with a mysterious entity armed with the ability to mimic and a hauntingly selective hunting pattern.
Racing against time, with mere days to unravel the truth behind the enigmatic adversary who is leaving a trail of victims in its wake, the team must confront the unknown to stop it, or risk altering the course of human history.


In Mimic by T. Kolodziej, the typical day-to-day challenges of online content creators are unexpectedly compounded by the emergence of an otherworldly killer from another dimension. This blend of horror, science fiction, and police procedural unfurls through the urgent efforts of Ontario Police Service Detectives Decima, Stokes, and Rennic, who find themselves in a perilous game of cat and mouse with a creature that excels in human mimicry.

As the narrative progresses, the detectives grapple with a sinister foe whose mythological roots equip it with eerie abilities seemingly crafted to thwart modern investigative methods. The juxtaposition of cutting-edge technology against ancient supernatural forces creates a riveting dynamic that propels the story forward. As the body count rises, the urgency intensifies, compelling the trio to adapt their tactics in hopes of neutralizing this elusive threat. Readers familiar with Stephen King’s The Outsider, which also explores the theme of an incomprehensible horror concealed within everyday reality, will find resonant themes in Mimic. Skepticism in the face of the supernatural emerges as a fatal flaw, while those willing to embrace unconventional approaches may stand a chance against the darkness.

Mimic is a compelling tale that maintains a brisk pace and is filled with enough chilling moments to satisfy enthusiasts of the science fiction and horror genres. The novel’s seamless integration of different elements makes it a gripping read that challenges the boundaries between the known and the unknown.

Pages: 289 | ASIN : B0D2B7517R

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The Caretaker (Haunted Historical Mystery Series)

A blizzard rips through the Black Hills of South Dakota, as journalist Rachael embarks on a journey to Hawthorne House, a remote inn located deep in the frigid wilderness. As the storm rages on, Rachael finds herself caught in a gripping tale of mystery and intrigue, unsure of what lies ahead in the enigmatic world of the treacherous snow-covered landscape and the sinister forces that lurk within Hawthorn House. The icy snowstorm blurs the lines between reality and imagination as Rachael uncovers secrets and revelations that challenge her perception of the caretaker and the true nature of Hawthorn House.

Making an Irish Guy the Romantic Lead

Susanna Allen Author Interview

That Magic Mischief follows an amateur witch struggling with a breakup and losing her job who encounters a shape-shifting creature who helps her cast a spell to get her life back on track. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

I have been always been interested in metaphysical topics and considered myself to be open-minded — until, on a trip to the Southwest, I saw an ad for a past-life regression/séance slumber party in a free Taos newspaper.

It made me laugh, and I thought, ‘What would these people do if something did come over from the other side, or the outer dimensions?’

That’s what happens to my heroine in That Magic Mischief: Annabelle Walsh works a spell that actually works and she’d not as prepared for it as she thought she’d be.

I had also emigrated to Ireland, after having lived in Brooklyn for over a decade, and I wanted to combine my nostalgia for Carroll Gardens with my love of my new home place. Making an Irish guy the romantic lead was a no-brainer.

What was the inspiration for the love story and the connection the characters have?

There’s a strong connection between them as they’re both creative types: Annabelle is a writer and Jamie is a painter. I liked that they had this in common, and that both had good imaginations. They’d need them to cope with Callie, for sure. I also wanted both to be flexible, which their approach to employment allowed them to be, so both could conceivably pick and move without too much hassle.

And if anyone thinks Jamie’s blasé acceptance of Annabelle’s ‘pooka problem’ isn’t believable, I invite you to travel around Ireland for a few weeks and have off-the-cuff conversations with folks about fairy trees, ghosts, and yes, pookas. (Pucá, in the Irish language)

How did you handle balancing the power and use of magic in the story?

What a great question! Every instance of power or use of magic is tied to an emotion: whether it’s Annabelle consulting the tarot because she wants the cards to tell her her ex is coming back, or when Callie, in one of her incarnations, gets some revenge for Annabelle regarding the aforementioned ex.

I think that when people are feeling uncertain or sad or confused, they turn to metaphysical means to see their way forward, or in the search for hope, and that’s how it works in the novel.

What is the next book that you’re working on, and when can your fans expect it?

I also write paranormal romance set in the Regency Era —Think Bridgerton meets shapeshifters. My current series, The Shapeshifters of the Beau Monde, is available from all good book outlets. I’m working on a spin-off of that series as well as a whole new series set in Scotland! Subscribe to my newsletter or any of my socials for announcements regarding publications dates!

Author Links: GoodReads | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Website

A heartbroken amateur witch is in over her head after casting a spell that actually works—will the handsome Irish artist she fancies come to her rescue?

What was the point of being a witch if Annabelle Walsh couldn’t manage a spell to fix her broken heart? As a dedicated dabbler in all things esoteric, she figured she could speed up her healing process when she’s dumped out of the blue by her boyfriend… but nothing’s working.

An idle wander into an unfamiliar new age shop adds the bit of magic in her life that she’d been looking for: an interfering, mischievous Pooka called Callie who’s determined to turn Annabelle’s life around— mostly by turning it upside down.

Suddenly, Annabelle’s too busy to brood, and her writing career begins to take off; in fact, it’s during a brainstorming session for an off-off-off-off Broadway theater production that she meets Jamie Flynn, an Irishman in New York who seems to be keen at first sight, if not in love quite yet. As Annabelle gets her life back on track, she starts to see the difference between a real life, a real career, and a real man… and all it took was a little magic mischief.

This is an updated second edition of this title.

Guardians of the Latte Stones

Set against the backdrop of Sasebo’s economic struggles, Guardians of the Latte Stones, by M.K. Aleja, is a compelling historical fiction narrative interwoven with elements of folklore and the harsh realities of World War II. The story follows Yuki and Takeshi, siblings grappling with the loss of their parents and the cruelty of their guardians. Takeshi, seeking an escape, enlists in Japan’s Imperial Army, believing he’s secured a favorable position on a seemingly tranquil tropical island. However, the island harbors a dark secret, challenging Takeshi’s perceptions of warfare and morality.

Aleja masterfully merges fantasy and historical elements, weaving a narrative rich in suspense and tinged with a sense of foreboding. This novel skillfully intertwines authentic historical details with creative storytelling, immersing readers in the era’s cultural, social, and emotional contexts. Structured like a classic fairytale, it features a young protagonist navigating a world of sinister relatives and pivotal decisions. The story centers on Takeshi, whose initial dreams of glorified military service clash with the harsh realities of war, forming the story’s core. The characters are thoughtfully crafted, bringing their challenges and victories to life in a way that resonates with readers.

Aleja’s meticulous approach to narrative construction and his knack for intricate storytelling are noteworthy, offering an engaging and enlightening read. This book poignantly addresses the human toll of war, presenting a seldom-seen perspective on WWII. As the plot progresses, Takeshi and the readers encounter the ancestral spirits of Guam. These spirits, seeking retribution for past injustices, introduce a supernatural layer to the story. Their actions and subsequent developments prompted Takeshi to reevaluate the Japanese army’s role on the island, providing an insightful look at the effects of wartime occupation.

Guardians of the Latte Stones is a story that transcends its historical setting, weaving together elements of a ghost story and a poignant commentary on the futility of war. Aleja’s approach is both ambitious and nuanced, imbuing the novel with a rich emotional depth. This book is not just a historical account but a multifaceted exploration of war, cultural conflict, and moral ambiguity.

Pages: 377 | ASIN : B0CTS9KYR9

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