“Fractured Fairy Tales”

Christian Kueng Author Interview

Digger The Colony Worker Ant follows a worker ant living with his stepmother and two stepbrothers who all try to keep him from going to the Gala. What inspired you to write a story retelling this fairy tale?

First of all, I always enjoyed reading “fractured fairy tales” or variations of familiar fairy tales from other countries to my younger students when I taught elementary school. These stories are great in teaching comparing and contrasting skills. Since I have several of fairy tale variations in my own library, I thought it would be fun to do one with ants.

What were some ideas that were important for you to share in this book?

The personalities and emotions of the different characters. Digger, for example, is the kindhearted hero while his step family are just the opposite (self-centered, mean, lazy). I wanted to personify the nastiness of the stepmother and the stepbrothers.

Also, there is something I included that hopefully the readers will pick up on. Each character has the word “ant” in his or her name. For example, the stepbrothers are Dante and Grant. The stepmother is Shantelle, and there’s Queen Lantina and Princess Antilles. The only one who doesn’t have it is Digger.

The art in this book is fantastic. What was the art collaboration process like with illustrator Nana Melkadze?

Oh, absolutely Nana is an exemplary artist. I first worked with her (through the editor at Atlantic Publishing Group) on my first picture book, Caleb’s Adventures with Granddad and she did a fantastic job capturing the spirit and the vision I had for that story and I knew she would do the same with Digger the Colony Worker Ant. I would work with my editor and we discussed what illustrations were needed. The descriptions were then sent to Nana who lives in the country of Georgia. She would do pencil sketches and send them to the editor who would forward them to me. Once we approve of the basic illustration, Nana would do the color versions. It is interesting to note that Nana and I have never met. We now communicate with each other through Instagram. But we understand each other – she sees my vision and I appreciate her talents to bring the story to life.

What is the next book that you are working on, and when will it be available?

The next story that I have just begun working with the editor is called “Can We Have a Rhinoceros?” It’s about a boy who wants a rhino for a pet and tries to explain to his mother why he wants one, even though she says no. He suggests other animals but keeps coming back to the rhinoceros (and in the process readers learn about the rhino as well as other exotic animals the boy mentions).

Since we just mapped out the story with the illustrations, it should be out next year. It usually takes a year to get the book completed and out for purchase. I want a quality book each time so I may go slower to get the quality I want for the story.

Author Links: GoodReads | Twitter | Facebook

Worker ant, Digger, lives with a nasty stepmother, Shantelle, and her two lazy sons, Dante and Grant. The three of them order Digger around endlessly.
As the colony queen, Lantina, prepares to host a Gala to find a suitable husband for her daughter, Princess Antilles, Dante and Grant have ideas to keep Digger from attending. Shantelle puts down Digger further by telling him that “an ant like you would never be permitted to dance with royal ants.”
However, Digger’s Lady God Bug makes it possible for him to attend the grand party. Will Antilles find her prince or will Digger’s step family prevent any romance between the royal Princess and the common worker ant?
This new retelling of a familiar fairy tale is bound to delight readers of all ages.

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Posted on July 29, 2023, in Interviews and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.


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