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Angelfyre, the first book in Lydan Francis’s series, introduces readers to Casey, a half-human, half-alien teenager. The story begins with Casey waking up after a fight to discover a mysterious device implanted in her head. As she navigates this new reality, Casey learns she is connected to the most advanced AI in existence and pilots a powerful ship. With the military determined to control or destroy her ship, Casey finds herself on the run.

Casey is a fascinating character, and her growth as she discovers the capabilities of Angelfyre is a highlight. Her journey offers a vivid glimpse into the universe Francis has created, rich with detail and intrigue. The focus remains primarily on Casey, emphasizing that this is her story. Her interactions with Angel, the AI of Angelfyre, are particularly engaging and provide insight into both characters. The narrative occasionally shifts to other characters’ perspectives, but these moments are brief and serve to enhance the story. This approach maintains the focus on Casey, ensuring readers stay connected to her experiences. The story starts with an interesting use of the second person, which might initially feel unusual. However, the narrative soon transitions to a more conventional perspective, greatly enhancing the reading experience. The worldbuilding in Angelfyre is intricate, adding depth to the story. There are opportunities to integrate explanations more seamlessly into the narrative, enhancing the reader’s immersion. Exploring Casey’s heritage and the challenges she faces through her perspective makes the storytelling feel organic and engaging.

Angelfyre is a compelling read, particularly once the narrative settles into Casey’s viewpoint. Francis’s unique and immersive universe allows readers to journey firsthand with Casey on this intriguing adventure. This is a wonderful start to this space opera series, and readers have much to look forward to in future installments.

Pages: 534 | ASIN : B0BX33N96Y

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