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Important Veterinary and Animal Care Information

Dr. Tom Lonsdale Author Interview

In Raw Meaty Bones: Promote Health, you examine the pet food industry’s impact on pet health and set forth best practices for a healthy diet and appropriate animal care. Why was this an important book for you to write?

A confluence of personality traits (scepticism, obduracy, and determination) coupled with life experience presented me with glittering multi-dimensional information. In the palm of my hand, I held what I believe to be the most important veterinary and animal care information to emerge in the 21st Century. It was both my good luck as a scientist and my inescapable obligation as a global citizen to communicate the information to a dependent public and their animals.

From my epiphany in the late 1980s, and following blowing the whistle on the junk pet food/veterinary alliance in 1991, I knew that the information was critical for the welfare of pet carnivores and worth billions of dollars to the human economy and natural environment. In December 1992, I published a short article “Raw meaty bones promote health” that showed how previously difficult to treat diseases resolved with dental treatment and the ‘miracle’ effects of a raw meaty bones diet. And in that same month, on Christmas morning in 1992, I woke with the fully formed Cybernetic Hypothesis of Periodontal Disease in Mammalian Carnivores, a hypothesis that I believe will one day revolutionise medical and veterinary science.

Back then, at 53 years of age, I understood that communicating the information could not be left to random chance. I had to ensure that the information was assembled between the covers of a book for the benefit of future generations. The book provides 13 chapters in support of Chapter 14, “The Cybernetic Hypothesis.” Along the way, vital information about the collusion of the vet profession with the mass pet poisoners in the junk pet food industry took centre stage. Reinterpretation of the immune system function and exciting aspects of apoptosis (programmed cell death) and biofilms (how bacteria live in nature) were in their infancy. To me, they were riveting aspects of a set of subjects mostly suppressed by the dead hand of the junk pet food/vet alliance.

A core aspect running as a theme throughout my research was the crucial need for carnivores to rip, tear, and gnaw at the meaty bones of other animals. It’s the key to the carnivore code and their reason for living. It’s their highly prized reward for the risks entailed in doing a good job in their role regulating prey numbers. ‘Like a dog with a bone’ domestic dogs, cats, and ferrets exhibit the same craving for the reward—raw meaty bones—as do their wild cousins.

Unfortunately for pets and their owners, a cult of Born Again Raw Feeders (BARF) emerged in the 1990s. The cult followers of their guru Ian Billinghurst traduced the fundamental raw meaty bones carnivore code. According to them, dogs are omnivores and a mush of pulverised meat, bone, and vegetables was all that was needed. Raw Meaty Bones: Promote Health was written with a view to countering the BARF nonsense and returning the focus to the pet food/vet multi-billion-dollar fraud.

I want the book to provide the foundation for successful billion-dollar legal actions against junk pet food companies, both cooked and raw, and the corrupt veterinary profession and thus enable a scientific renaissance benefitting pets, people, and the planet.

How much research did you undertake for this book, and how much time did it take to put it all together?

1991/2/3 were exciting years of dietary and periodontal disease (gum disease) discovery and writing. It was akin to visiting a new continent, a new planet even, and making exciting new findings around every corner. We, by whom I mean my veterinary colleagues and I, were conducting clinical research and I was burying myself in the gum disease and ‘nutrition’ literature. In the next few years up to 1997, we consolidated our findings in verifiable, repeatable theoretical and practical treatment and prevention options.

In 1997, I sold my veterinary practice to devote myself full-time to finding literature references and writing down the text. First, I had to learn to type and use a computer. I even acquired a custom-made chair to ensure the many hours to be spent at the computer would not be compromised. By the end of 1999, the first draft of the manuscript was completed. The year 2000 was spent finalising the manuscript with the help of two separate editors, seven lawyers, book designer, and typesetter.

In early 2001, printing contracts were signed and the book was all set to be published. However, the printing firm reneged on their contractual obligations due to possible retribution from the pet food/vet collaborators. It was a tense time fearing that calamity would befall the project. Fortunately, a new printing company was prepared to run the risks, and the first copies rolled off the press in August 2001.

What is a common misconception you feel people have about pet care?

Most people have a poor understanding of the biological needs of pets. They don’t think of them as modified wolves or feline desert predators with essential needs to rip, tear, and gnaw at the meaty bones of other animals. Pet owners, through relentless false and misleading propaganda, have been sold a package of bogus concepts: That pets are animated furry toys whose daily needs are met by the furry toy formula on the supermarket shelf and if things go wrong then the furry toy fixer (the vet) is on hand to assist.

Pet keeping was popularised in the 1860s courtesy of Jack Spratt and Charles Cruft who were intent on marketing their junk pet food biscuits. They developed pedigree dog shows to promote the keeping of dogs (modified wolves) as essential accoutrements to everyday life. Now after 150 years of false and misleading promotions, the community knows only what the junk pet food/vet collaborators tell them. And these days things are made worse by a plethora of book writers, bloggers, and sundry influencers who swamp the communication channels with their madcap raw recipes and formulas.

Power, prestige, and profit are the driving forces that ensure relentless misinformation rains down from every direction—and the animals suffer in silence.

What is one thing you hope readers can take away from Raw Meaty Bones: Promote Health?

I want readers to appreciate that the book contains vital interlocking pieces of information with significance on several levels. It identifies underlying fallacies, teases those fallacies apart, and recommends solutions of immense significance.

I want everyone to first stop and attempt to unlearn and reject the bogus concepts they’ve been force-fed this 150 years past. If, and I fully understand the difficulty, owners find unlearning difficult, then I hope readers will hold their previous beliefs in suspense and start over again. I want readers to understand that as The Canine Journal review stated:

“Just a quarter of the way into Dr Tom Lonsdale’s Raw Meaty Bones: Promote Health the thought crossed my mind that here was a Silent Spring [the book that kickstarted the environmental revolution] for companion dogs and cats. By the time I was halfway through I was in no doubt.”

I want everyone to read the book several times because as Alison Tyler wrote:

“As a five times reader of Dr. Tom Lonsdale’s book Raw Meaty Bones: Promote Health I find it useful to reflect on what each reading gained for me, particularly when assisted by Dr. Lonsdale’s suggested reading list.

My first reading of Raw Meaty Bones was shortly after publication. It was a literal read and produced a reaffirmation of beliefs I had long held regarding the collusion and corruption of the veterinary profession, working hand-in-hand with multi-national corporations.

For several years I had followed Dr. Lonsdale’s work and writing. The book brought all into focus.

But there is a bigger picture contained in the book — though some aspects were elusive on the first reading. What seems on the surface to be a straightforward issue — multi-national companies through propaganda and lies stealing from the world and harming animals with the willing assistance of the veterinary profession — is in fact the foundation, the building blocks, for issues and changes that stretch across professions, belief systems and disciplines.”

And whilst we’re waiting for the raw meaty bones revolution, I want individual pets to be rescued from the ravages of processed food, whether cooked or raw.

Author Links: GoodReads | Website | Amazon

Times change. However, our pets’ nutritional needs remain the same as their wild ancestors millennia ago.
Cats, dogs, and ferrets need raw meaty bones to stay strong, healthy, and happy. This timeless truth, however, has been lost to pet owners, with disastrous consequences.
In Raw Meaty Bones: Promote Health, ‘whistleblower vet’ Dr. Tom Lonsdale draws upon decades of research to explain how industrial diets devastate pets’ health, with tartar-encrusted teeth, sore gums, and stinky breath signalling the downward spiral of sickness, suffering, and endless trips to the vet.
He shows why dogs and cats crave the ripping, tearing, and crunching of raw meaty bones – nature’s miracle treatment and preventative. As well as providing the right nutrition, the tough, chewy texture has medicinal benefits: keeping their teeth clean, gums healthy, and breath sweet. This, in turn, benefits their immune system, heart, liver, lungs and kidneys.
First published in 2001, and still as relevant today, Raw Meaty Bones makes no apology, exposing a veterinary profession lost without a moral compass, beholden to multinational ‘junk pet food’ companies.
The pet health revolution starts here, protecting your pets, your wallet, and the natural environment.

Modern Naval Warfare Novel

Thomas M. Wing Author Interview

Against All Enemies follows a Naval Commander whose crew is cut off from leadership after a devastating attack on the US. What inspired the setup of your story?

I wrote the first draft between Feb. and Nov. of 2016. Tensions were fairly high with China, again. I worked at the Navy lab where the Prologue is set and often lunched at the cafeteria that features. One day in late 2015, I wondered what it would look like if a cruise missile attack streamed in from the sea. That gave me the opening. A few months later, I listened to the various debates and positions taken by presidential candidates across the spectrum. I took what I felt were the least well-considered positions vis a vis our relationships with China, Russia, and NATO, and combined them all into my president. He was not patterned after any one candidate. I’d always wanted to write a modern naval warfare novel, and the rest of the characters were born as amalgamations of officers and enlisted I served with through my 32-year career. Though I must admit, my Seventh Fleet commander, Vice Admiral Simpson, was influenced by David Weber’s Honor Harrington character! The Russia-NATO war came as a natural consequence of a break with NATO. I am not prescient by any stretch of the imagination, but I did have to make some changes and edits over the next five years. It also required a full year and a half to get the manuscript through the Navy Operational Security review process.

Newly appointed Commander Bill Wilkins is a fascinating character who is thrown into a complex situation. What scene was the most interesting to write for that character?

There were several, but the scene that sprung fully developed without any conscious thought was when he is reporting in with Rear Admiral Gupta at the end, just before Bill and Nicholas are ordered home. The possibility that Bill would reject an augment to his crew after suffering such losses definitely didn’t come from me! Bill had his own ideas by this point, and he made it clear he didn’t need any help. The real-life USS Franklin analogy is much more nuanced than portrayed here, but Bill was clear about why he wanted his crew to take Nicholas home themselves. The second most interesting, and difficult, scene to write with him was the one (SPOILER!) in which his Navigator dies. I didn’t want her to die, but the story needed it, and it led to the theme, which hadn’t yet revealed itself to me: risk and the need to embrace it.

I felt that the action scenes were expertly crafted. I find that this is an area that can be overdone in novels. How did you approach this subject to make sure it flowed evenly?

I have a wonderful editor, Laura Taylor, who runs a Read and Critique workshop at the Southern California Writers Conference. She’d seen several of the action sequences and encouraged me to keep writing them short and to the point. She doesn’t believe in overdone action scenes, either! I avoided them because I’ve experienced combat at sea myself and want to be true to the way it plays out. Especially today with supersonic missiles, but even as far back as World War II (particularly during the Guadalcanal campaign), sea combat moves quickly. If I were to have characters over-reacting, or inject unnecessary drama, I’m no longer being authentic. Authenticity is very important to me. I want Navy veterans to read this and say, “Yep, that’s how it was.” People do their jobs amidst chaos. There’s no time to let anything else in, even if the ship is taking hits. That was true 249 years ago and has proven true again as recently as last month in the Red Sea.

Will there be a follow-up novel to this story? If so, what aspects of the story will the next book cover?

I’ve been asked that quite a bit. When I finished this book, I didn’t have any plans for these characters, and I will definitely never try writing a story too close related to real-world events again! That said, I’ve played with some possible future scenarios, perhaps where Bill is now a Destroyer Squadron commander. Iran and Korea are obvious possibilities for adversaries, but again, I am leery of writing anything that might be overcome by events by the time it comes to print. I think China is done for this generation, based on where I’ve left it, and I don’t want to stretch the bounds of reasonable to create another conflict with them just to get the characters back into another book. I’m working on a trilogy set during the American Revolution right now, and a World War II novel loosely based on my father’s and two of my uncles’ service. But I’m not ruling out Bill’s eventual return. I wish Barrister were alive, as I think she’d be an interesting character for a future story, but alas, it’s not to be.

Author Links: GoodReads | Website | Amazon

Against All Enemies is a Silver Finalist for the American Writing Awards, a Firebird Award Winner for Best Military Fiction, and a North American Book Awards Bronze Medal Winner for Military Fiction!
When the People’s Republic of China unleashes a devastating attack on the United States, newly appointed Navy Commander Bill Wilkins and his crew are suddenly alone, deep in the enemy’s backyard, and unable to communicate with naval or national leadership.
At home in Washington, the president is detached from reality. Survivors of his cabinet contend with military leadership for control, some to save the nation they serve, others in pursuit of personal power.As America becomes alienated from her allies, Russia begins a campaign that creates heightened fears of nuclear annihilation.
Bill must navigate a political minefield to find friends among China’s neighbors while undertaking a role that demands he take unimaginable risks and wrestle with the question, What losses are acceptable in order to win?

The Intricacies of Relationships

Dr. Katherine E.A. Korkidis Author Interview

The Story of Josette and Daniel follows the lives of a couple who meet at Juilliard and the path their lives take both apart and back together again. Where did the idea for this trilogy come from, and how did it develop over time?

The idea for The Story of Josette and Daniel Trilogy began as a seed when I was just 17, sparked by the initial creation of the first three chapters of Josette. However, as life unfolded and presented its twists and turns, the trilogy took shape gradually, with the completion of Book 1, Josette, during the pandemic serving as a pivotal moment. The encouragement and curiosity of my readers further fueled the development, leading to the creation of Book 2, delving deeper into Daniel’s character and perspective. Book 3 emerged as the culmination of their love story, spanning four decades and exploring the enduring nature of their connection amidst life’s trials and triumphs.

What was the inspiration for the love story and the connection the characters have?

The inspiration for the love story between Josette and Daniel stemmed from a desire to capture the essence of a timeless and profound connection. Their relationship was crafted to reflect the complexities of human emotions, the power of shared experiences, and the resilience of love across time. Drawing from personal experiences and observations of enduring relationships, I sought to imbue their connection with authenticity, depth, and relatability, allowing readers to immerse themselves fully in their journey.

What were some themes that were important for you to explore in this book?

Several themes were integral to The Story of Josette and Daniel Trilogy, reflecting the broader human experience and the intricacies of relationships. Love, of course, was central, explored in its various forms and manifestations, from the initial spark of attraction to the enduring bond forged over decades. Themes of loss and grief added depth to the narrative, highlighting the profound impact of separation and the journey towards healing. Additionally, themes of personal growth, resilience, and the passage of time were woven throughout, resonating with readers on a universal level and prompting reflection on their own lives and relationships.

What is the next book that you are working on, and when will it be available?

Looking ahead, my next project, The KEAK Anthology, Volume 2, continues the exploration of storytelling but in a different format. This collection of short stories offers a diverse range of narratives, each encapsulating unique themes, characters, and emotions. It is an opportunity to delve into new worlds, explore different genres, and connect with readers in fresh and unexpected ways. Stay tuned for its release, where I hope to continue captivating and engaging audiences with the power of storytelling.

Author Links: GoodReads | Twitter | Facebook | Website | Amazon

Snowfall of Remembrance: Love’s Timeless Echo –
In the embrace of falling snow, Josette, now seated by the window in her cherished chair, is transported back to a moment etched in time—when she, at 25, returned from a triumphant global piano tour to the comforting blanket of snow outside her childhood home.
Josette and Daniel’s serendipitous meeting at The Juilliard School unfolds into a transformative love story. Through shared laughter and profound connection, they became each other’s anchors. Parting ways after Josette’s graduation did not sever their bond; instead, it led to a rekindling of their love in later years.
As life’s seasons unfolded, Josette and Daniel embraced retirement and the pursuit of their passions. Their shared journey witnessed the growth of family, the pursuit of dreams, and the gentle passage of time. Graciously aging together, they reveled in the joys of children and grandchildren.
Now, with snow falling outside her window once again, Josette sits alone, reminiscing. Her beloved Daniel is gone, leaving behind echoes of a lifetime filled with love and cherished memories. The gentle snowfall becomes a bittersweet reminder of a love that transcends time, forever etched in her heart.

A Positive Experience

Latia Smith RDH Author Interview

Mimi Gets a Tooth Filling follows a little girl who, after biting into a candy apple, feels a sharp pain in her tooth and has to visit the dentist for the first time. The art in this book is fantastic. What was the art collaboration process like with illustrator Sameer Kassar?

Working with my illustrator was amazing. He was able to envision the exact details of the images I had in mind. He made corrections when needed, was an excellent communicator throughout the process, and exceeded my expectations.

What were some educational aspects that were important for you to include in this children’s book?

In terms of the educational aspect of the book, I wanted to reduce any anxiety for a child who would be getting their first dental filling, by providing a step-by-step guide on what to expect during the procedure. I also wanted young readers to see how Mimi responded to the treatment in a positive way and had a positive experience.

Is this the first book in the series? If so, when is the next book coming out, and what can your fans expect in the next story?

Mimi Gets a Tooth Filling, is my third children’s dental book. I have three books written in total and I’m currently working on a fourth. They are all the same genre; children’s picture dental books.

Author Links: GoodReads | Amazon

In Mimi Gets a Tooth Filling, Mama, Mimi, and Baby-Sis go to the annual county fair. Mimi can’t wait to play games, eat delicious food, and ride the Ferris wheel and teacups. At the end of the day’s adventure, Mimi enjoys a tasty treat from the food stand vendors. But when she bites into a candy apple, she feels a sharp pain inside her tooth.

Mama takes Mimi on a trip to see Dr. Jason, the town’s pediatric dentist. What will Dr. Jason find when he checks Mimi’s teeth? Will he find the cause of her pain and help her find relief?

Everyone is Capable of Growth

Devon Valdes Author Interview

Beneath the Smiling Moon follows a twenty-nine-year-old woman tormented with mental illness and addiction who struggles to pull her life together against all odds. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

Right out of the gate, I wanted to create a flawed but relatable main character, one that an audience can’t help but cheer for. Painting a realistic picture of contemporary struggles that center around addiction and mental illness were important for me to portray. The main character in Beneath the Smiling Moon chose to deal with her issues and elevate the conversation in an open way. Even though this is a work of fiction, the hope is that the novel can bring attention and awareness to these internal struggles that are so commonplace in today’s society.

Izzie struggles with depression and bipolar disorder, as well as a strained family relationship; despite this, she wants to get help and move forward in life. What were some driving ideals behind your character’s development?

When deciding what kind of plot I wanted to develop for this novel, I was very interested in the Rebirth plot line. It entails: a threat/struggle that sets in, recedes, comes back in full force, the rebirth of a character occurs, and then all is well. Showing an evolution of Izzie’s lived experiences with respect to the plot line illustrates to readers that the main character embraces change for the better while reminding the audience that everyone is capable of growth no matter how dire the situation may be.

What were some themes that were important for you to explore in this book?

One goal for Beneath the Smiling Moon was to highlight the human experience. With that in mind, I felt that it was important for me to explore themes of love and loss so that my target audience and readers of literary fiction felt connected to the story from the start. My theory is that at some point in life, most adults have faced one if not both, emotions. The elements of love and loss that are threaded throughout the narrative will hopefully keep the text relatable and enjoyable. I also wanted to utilize motifs such as lightness and darkness throughout the novel. The darkness the main character feels when she’s at her lowest, versus the light and hope she feels at the end, speaks to the ebb and flow of the human experience and how light cannot exist without darkness and vice versa.

What is the next book that you are working on, and when will it be available?

The next book I’m working on is a Southern Gothic tragedy. It will follow three daughters who discover their mother’s journal hidden away in secrecy after her death. The journal and its contents will change everything the girls thought they knew about their mother and their own lives. I have an outline of what I want to accomplish with my next piece, and I’m hoping to focus on the character development with nice plot points throughout, similar to Beneath the Smiling Moon. I plan to dedicate time this summer to begin writing and working on my next project. Follow along for updates on my website at!

Author Links: GoodReads | Instagram | Website | Amazon

Twenty-nine-year-old Izzie Burke has struggled with mental illness her entire life, but it’s the recent problematic drinking that has alienated her from family. Depressed and alone the day after Thanksgiving, Izzie spirals into a descent of binge drinking, where she blacks out on the bathroom floor. After Izzie’s best friend, Annie, encourages her to seek help, life for Izzie begins to improve. She even meets one of Annie’s coworkers, and their relationship intensifies quickly.

But things take a drastic turn when Annie is involved in a tragic accident. When the truth is finally revealed, Izzie is left not knowing how to cope or what to do. Can she handle the truth, or will it destroy her for good? She must decide if she is going to fight for her life or allow the darkness to overtake her.

Beneath the Smiling Moon is a novel of rebirth that explores themes of love, loss, friendship, and family. Ultimately, it is a story about the human experience and how internal struggles shape who we are destined to become.

An Alternative Power

Van Ris Author Interview

The Power of the Ascendant follows a man with supernatural abilities who struggles to understand them and what this means for his purpose in life and within the world. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

The world in which we live today is hungry for power. The main way to get power is through money. Unfortunately, this tool aka money has become an obsession and as a result the measure for everything in life. All the old values have been forgotten and in the race for money, people are sacrificing their health, family, and happiness. Most people are not aware that there is an alternative power that doesn’t require such sacrifices.

This is the Power of the subconscious mind. It is real and it works. Every human being possesses that power but it is latent. In order to use that power one has to communicate with his subconscious mind.

For some years now, people like scientists Greg Braden, Dr. Bruce Lipton, and Joe Dispenza have been trying to spread awareness of this power, offering information, methods, and instructions on how to activate it. But still, only a small fraction of people are aware and are trying to actively use it.

This inspired me to take a different approach. Instead of writing a handbook with instructions, in order to spread awareness about the power of the subconscious mind, I decided to write a science fiction book while offering entertainment and showing the possible use of that power.

What were some of the emotional and moral guidelines you followed when developing your characters?

I followed mainly emotional wellbeing guidelines, like communicating and giving to others, and also emotional intelligence, like empathy. For moral guidelines, it was compassion, loyalty, and responsibility.

What were some themes that were important for you to explore in this book?

The main theme in my book is Power and its use. The other themes are love, loyalty, death, and religion. Actually, the whole fourth part of the book is devoted to the theme of Religion. Certain teachings about religion sound dissonant to me, so I gave my own interpretation of Paradise, Hell, Purgatory, and the Soul.

Is this the first book in the series? If so, when is the next book coming out, and what can your fans expect in the next story?

This book has been written as a stand-alone but I’ve left space for possible two sequels which will be about the Honeymoon of The Ascendants aka The Souls of Philip and Jessica exploring God’s creations. However, for now, it’s just an idea and at present, I am enjoying my well-deserved rest.

Author Links: GoodReads | Amazon


While held prisoner at the Research Institute for Paranormal Power Activity in the Rocky Mountains of Montana, Philip develops an ability for telekinesis, teleportation, and other paranormal powers. As a result, he becomes an Ascendant.

When Philip escapes from the Institute, he meets and befriends Steve, a ranger and war veteran with bitter memories of his service in Afghanistan. Together, the two of them face off against forces that want to control Phillip’s powers.

Philip’s biggest challenge is that he doesn’t want to kill or hurt anybody.

Will Philip’s abilities and knowledge be enough to keep him free or will those seeking to recapture him use his abilities and plunge the world into war?

The Power of PR Parenting

Marjie Hadad’s book, The Power of PR Parenting, ingeniously applies the tactics of public relations to the challenging art of parenting. Drawing from her extensive experience in the PR field, Hadad equips parents with tools to handle crises, encourage confidence, and prepare their children for the future using strategies typically reserved for managing media and public perception. This innovative approach is grounded in the belief that parenting, much like PR, often involves managing, mentoring, and motivating with a strategic mindset.

Hadad’s work is refreshingly unique in its perspective, blending the structured, strategy-driven world of PR with the intuitive, often chaotic realm of parenting. The idea that public relations skills can effectively manage family dynamics and children’s development is both intriguing and compelling. Through detailed anecdotes and accessible writing, she brings PR principles to life, making them relevant to daily parenting scenarios, from crisis management to building self-reliance in children.

One of the most interesting aspects is its novel use of public relations strategies to navigate and mitigate family crises, akin to managing brand or corporate crises. This approach advocates for structured communication and strategic problem-solving, typically employed in PR, to create a calm and controlled environment that promotes resilience in children. The application of these professional techniques to personal family dynamics is innovative and offers parents new tools for fostering understanding and cooperation.

Hadad doesn’t just theorize but illustrates how each strategy can be implemented, providing a practical roadmap for parents. This hands-on approach, combined with her conversational tone, makes the book not only informative but also engaging.

The Power of PR Parenting is a must-read for parents looking for a new approach to raising confident and resilient children. Hadad’s innovative take offers a valuable resource for any parent seeking to enhance their parenting toolkit with fresh, proven methods from the world of public relations.

Pages: 222 | ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0BVGR5X25

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Success is a Choice

Success Is a Choice, by Deepak Gupta, initially presents an ambitious premise that might appear to simplify life’s complexities. Yet, as one delves into the pages, the simplicity unfolds into a clear, actionable philosophy. Illustrated through engaging narratives like the opening story of Tom and Dan, who, despite their differing circumstances, discover their capacity to significantly alter their career paths. This theme of empowerment resonates throughout the book, offering readers a practical framework to elevate their professional lives.

Gupta excels in character development and narrative flow, crafting relatable and nuanced characters whose vulnerabilities foster a genuine connection with the reader. This openness not only enriches the reader’s experience but also enhances the delivery of key insights intended to spur transformative growth. The author’s deep understanding of human behavior and interpersonal dynamics is skillfully reflected in both the interactions among characters and the engaging prose that draws readers into a reflective and immersive journey. The book’s practicality is one of its strongest suits. Gupta’s extensive experience and passion for mentorship shine through in the accessible and succinct presentation of concepts designed to be inclusive of readers at any career stage—from beginners to seasoned professionals. The title cleverly plays a dual role, sparking curiosity or challenging the reader’s preconceptions, thereby drawing them into a deeper exploration of the content.

Success Is a Choice serves as an essential guide for those navigating the corporate world, emphasizing that personal and professional growth often requires introspection and a proactive stance. Deepak Gupta’s keen observations and compelling writing style make this work not just a book but a resource for continuous reference. It encourages readers to take command of their paths to success, offering wisdom that is both profound and accessible, proving invaluable for anyone looking to enhance their career trajectory.

Pages: 188 | ISBN : 1804395633

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