Happy, if Bittersweet, Ending

Author Interview
Elizabeth Charles Author Interview

In Imprinted, a young woman battles the psychological trauma of losing her boyfriend in an accidental shooting. Where did the idea for this novel come from?

When I was a teen, our home was burglarized on a Friday afternoon and then again on the following Monday. The burglar went through my personal items and stole some of my jewelry. A year later, I received threatening phone calls from a man my parents and I believed was the burglar (this was before Caller ID and *69). Those experiences stayed with me for many decades and became the jumping-off point for Imprinted.

What experience in your life has had the biggest impact on your writing?

Certainly, the events described above, as well as my own experiences with OCD and related disorders, impacted my writing of Imprinted. But I also write romances and cozy mysteries under my real name. These works are much more lighthearted than Imprinted and don’t stem from any particular experience other than my own recognition of how reading can be a pleasurable distraction from the harsh realities of life.

What is one thing you hope readers are able to take away from Tessa’s experiences?

It was important for me that Tessa have a happy, if bittersweet, ending. At the end of the book, she still struggles with OCD, but she feels more in control than she ever has before. She’s stronger for what she’s been through, and she is optimistic about her future.

Can we look forward to seeing more work from you soon? What are you currently working on?

​I don’t know yet if I will be publishing more books under my pen name. I’m currently working on the second book in my most recent cozy mystery series under my real name.

Author Links: GoodReads | X (Twitter) | Facebook | Website | Amazon

A home invasion at Tessa Schroeder’s 18th birthday party ends in the tragic accidental death of her boyfriend, Chris. Her OCD intensifies and she enters therapy for PTSD.

Dealing with intense grief and issues with her narcissistic mother, Tessa is vulnerable to the advances of her parents’ college friend, David. She can’t help but be drawn in by his humor and kindness so much like Chris’s. They begin a rocky relationship.

When Tessa eventually uncovers the unimaginable secrets David’s been keeping, she’ll have to dig deep to survive his hidden agenda. Then, one final surprise will change her relationship with her family forever.

Imprinted, a psychological thriller, is told through the eyes of three generations of women and explores the cyclical nature of trauma, mental illness, and abuse. Not recommended for readers under 18. See content warnings below.

Content Warnings:
Grief over loss of a loved one, infidelity, underage drinking, underage sex, crude language, murder, shoplifting, mental health issues, burglary, stalking, home invasion, shooting, sexual assault (involving a minor), rape, attempted rape, abuse, child abuse, gaslighting, self-harm, thoughts of suicide, suicide, fat phobia, violence, death, thoughts of having an abortion, blood, ableism, misogyny, sexual situations, freak accident resulting in injury, drowning.

Posted on June 26, 2024, in Interviews and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.


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