The Daughter Between Them

Leslie Graham, an accomplished news editor, leads a fulfilling life in California with her two daughters, Jillian and Rhonda. Despite her contentment, the shadows of her past still loom over her. As Leslie pursues a promotion and her daughters gain independence, their lives are suddenly jeopardized when the girls are involved in a hit-and-run incident. Leslie starts to believe that their past is not entirely behind them and is prepared to do whatever it takes to protect her daughters, even if it means confronting old ghosts.

The Daughter Between Them by Alretha Thomas is a fast-paced crime thriller that captivates from the first page to the last. Spanning just over 300 pages, the novel reads quickly, thanks to Thomas’s skillful establishment of the central mystery and the escalating drama that leads to an exhilarating reveal and a satisfying conclusion. From the outset, Leslie is portrayed as a driven and capable mother and professional, yet she harbors a palpable fear rooted in her past. Her anxieties are validated when Jillian and Rhonda are targeted in a hit-and-run.

As Leslie grapples with the enigma of their attacker, readers are introduced to Barbara’s narrative from ten years earlier. Barbara, who initially appears to be a protective mother to her daughter Nancy, gradually reveals herself to be less sympathetic than she seems. The stories of Leslie and Barbara intertwine and eventually converge seamlessly. The dual perspectives and timelines are handled adeptly, enhancing the narrative’s depth and engagement. While mostly clear, the settings add an element of surprise and discovery. For example, a late excursion to a theme park starts with the intrigue of a mountain campground before the appearance of rides, and the eventual naming of the park clarifies the scene.

The Daughter Between Them is a compelling thriller that maintains its intrigue and excitement throughout. Thomas has crafted a convincing and consistently enjoyable read that keeps readers on the edge of their seats.

Pages: 312 | ASIN : B0D1JR9N8W

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Posted on June 11, 2024, in Book Reviews, Five Stars and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.


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