
Imprinted, by Elizabeth Charles, is a riveting psychological thriller that delves into the intricate connection between mental illness and a dysfunctional family upbringing. The story begins with a traumatic event at Tessa Schroeder’s 18th birthday party, where an intruder accidentally kills her boyfriend. Overwhelmed by guilt for not saving him, Tessa’s OCD intensifies, and she develops PTSD and paranoia. Living with her narcissistic mother and the looming threat of a potential stalker, Tessa finds herself increasingly vulnerable and spiraling into darkness. Amidst this turmoil, she discovers solace and affection in the arms of David, a close friend of her parents. This relationship, however, raises concerns from her father and stepfather and leads her to uncover dangerous family secrets and deceptions.

Elizabeth Charles masterfully crafts a narrative that offers readers a profound insight into the challenges faced by those with mental illnesses such as OCD, PTSD, and agoraphobia. The novel presents a compelling exploration of how these disorders impact daily life, making it both an educational and emotionally charged read. As the plot unfolds with unexpected twists and turns, Charles keeps readers on the edge of their seats, consistently exceeding expectations.

One of the novel’s strengths lies in its portrayal of psychological trauma as a shared experience, intricately woven into the fabric of family dynamics. Charles’s characters are richly developed and relatable, reflecting her deep understanding of the subject matter. This authenticity likely stems from the author’s personal connection to these themes, lending her writing an added layer of depth and credibility.

While Imprinted does come with several trigger warnings, its merits far outweigh any potential discomfort. Elizabeth Charles has gifted readers a well-written novel with formidable characters and a gripping, unpredictable storyline. I highly recommend it to anyone interested in a thought-provoking and engaging exploration of mental illness and family complexities.

Pages: 291 | ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0CVR77XDX

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Posted on June 24, 2024, in Book Reviews, Five Stars and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.


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