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You Are 100% Unique

Sarah Ritchie Author Interview

Purpose Made: 12 Steps to Discovering Your God-given Purpose and Living an Abundant Life is a thought-provoking book that takes readers on a journey of introspection and self-discovery. Why was this an important book for you to write?

I think most people would agree that we are living in a broken and hurting world. We are constantly bombarded with negativity – through the news, devastating weather events, personal challenges and tragedies. It’s easy to get disillusioned with life and wonder what’s it all for? There has never been a more important time to talk about, and live out, our ‘purpose’. Once you can discover the purpose that is already inside of you, your life will begin to make sense amid the chaos in the world around you. You will become outward-focused and have direction. ‘Purpose Made’ has been written for right now, at at time when people need it the most.

What were some ideas that were important for you to share in this book?

That you are 100% unique. There is no-one else on this planet with your set of talents, gifts, passions, loves, fire and assignments. You have been created by a loving God for a reason – a one-of-a-kind purpose that no-one else can contribute to the world. That this purpose was predestined before you were born and is waiting for you to discover what it is, and then move forward with a renewed confidence in yourself, in life, and in God. Working through ‘Purpose Made’ will bring you a sense of hope and excitement, and an understanding of why you are incredibly special.

What were some goals you set for yourself as a writer in this book?

When I write a book I keep writing until I feel the book is complete. There are no timelines or deadlines, but I know when it’s done. May aim, with ‘Purpose Made’ was to bring both a holistic and Biblical view to the topic of ‘purpose’. We often read books about gifts, or goals or self-discovery, which are great but are only components of the whole picture. ‘Purpose Made’ takes all of the many facets of purpose and weaves them together in one place, and looks at purpose through God’s eyes, using Biblical scripture as anchor points.

What is one thing that you hope the readers take away from Purpose Made?

A sense of relief. I wrote, in ‘Purpose Made’, about a study that was done to determine the best emotion, which was voted to be ‘relief’. Relief could be what it feels like when you finally get clarity on God’s purpose for your life. Or, when you start to strip away limiting mindsets and begin to move in new-found freedom. Relief could also be when you finally see yourself as God sees you – strong, amazing, loved and created for a reason.

Author Links: Website | YouTube | Instagram

See your life through God’s eyes.

Did you know that you are special? You are unique.

There is no one on this great, big, beautiful planet like you. In all eternity, there has never been another person with your unique DNA; your set of experiences; and your combination of gifts, talents and passions.

Did you also know that God knew exactly the circumstances you would be born into, the people you would grow up with, go to school with, socialise and work with? Your place in time is no accident.

You have been created to make a never-seen-before (and never-to-be-seen-again) contribution to this world – your world. But what if you don’t know your gifts or purpose? This book will give you a 12-step guide to help you sort through your unknowns, doubts and past and help you see yourself as God sees you – an incredible person He created on purpose and for a purpose.

That’s you, purpose made.

Purpose Made: 12 steps to discovering your God-given purpose and living an abundant life

In Purpose Made: 12 Steps to Discovering Your God-given Purpose and Living an Abundant Life, Sarah Ritchie offers an insightful exploration into finding and embracing one’s purpose, tailored for a diverse audience navigating various life stages. The book serves as a beacon of motivation, encouraging readers to perceive life from a fresh perspective. Ritchie’s approach is both nurturing and instructive, providing wisdom and a practical roadmap for overcoming life’s hurdles.

Ritchie begins with a fundamental question, “Why are we here?” which, though common, she delves into with a thought-provoking depth. The discussion extends beyond a simple existential query, prompting readers to introspect about their existence, purpose, and potential to make an impact. Ritchie’s narrative is anchored in a Christian worldview but is inclusive, emphasizing the uniqueness and significance of every individual, regardless of their religious beliefs.

The core of Ritchie’s book is her 12-step framework, which comprehensively addresses various aspects of self-discovery and personal growth. The steps encompass understanding one’s foundational values, personality traits, innate gifts, talents, passions, and practical skills. Ritchie clearly distinguishes between gifts and talents, an often confusing concept for many. The inclusion of the ‘Purpose Discovery Wheel’ is a notable feature, offering readers a visual tool to better comprehend and apply the book’s teachings.

Ritchie’s writing is not limited to the 12 steps; she also touches upon essential themes like faith, making informed life choices, understanding modern-day pitfalls, and the importance of personal journey and letting go. The book is imbued with spiritual references, skillfully balanced with practical advice. Ritchie’s ability to weave spiritual elements with real-world guidance makes Purpose Made a compelling read for those seeking both spiritual and practical wisdom.

Purpose Made is more than a self-help guide; it is a journey of introspection and enlightenment. Ritchie’s narrative is both uplifting and grounding, making the book a valuable resource for anyone at a crossroads or in search of deeper meaning in life.

Pages: 268 | ASIN : B0CL32Y2M3

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