Our Only Hope For Survival

Caitlin Lynagh Author Interview

Caitlin Lynagh Author Interview

Lost Frequencies follows a group of people trying to survive a dystopian world while fighting an evil but pragmatic corporation. What was the inspiration for the setup to this intriguing story?

Truthfully, I was inspired by what is happening to Earth and modern-day humans. Climate Change is one of the biggest threats to mankind, there’s still not enough action to solve the issue and opinions are too widely divided. Too many are apathetic to our climate crisis and think it doesn’t affect them or their lives so they don’t worry about it. People with the power to act seem more interested in money and the economy, and unfortunately many solutions to Climate Change will mean change, which affects the economy. People, in particular wealthy people, are the most resistant to change, especially if it’s likely to affect their income. Then there are the people who deny Climate Change altogether, despite the evidence and warnings from scientists around the globe. This creates a world where nothing significant gets done and change happens too slowly. Humans are walking a fine line, and it is easy to imagine Earth becoming like the dystopian world in Lost Frequencies in the near future.

There are many well developed and interesting characters in this book. Who was your favorite character to write for?

This is a tricky question to answer as I enjoyed writing all of the characters because they are all so different, but my favourite characters are Ehi, Ahrl and Varth. Varth was particularly interesting to write as he isn’t a typical ‘bad’ character. He is tormented by grief and guilt and with most of his decisions he has conflicting emotions.

I appreciate the depth with which this story is told. What are some sources of inspiration that guided you while writing?

I was inspired by a collection of ideas that I came up with and let flow. I’m not sure where all of my ideas came from but many have real-life parallels.

One idea came from a series of questions; ‘What would extra-terrestrial life look like?’, ‘Why haven’t we found any extra-terrestrial life like us?’ and ‘If Earth is a basic blueprint for the evolution of life, would life on other planets evolve in the same way?’ These questions led me to imagine Iyeeka and its inhabitants. Conscious species which look very much like humans, with slight differences, and a different history.

I also thought about how human history would have been much different if we weren’t a violent species. What if instead of killing each other, communities helped each other instead? What would that world look like today?

Other ideas came from Climate Change, human destruction, and how unpredictable nature can be. As terrifying as it may be, all it would take to wipe out humanity would be a series of catastrophic events. So I thought about the survival of the human race in the long term. We can’t live on Earth forever as one day our planet will die. This means our only hope for survival is if we inhabit space and master space travel. This has always intrigued me and I keep an eye out for any science related news.

What is the next book that you are working on and when will it be available?

I have just finished working on my latest novel, Quantum Messenger. It is the last novel to be released in The Soul Prophecies Series. Hopefully it will be released later this year or early next year in 2021. Quantum Messenger follows the first sentient robot on Earth as he becomes aware of himself, the world and his feelings and develops a soul. I’m looking forward to hearing about people’s thoughts and reactions. You can read the books in The Soul Prophecies Series in whichever order you like, as they have an endless loop. Indeed, they probably work best in reverse release order.

Author Links: GoodReads | Twitter | Facebook | Website

Lost Frequencies: The Soul Prophecies by [Caitlin Lynagh]

You are being watched. All your pathways have already been seen.

During a salvage hunt in the desolate wastelands of Planet Iyeeka, a strange naked woman is discovered inside a metal machine. No one has lived in the area for decades.

Ten wise Iyeekens are drawn to the woman through their dreams and eventually follow her, along with the three who found her, through their war-torn land in search of truth. They believe she is the key to saving their dying planet. She has knowledge even she doesn’t understand. Yet.

Who are these aliens she so vividly remembers? What is the significance of this planet Earth and its inhabitants? And why is her knowledge essential in saving their world?

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