Self In-Power-Ment

Angelica Stevenson Author Interview

Enough Is Enough: An Addict’s Guide to Self In-Power-Ment is a compelling memoir detailing your journey of healing from addiction. Why was this an important book for you to write?

Enough Is Enough was an important book for me to write because one, God has called me to help people remember their connection with Him along with the powers within themselves to overcome any situation including addiction. And today, there’s more to be addicted to and the side effects of it even greater.

The second reason why Enough Is Enough was important for me to write because I am The Connecting Angel and one of the gifts God has given me is to be able to connect anything and everything. With that being said, I knew, that my journey, my lessons and teachings will help any addict. Including people who aren’t addicts, and those who don’t think they’re an addict or have an addiction.

The last reason why Enough is Enough was important for me to write because battling addiction has been part of my life for a long time. My goal is to help addicts and people not give so much time, energy, money and ultimately space in their lives on addiction, like I did.

I appreciated the candid nature with which you told your story. What was the hardest thing for you to write about?

There wasn’t anything hard about writing my story. However there were two emotionally high moments that brought cleansing and healing tears as I answered this.

The first moment was when I broke my vow and used my gift of writing for the addiction I had in my twenties and I experienced an internal death because of it.

The second most emotional moment in my book was sharing how addiction affected my parenting and my babies.

In your memoir you say, “Any words you say after ‘I’ correlate to you and your life with the consequence of manifesting and becoming real in your life.” This statement stood out and really gives readers something to think about. What is something you want readers to understand about the importance of positive affirmations?

Great question. I love sharing and teaching about this in my program.

I want my readers to know that it’s not about positive or negative, or even good or bad. It’s about receiving your desired outcome vs receiving their non-desired result.

It’s a simple as changing your wording from I can’t to I can. I won’t to I will.

Example: “I keep forgetting,” to “I am remembering.”

My readers will learn that what they speak after “I” will change their perspective of how their mind is set on something or someone as well, which in turn will change their feelings and their actions as well. Because “A changed mindset will produce a change in behavior.” – Angelica Stevenson

What is one thing you hope readers take away from your story?

The one truth that I request my readers to keep with them after reading my story is their powerful connection and relationship they have with God, the creator of all. And as a creation of The Creator, my readers will remember their supernatural powers, connections and freedom to overcome and be victorious over any addiction that might move them away from God’s purpose for their life and their path.

Author Links: GoodReads | Facebook | Website

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Posted on June 14, 2024, in Interviews and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.


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