Organize the Learning Process

Gary Dean Petersen Author Interview

The Self-Education Manual is a guide for readers looking to take control of their learning journey utilizing a clear structure, engaging real-world examples, and focus on building confidence and personalized learning. What was the inspiration for writing this book?

As a geologist, I thought of an invention to help find oil. To pursue the invention, I needed to learn more science and math. So, I enrolled at a regional university 100 miles away to take classes toward an advanced degree in physics. Two weeks into my classes a torn retina in one eye got me a doctor’s excuse to not travel to attend classes for a month. Nearing the end of the month, I had another tear in a different place on the retina of the same eye. This resulted in another doctor’s note to not attend classes for another month. Therefore, I began investigating how to teach myself. Now, I want to share with others what I learned about how people can teach themselves.

How did you develop your step-by-step approach to learning and mastering skill sets?

The three tools of my book, the Study Methods Chart, the Decision Tree, and the Flowchart came to my mind as inspirations while I pondered how to organize the learning process in a practical manner.

Did you find anything in your research of this story that surprised you?

One thing I found surprising was that one study method is not sufficient. It usually takes about a half dozen or more study methods to learn one object. Another surprise was that, in the Mental Imagery study method, research showed that memorizing an actual, physical picture proved to cause mistakes and detract from success. The picture must be a purely “mental” image for the technique to show measurable effectiveness.

What is one thing that you hope readers take away from The Self-Education Manual?

You can break free from dependence upon instructors or from having to fight your own attitude limitations. Learning, similar to swimming, is an acquired skill.

Author Links: GoodReads | Website | Amazon

Struggling with math? Learning a foreign language? Need the encouragement to know if you are on the right track? This new book offers a logical learning system of proven study methods which you can master. Written by an experienced educator, The Self- Education Manual presents its techniques in a clearly and efficiently organized manner meant to guide you progressively through each study method thus helping you gain confidence. Presented with dozens of learning scenarios from a wide array of disciplines, each chapter comes with instructive graphics and illustrations. Expertly, but simply explained, the learning system instructs you on how to recall facts easily while teaching how to tailor the study methods for personal use. Additionally, the book includes study answers and references which prove the effectiveness of the study methods. The Self-Education Manual also offers practical guidance on how to successfully employ learning tools such as The Study Methods Chart, Flowchart and Decision Tree found in the SEM Learning Tool Kit, available separately. Empowering the Learner… Take Charge! Teach Yourself.

Posted on June 8, 2024, in Interviews and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. Learning is a continuous process either willingly or unwillingly


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