Empowering Teen Girls

Author Interview
Sumita Bose Author Interview

Growing Up Gracefully is a comprehensive guide that empowers female teenagers with essential knowledge and insights into adolescence, addressing topics from puberty to relationships, communication, and confidence. Why was this an important book for you to write?

According to the research by United Nations, it is estimated that worldwide approximately 120 million females under the age of 20 have experienced various forms of sexual abuse and forced sexual contact. Ever since I read this news I was deeply disturbed and kept thinking what I could do to raise awareness amongst the tweens and teens, especially since these topics are sensitive and considered a taboo in many countries of the world. The idea of a sex education book for girls seemed to be a step in the right direction and “Growing up Gracefully” was born.

How did you ensure that the information presented in the book resonates with today’s teenage audience?

My long teaching experience and the course ‘Understanding Adolescents’ helped me to understand the teens better. Generally, teens and tweens are not encouraged by the societal framework to ask questions about inherent biological changes to their parents or teachers. The social stigma attached to it creates an air of unwanted happenings. This book initiates self-awareness in an empathic and practical manner. By citing practical examples that can be identified with parent/children psyche, positive dialogue creation will become easier. This will alleviate anxiety and tensions in the adolescent mind, paving way to more creative functionality which is essential in healthy growth.

What advice would you give to young women and parents on communication between them?

The presentation in the book attempts to identify and try to dispel the insecurity and nervousness surrounding both the parents and teens on sex education topics. Teens should feel free to talk about sensitive topics with a trusted adult. At the same time, the parents should not avoid discussion on these sensitive topics. The information overload in today’s world (due to the internet) inundates adolescents, but no credible authority exists to verify their correctness. Misinformation and lack of awareness can lead to a dreadful situation. Finding proper answers to delicate topics will encourage adolescents to lean on healthy mental practices and self-defense strategies. This can eliminate vulnerabilities that would otherwise arise due to stymied communication channels between parents and adolescents.

What do you hope is one thing readers take away from your book?

Though sex-education is sometimes overlooked as a non-conforming topic this book is not a discussion on getting involved in intimate relations. Here the focus is on clearing up confusions that engulf the mind of the adolescent girls. It will empower them with accurate knowledge base aiding in increased safety, prevention from sexual abuse, development of maturity and improvement of self-esteem. That awareness would start at the grassroot level like simple concepts to distinguish good touch/bad touch. Presenting the topics in a non-threatening and relatable manner alleviates the pressure often felt by parents to broach these subjects single-handedly. Instead, the book fosters an environment of openness and dialogue, enhancing the relationship between parents and their daughters.

Sex Education as a topic can make parents, guardians, teachers and teens themselves uncomfortable, nervous and insecure. Add to that the idea of culture appropriateness and society around us and we have an even more pressing issue that needs to be addressed wisely and correctly.
The book takes a positive approach towards sex education by opening communication and enabling dialogue on subjects like periods, body image and relationships for girls. ‘Growing Up Gracefully’ not only gives accurate information on puberty (physical, emotional and social changes), personal grooming, internet safety and reproductive health of girls but also helps girls form a healthy attitude towards sex and sexual health.
It answers all sex related questions raised in the minds of adolescent girls. It initiates a sense of self awareness, protects them from being vulnerable to risky behaviour and resist sexual exploitation. It empowers them with social skills that help them in building positive relationships.
The book offers advice for key conversations and also answers FAQs related to gender identity, female hygiene and sex education.
The author offers down-to-earth, supportive guidance as she addresses pressing questions, directly without any prejudice, that girls may have relating to their changing bodies.

Posted on January 29, 2024, in Interviews and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.


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