Compelling Adventure

AnneMarie Mazotti Gouveia Author Interview

Mirror Tree follows four siblings who uncover family secrets as they fight to decipher an ancient prophecy that predicts a devastating war. Where did the idea for this second book in the series come from?

Mirror Tree is a natural progression of the story that began in Drifters Realm that finds the four siblings fighting against time and their Uncle Zane and his Guardians to save their world from destruction. The ideas for Mirror Tree came from a few different places. First and foremost, I wanted to continue and expand upon the compelling adventure by raising the stakes and keeping readers intrigued by the plot twists and turns.

Secondly, the storyline required the characters to evolve from where we left them in the first book, which opened the door for all sorts of mischief from every angle. Finally, there are countless books I’ve read throughout my life that left me wanting to explore themes and ideas that would fit well within the world I’ve created.

Do you have a favorite character in this series? Is there one that is especially fun to write for?

This is a difficult question to answer because I truly enjoy writing the scenes and dialogue between Ori and Tora, and Ori and Hao. That being said, Seth is my favorite character for a few reasons; mainly because he is misunderstood and quite possibly more powerful than the four siblings realize up to this point. In some ways, Seth is the most vulnerable underneath his standoffish exterior, and at the same time, the most willing to risk it all because of his friendship with Roe. Seth is a bit of an enigma—he doesn’t seem to bond with anyone other than Roe, and yet at the same time, he cares deeply as a Navigator about what happens in Drifters Realm.

What were some books or movies that you think were your main sources of inspiration for your writing?

I’ve always been a huge fan of books over movies. When it comes to books, authors like J.K. Rowling, Suzanne Collins, Victoria Aveyard, Luanne G. Smith, and C.S. Lewis have inspired me. Another huge source of inspiration comes from growing up in a neighborhood full of kids who played outdoors endlessly creating our own adventures. My trips to Disneyland have also inspired me. All these things together are the driving force behind my inspiration to world-build Drifters Realm and create the Shadow Stone, Mirror Tree, and Ghost of Ruin, as well as expand upon the Desolation Mountains, Sleeping Giants, Impossible Lake, and other places found throughout Mirror Tree.

Can you give fans a peek inside Book 3 in the Drifters Realm series?

In glimpsing ahead to Book 3, the peril intensifies as the siblings struggle to stop Zane’s plans while solving the rest of the prophecy. To do this, the siblings must cross the Unchartered Territory, discover what is poisoning the benevolent Guardians, uncover who is betraying them, and find the mysterious Blue Wall. The siblings must trust each other to save their world against all odds and to protect Hallows Realm, UnKnown Realm, and TimeLess Realm from their same fate.

Author Links: GoodReads | Twitter | Facebook | Website | Amazon

Life Giver Roe, Sorcerer Ori, Tamer Theo, and Storm Catcher Tora, four estranged siblings with magical backpacks, race against time to solve an age-old prophecy foretelling an uprising and war. Along their daring journey, they discover a locked box, encounter the Ghost of Ruin, and unearth family secrets that hold clues to locating the elusive Shadow Stone and Mirror Tree—critical elements in saving their mystical world, Drifters Realm.

In Mirror Tree, book two of the Drifters Realm fantasy adventure series, twelve-year-old triplets Ori, Roe, and Tora, along with their older brother Theo, must trust their unpredictable magic and each other. Together, they attempt to stop the Guardians, whose supernatural powers are controlled by their uncle, First City Leader Zane. He is determined to steal Ori’s Sorcerer Obligation and impose his oppressive rule beyond their realm.

As peril intensifies, the lines between right and wrong blur and the siblings fight to stay one step ahead of danger. They traverse through forests, deserts, caves, and swamps with the assistance of Ori and Roe’s ancient rings, their friends, and the outcast teenagers known as the Menace. In Mirror Tree, AnneMarie Mazotti Gouveia continues the compelling story of survival and the power of friendship and family.

Posted on February 17, 2024, in Interviews and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.


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