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Selfless Heroes

D. A. Chan Author Interview

The Kindred Chronicles: Tides of War follows a man desperate to delay a war who injects himself with a mutagen, ending any hope for him to have a future with the woman he loves. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

Well, in Book 1 (The Kindred Chronicles: Between Two Worlds), I established the fact that Chris thought he was “all that.” He viewed himself quite highly and was subtly proud of it. But at the same time, he was quite indecisive; decisions were mostly made for him. And that’s what happens to so many of us today. Many of us don’t know what we truly want in life, nor do we stand up for what we believe in. So I ended Book 1 with Chris finally making a decision for himself, and it was one that was both painful and selfless. I wrote it this way because deep down, I believe all of us want to be the kind of selfless heroes that we read in books and watch in movies.

I find the world you created in this novel brimming with possibilities. Where did the inspiration for the setting come from, and how did it change as you were writing?

To be perfectly honest, I’m not sure where the inspiration for the setting came from. I’ve been a fan of fictional worlds for as long as I can remember, and I developed an irrational fear of sharks when I was young (thanks to Jaws). So I believe that the planet Krypton as depicted in Man of Steel was the main inspiration for Demos Geras, while the mystery and terrors of Atlantis come from my shark phobia. It changed even more as I was writing when my brother invited me to go scuba diving, as that one-time experience gave me a sense of how deep, vast, and enigmatic the ocean truly is.

What were some themes that were important for you to explore in this book?

One of the main themes I really wanted to push was the idea that duty and selflessness can be more noble, admirable, and fulfilling than following one’s heart (which is usually quite selfish or self-centered). The world today has become more and more individualistic, and I don’t see it going back to more traditional, community-centered, family-based values. So this book/ story is my humble attempt to show that there is still much value in thinking of others before thinking of one’s self.

What will the next book in that series be about, and when will it be published?

The next book will be The Kindred Chronicles: Gathering Storm. It will follow Chris, Elline, Empyrean, and the rest of the group all the way to Sol Thalen, the secret floating city of the blade dancers. There, we will find out more about thalenar ways, their connection to the wind, their traditions, values, rituals, and training. The backstories of several thalenar characters will also be given more focus, including Adriel who is half-weaver, half-thalenar. My goal is to publish Gathering Storm by June to September 2025.

Author Links: GoodReads | Facebook | Website | Amazon

In a world teetering on the edge of war, Chris clings to a singular belief: even monsters dare to dream. But his decision to inject himself with the feras gul mutagen, a desperate bid to delay war between humanity and kindredkind, shatters any hope of a future with Elline.
Elline’s heart belongs to the Magister, Empyrean; theirs is a promise made in earnest. Yet as her father, the High Lord, prepares for the invasion of Atlantis, she finds herself drawn to Chris’s selflessness—a dangerous allure that jeopardizes her carefully constructed life with the Magister and the tremulous alliance between the kindred races.
This eagerly awaited sequel to Chan’s gripping debut pits convictions against the greater good, as Chris, Elline, and Empyrean must tread treacherous waters, torn between trusting a renegade atlantean faction that has betrayed their queen or a known traitor showing signs of redemption, while navigating the costliness of love and the currencies of war.

The Kindred Chronicles: Tides of War

Preparing for battle is never an easy task, especially when the survival of entire races and worlds hangs in the balance. D.A. Chan captures this intensity in The Kindred Chronicles: Tides of War, the compelling second installment in his series. Picking up immediately where its predecessor left off, this novel throws Elline, Chris, and their allies back into the fray. Fresh from a taxing yet inconclusive battle, they soon realize that their struggles are far from over. With the threat of Havet’s schemes still looming and the ambiguous loyalties of their allies adding to the uncertainty, the tension escalates as they train for the unknown challenges ahead.

Chan excels in immersive world-building, drawing readers into the richly detailed realms of Demos Geras with deft descriptions and meticulously crafted language complete with a helpful appendix for translation. The pace is brisk, propelling the story forward through vivid scenes brimming with action and intrigue. While the characters may seem familiar to aficionados of the genre, fitting well within established archetypes, they are nonetheless crafted with enough depth and flair to keep them engaging. The narrative deftly balances the thrill of battle with the complexities of interpersonal relationships, weaving in a romantic subplot that, while expected, is handled with finesse within the broader epic stakes.

Chan’s narrative is a testament to the importance of solid world-building in fantasy literature, offering not just escapism but a fully immersive experience. The book concludes with a tantalizing cliffhanger, promising more adventures and ensuring that readers will be eager to return. The Kindred Chronicles: Tides of War stands out as a noteworthy addition to the genre, offering both a thrilling tale and a deeper exploration of its expansive setting.

Pages: 473 | ASIN : B0CZM2R54H

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