Rootbound: A Mother’s Journey, A Daughter’s Pain.

Rootbound: A Mother’s Journey, A Daughter’s Pain., by Amanda and Melanie Huggard, is a deeply moving memoir that chronicles the healing journey of a mother-daughter duo. Melanie, a controlling and overbearing mother, fostered a codependent relationship with her daughter, Amanda. As Amanda navigates a divorce, she commits to healing herself, unlearning her codependent behaviors, and building healthier relationships with her parents, especially her mother. Melanie, fully aware of how her attempts to protect her children led to negative consequences, acknowledges her fears and traumas. While they cannot change the past, Melanie and Amanda are dedicated to working on the present to create a better future.

The book is beautifully written, with both Amanda and Melanie taking turns as they share their perspectives. This dual narrative provides readers with an objective view, emphasizing that there are no villains in their story—just hurt individuals striving to overcome their demons and improve their lives and relationships. This balanced approach helps readers empathize with both mother and daughter, highlighting their humanity and resilience.

Rootbound is a truly touching story about the complexities of a mother-daughter relationship. It takes immense courage and determination to acknowledge when something is wrong and to face it head-on. Melanie and Amanda approach their struggles, hurts, and traumas with honesty, reflecting on the significant work they have already done on themselves and their relationship. Their openness is both inspiring and heartwarming, demonstrating the power of vulnerability in healing.

Several moments in the book stand out for their raw emotion and honesty. Coming from a psychology background, I was particularly struck by their willingness to share such personal stories. The two share life-altering moments and revelations no parent wants to admit and no child wants to hear. Another poignant moment is found in a letter Melanie writes to Amanda expressing regret for the past but promising to work on these issues for the sake of their relationship.

Rootbound underscores that there is no formula for personal growth or relationship repair. Our traits, attachment styles, and fears often originate within the family unit, and recognizing that what we were taught may no longer serve us is a courageous step. By working on these issues instead of ignoring them, we can improve not only our own lives but also those of our loved ones and future generations. I commend Melanie and Amanda for their honesty and for inspiring others on their healing journeys. Their story is a powerful testament to the transformative power of love and dedication.

Pages: 197 | ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0CHW26NLP

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Posted on June 25, 2024, in Book Reviews, Five Stars and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.


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