The Energy That Makes Up Everything

Alexx Shaw Author Interview

In The Soul Family, you explore the intricacies of relationships and how to navigate them while remaining true to oneself. What inspired you to write this book?

I’ve always known that the people that come into our lives are there to teach or show certain lessons. I saw the pattern with every person who entered my life. I saw the patterns in people around me and the stories they would tell me. Everyone has pain from childhood. Everyone has their own traumas and triggers and experiences. These are all valid, and they shape the Ego to react in certain ways, which makes us feel separate from everything. I have been in the philosophy and Eastern healing modality sector for a long period of time, but it wasn’t until I met my own Twin Flame and my entire perception of “reality” merged into this deep understanding and “knowing” of the universe as a whole with relation to me, that things shifted. I wanted other people who were possibly struggling with the same Ego versus Energy things to know they were not alone and they are understood. There’s a reason for all of this, though, in the end, the reason doesn’t even truly matter.

I found the topics explored in The Soul Family to be fascinating. Can you share a little about your research and writing process?

When you’re a Spiritual teacher, I think it’s important that you can speak to energy in a way that the Ego understands and can believe. Otherwise, it’s just blind faith. You hear these spiritual throw-around terms like “Twin Flame,” “Universal Consciousness,” “Karmic Relationships” and sometimes just roll your eyes at them. So my first step was to spend months upon months doing research on Quantum Physics, String Theory, and Quantum Mechanics. I wanted as much “proof” as I could give that we are truly all the same and everything is interconnected. After that, I took my years of studying Western Philosophy; Eastern Philosophy; meditation; energy healing; chakra healing; my own experiences and clair senses; and the stories I had been told by hundreds of people regarding their connections, and put together a type of roadmap. When you truly remember that you’re the universe manifested in physical form, everything is One, and therefore you are the creator, the Ego is able to submit more freely to whatever probes it in its
perceived reality.

What is one thing you hope to see readers take away from your book?

I honestly wrote this book and started my YouTube channel in the hopes of helping people navigate through their connections with others with the ability to understand why they feel such strong connections to some and why the Ego goes out of control during these interactions. I hope that readers can come away with a deeper understanding of themselves, the people in their lives, the “reason” for their Egoic hardships, and the energy that makes up everything. Because truly, we are all the same.

Can we expect to see more from you soon? What are you currently working on?

I currently have a YouTube channel where I teach about Soul Family relationships every week. Book-wise, I am currently in the planning process of two: one delving deeper into the lessons we may come across and are presented with, explaining how they may appear and how to see them more quickly so we can get through them faster. The second is on Ego in general and learning to change our perspective on anything that may seem painful, whilst cultivating non-attachment to the dualistic attributes of everything.

Author Links: Goodreads | Website | YouTube | Amazon

Have you ever met someone that you just couldn’t get out of your head? Or immediately disliked someone for no apparent reason? Do you have a longtime friend that you have nothing in common with anymore, but you’re still holding onto the friendship? Or do you and your parents continuously fight, never seeing eye-to-eye? Though seemingly different at first glance, all of these people have something in common…they’re part of your Soul Family…and they’re in your life for a reason.

This book is about understanding energy by breaking down the Ego and seeing past perceived “reality.” It is about remembering who you are, not by who society dictates you to be, but rather your true nature. And it is about learning to see the lessons shown to you by every person playing a role in your life, navigating more easily through your connections, and remaining non-attached as you heal your traumas.
Whether you’re struggling with Karmic relationships, Soulmates, Soul Tribe members, or a Twin Flame, Alexx will help guide you through. Utilizing Quantum Physics, String Theory, biology, epigenetics, Samkhya philosophy, energetic healing modalities, astrology, and stories on each Soul Family member, you’ll gain a deep comprehension of what lessons you chose to learn in this incarnation, and how they’re being presented to you.

Posted on February 11, 2024, in Interviews and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.


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