A Hidden Agenda

Author Interview
Martine M. Osias Author Interview

Shadow-Claimed: Twisted Bargain with Nefarious Shadow Godlets highlights society’s significant deviation towards ruthless self-interest and secular pursuits. How did you come up with the term Shadow Godlets and how did you go about recognizing their impact on society?

I keep looking for a name that indicates both the covert aspect and the imposture. The expression shadow seems to fit and godlet seems to describe the role well.

What were some ideas that were important for you to share in this book?

The most important ideas were the changes in individual identities, the increase in evil and a hidden agenda to change human beings into something else.

Will there be a follow-up book expanding on the ideas you presented in this book? If so, when will that be published?

There are many themes to develop. I haven’t yet decided if I when I will explore them in another publication.

In a world that has evolved beyond recognition, where human characteristics, interactions and cultural expressions seem alien compared to a century ago, this book dares to question the unnatural shift in humanity. It boldly uncovers the unspoken truths about life in today’s world, challenging the reader to say: STOP! We have strayed too far from our natural course.

The book introduces ‘Shadow Godlets’ that exert control over every facet of our lives – our homes, relationships, careers, and even our thoughts. These unseen rulers are unfolding a grand plan to give a makeover to the human race, a plan to which many have willingly or unwittingly submitted, leading to a rise in evil.

The narrative revolves around characters who are targets of this malevolent force. It also introduces ‘Nefaros’, individuals who willingly embrace evil, and ‘Portunus’, opportunists who exploit evil for personal gain. The narrative is further enriched by the presence of ‘Involunots’, involuntary participants in this grand scheme.

By delving into this book, readers will gain a deeper understanding of the patterns of evil prevalent in today’s society. Armed with this knowledge, they will be better equipped to make informed choices, preserving their freedom wherever possible.”

Posted on May 20, 2024, in Interviews and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.


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