Benign Dystopia

Benign Dystopia, written by Kody Killam, is an outstanding novel with an engaging narrative that should captivate the imagination of dark fantasy and cyberpunk science fiction enthusiasts. The tale introduces us to Jadecan, an adept warrior, possibly the last of his race, the Akiko. Propelled into a mission to retrieve an “item” for his companion, Stet, Jadecan quickly reveals a personal agenda. Joining forces with Amelia, a liberated convict, the duo embarks on a quest to locate a vault, with the future of Jadecan’s species hinging on their success. The narrative is densely populated with futuristic and extraterrestrial themes and features a diverse array of races from various planets.

The storyline is exquisitely crafted with a diverse array of characters that enrich the narrative. The overarching concept carries echoes of Star Wars, mirroring its thrilling energy and high stakes. Despite being penned in the third person, the narrative maintains an intimate connection with the protagonist. Readers gain profound insights into Jadecan’s psyche, his motivations, and his approach to challenges from the very outset. An early, surprising act of betrayal from Jadecan towards Stet effectively establishes his character’s traits, conveying his urgent need to save his race and the lengths to which he is prepared to go.

While the book is titled Benign Dystopia, it offers an intriguing narrative steeped in the engaging elements of science fiction. As the start of a series, the story stands as an exceptional novel. This story truly sets itself apart. The pacing is well-balanced, making this dark fantasy novel a riveting read that will offer much to any reader fond of such fiction.

Pages: 394 | ASIN : B09SVXTJBX

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Posted on August 7, 2023, in Book Reviews, Five Stars and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.


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