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Oh, No, Bunny – You’re Still Not Funny! (Happy Tails)

The return of Yakov – the chaos-causing bunny is back!

Sascha’s twins – Sorcha and Dmitry – have heard tales of their father’s imaginary bunny friend (Yakov) for years, and all they did was laugh at the tales that their father shared with them. At least that’s all they believed it ever would be – just funny stories to entertain.

Imagine their surprise when they meet Yakov in person for themselves. There are not enough words in the English language to prepare anyone for meeting such a wildly crazy hare!

Before they have time to prepare, Yakov is racing out the front door of their home and is set loose upon the neighborhood. Can the two kids stop him from creating more havoc than any one person should ever be allowed?

Everyone thinks at some point in their life that they would like a pet, but absolutely no one is prepared for the unbelievable trouble into which a bunny like Yakov can get! Oh, bunny, here we go again!