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Inter-Galactic Warfare

Bert-Oliver Boehmer Author Interview

In Dark Cascade, Kel Chaada and his crew are headed directly into a civilization inhabited by a horrifying extraterrestrial race hellbent on destruction. What was the inspiration that created the fantastic journey these characters go on?

I wanted to raise the stakes of the conflict to inter-galactic warfare in the second book. The main characters had already proven their mettle during the interstellar conflict in the previous novel, but my vision was to keep on expanding the threat and the challenges they had to face.

How do you see character development for Kel Chaada changing through the series?

Kel’s rise to wielding galaxy-wide influence and using it for good came at a price, and did not leave him morally unblemished. Many of his heroic actions root deeply in his need for redemption.

What were the morals you were trying to capture while creating your characters?

Underlying the action and adventure is an examination of loyalty, its forms, and its many challenges. The Dark AI leader, for example, sees itself as a machine prophet, having a cult following, while the protagonist is a master of creating alliances of necessity. Allegiances frequently shift during the story, except for the few genuine friendships which endure.

Can you give us some insight into the next book in the series, and when will it be available?

Book 3, Galacticide, will be the final chapter of the trilogy, increasing the stakes once more to inter-universal conflict, pushing characters and their reality to the limit. It will be available in December 2023.

Author Links: GoodReads | Twitter | Facebook | Website | Amazon

Kel Chaada had united humans, machines and silicate aliens, but the hyper-tech invaders push the shaky coalition of former enemies to its breaking point. Kel has to work against his friends, ally with his sworn enemies, and strike where no one could foresee: The raider’s home galaxy.

The desperate plan is bold, but cruel. Kel realizes he will become what he is fighting against: a destroyer of civilizations.

He rushes across the inter-galactic void on a stolen enemy ship, riding a derelict warp bubble, piloted by zealous AIs with their own agenda. Can Kel’s small crew succeed where all space fleets failed?

Dark Cascade is the second book in the Galacticide universe, blending distant future space opera, military sci-fi and high concept fiction. The story follows the events from the award-winning novel Three Immortals.