Quantum Messenger

Quantum Messenger is the fourth novel in Caitlin Lynagh’s young adult science fiction Soul Prophecies series. In the year 2060, humanity has completely integrated artificial intelligence into everyday life. Robots are normalized in every household, workplace, and public setting. Each dedicated to the simple task of serving the human race. Apollo is a powerful new AI model designed to perform a myriad of tasks, but there is also something different about him, something his creators never planned or expected; consciousness. When Apollo is sold to a wealthy British family, he begins to question their choices and behavior, but most importantly he begins to question his own existence. He soon befriends Finley, the youngest son, and discovers his interest in piano music and space. As he explores and develops feelings, he wonders about love but instead discovers anger, which leads him to have a violent episode that separated him from the family forever. As Apollo’s feelings increase, so does his consciousness, and the more he wonders about his purpose. His journey takes him from the family to a warehouse, to a US military base, and finally, to an elderly woman in Boston who will help him eventually get over his hatred of humans and see the beauty in life. And while all this is happening, Apollo finds himself under the watchful eye of an unknown being he can’t quite fathom.

Quantum Messenger is a captivating science fiction novel that combines a fast-paced storyline with the deeper existentialist questions that have undoubtedly troubled every human. Even with the deep introspection the story still manages to keep a light tone through the robot’s point of view. The main character, Apollo, is introduced as an AI robot with a small degree of consciousness, which he explores and develops throughout the story. Reminiscent of the movie  Bicentennial Man in it’s superb ability to delve deep into ideas while remaining jaunty, and a bit of Isaac Asimov’s I, Robot in it’s ability to analyze humanity through technology. Apollo goes from questioning his feelings to developing a deep hatred against humanity and its injustices, but eventually also learns to view the beauty that life can provide, if you know where to look. Caitlin Lynagh uses this to explore both humanity and morality and I enjoyed how easy it was delivered. The book is narrated in the first person, which provides a front-row view of the robot’s perspective. Yet the author tells his story in a way that doesn’t get old by introducing the character’s most intimate thoughts, feelings, and ideas. The novel is well written, the story progresses smoothly, and the characters are intriguing yet believable. This is definitely of the best science fiction books I have read this year.

Pages: 294 | ASIN: B089QVXLR7

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Posted on October 27, 2020, in Book Reviews, Five Stars and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.


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