Searching for Lucky #3002: A Ben and Blue Mystery

Searching for Lucky : A Ben and Blue Mystery, by Ellen Melissa Cohen, is an enchanting middle-grade mystery that captures the imagination and hearts of its readers. The story revolves around ten-year-old Benjamin, who is raised by a single mother. When a family project at school highlights his lack of a father, Benjamin’s curiosity about his father’s identity is piqued. His mother’s vague answers propel him to take matters into his own hands. Alongside his best friend Cooper and his loyal dog Blue, Ben embarks on a heartfelt quest to uncover the truth about his father.

Cohen masterfully addresses sensitive issues in a manner that is both accessible and engaging for young readers. The narrative deftly explores the challenges of growing up in a single-parent household, making it deeply relatable for many children. Ben is an endearing protagonist—intuitive, intelligent, and occasionally mischievous. His earnest quest highlights the importance of addressing complex topics with children, reinforcing the value of open communication.

The story also delivers a powerful message about the diverse nature of families. Ben’s journey teaches young readers that families come in all shapes and sizes, each with its own unique beauty. This theme is reinforced through Cohen’s thoughtful writing and the vibrant illustrations by Donald Wu. Wu’s artwork is a delightful complement to the story, bringing the characters and their adventures to life in vivid detail. Each illustration adds an extra layer of enjoyment, making readers look forward to every chapter. Cohen’s storytelling is both captivating and educational, skillfully blending mystery with meaningful life lessons. The pacing is engaging, and the characters are well-developed and relatable. Although I feel the resolution of Benjamin’s search feels a bit rushed, it leaves readers eagerly anticipating more adventures with Ben and Blue.

Searching for Lucky : A Ben and Blue Mystery is an outstanding addition to middle-grade fiction. It’s a heartwarming, insightful, and thoroughly enjoyable read that both children and adults will appreciate. Ellen Melissa Cohen has crafted a story that is not only entertaining but also deeply impactful, making it a must-read for young readers.

Pages: 168 | ISBN : 1643713736

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Posted on May 29, 2024, in Book Reviews, Five Stars and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.


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