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Journey to Antares

Journey to Antares, by Jim Thorne, is a compelling fusion of hard science fiction and space adventure that explores humanity’s quest for contact with extraterrestrial life. The story revolves around Tommy Cosmo and Laura Starr, two prodigious teens from different parts of the solar system, brought together by a mysterious radio message from the star Antares. As they embark on an epic journey, they navigate the challenges of interstellar travel, innovative engineering, and the mysteries of a distant star system, all while growing into their roles as pioneers in space exploration.

Thorne’s writing is an engaging blend of technical accuracy and imaginative storytelling. I appreciated how he infused the narrative with genuine space science, making complex concepts accessible and intriguing without overwhelming the reader. The detailed descriptions of the Mars University’s advanced educational tools and the technicalities of robotic programming added a layer of realism that grounds the fantastical elements of the story. The inclusion of real science elements, such as the physics behind faster-than-light travel and the Yarkovsky effect on asteroids, is both educational and thought-provoking.

The character development of Tommy and Laura is a highlight of the book. Thorne effectively captures the essence of youthful curiosity and brilliance, portraying his protagonists as relatable and inspiring figures. Tommy’s early experiences with reprogramming robots at the Cosmic Energy Fuels plant and Laura’s musical and scientific explorations on ECHO Station set a solid foundation for their later adventures. Their evolving friendship and collaboration are depicted with warmth and humor, particularly through their interactions with their quirky companion robots, PIPER and VISTA. This dynamic not only adds depth to the characters but also injects a playful tone that balances the more technical aspects of the plot.

Extensive world-building and scientific explanations add a rich layer of depth to the story, inviting readers to immerse themselves fully in the universe Thorne has created. While the detailed technical discussions provide a thoughtful exploration of the narrative’s scientific underpinnings, they also enhance the authenticity and intrigue of the protagonists’ journey. These sections contribute significantly to the sense of wonder and discovery, making the unraveling of the Antares message all the more rewarding and impactful.

Journey to Antares is a delightful read for anyone interested in space exploration, young adult science fiction, or educational sci-fi adventures. Thorne combines a plausible scientific framework with an engaging story of discovery and friendship. The book is particularly well-suited for young readers with a passion for STEM, as well as adults who enjoy a well-researched, character-driven space adventure.

Pages: 192 | ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0CNQ4Y154

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How Powerful Can Love Be?

Omara Williams Author Interview

The Space Traveller’s Lover follows a bright young student and a powerful alien soldier caught in a romance that transcends the differences in their two worlds and the war they are both about to face. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

I’ve always been fascinated by science and technology and the intense emotions stirred by love stories. Hence I started wondering, “How powerful can love be?” I wanted to explore the specific case of alien romance, unrequited love, impossible love, and fatal attraction within the science-fiction background. Once aliens meet humans, their different origins can play a decisive part in a unique plot that could not possibly happen had the lovers been only humans.

The main characters in the book are unique to the story and are inspired by it. I created my protagonist to be smart, beautiful and fiercely independent, stirring strong emotions from humans and aliens alike and creating a love triangle from which true, all-powerful love finally triumphs.

What was your approach to writing the interactions between Rothwen and Erin?

I created two characters with entirely different values and aspirations who find themselves attracted to each other with a wild romantic chemistry they cannot control: Rothwen, the all-powerful alien soldier who shows no mercy, and Erin, the delicate yet strong-willed human who deeply loves her planet and her race. The stage was set for two completely different beings confronting immense obstacles and intense emotions, eventually discovering the one and only thing they cannot live without.

What draws you to the science fiction genre and makes it ripe for you to write such a great young adult story in it?

Since I was very young, I have always wanted to write a book. I love writing, especially about subjects close to my heart, like science and technology. My favourite genre is, without a doubt, science fiction. This is where I can explore the fantastic mysteries of our physical world and let my imagination run wild. The creation process is so enjoyable and rewarding that it compels me to keep writing. I had so many characters and subplots that it was challenging to organise the whole book. So, I had to draw out the scenes and the characters’ physiques and make a wall chart where I could place carton cards with a summary of each chapter to set up a storyboard from the initial, middle, and final scenes. Eventually, everything fell into place in this mesmerising story of love against all odds.

Is there a second instalment planned? What are you working on now?

Definitely! Many storylines are waiting to be explored and developed further from my first book, and I am gathering all these ideas and doing a scrapbook with pictures and texts, which I intend to put together for the sequel.

Author Links: GoodReads | Twitter | Facebook | Website

His Mission Was To Wipe Out Humans…Until He Became Obsessed with One.

Rothwen never shows mercy. An elite and vanguard soldier for a powerful alien race, he swore undying loyalty to the vengeance-fuelled invasion that’s set on wiping out Earth. But when he stumbles upon Erin, a bright and enigmatic human, he does the unthinkable – he brings her into his world…

Rothwen quickly finds himself locked in a profound struggle against everything he’s ever known. Erin is suddenly caught up in a brutal conflict that will decide the fate of humanity while she wrestles with her deep attraction to Rothwen and her loyalty to her own species. Their two worlds are destined to collide, but one wrong step could mean the end of everything Erin holds dear.

Can she outwit the alien’s destructive plans and save Earth from annihilation? Will she find true love with the all-powerful alien soldier who stole her heart?

The Space Traveller’s Lover is an exhilarating sci-fi alien romance that expertly blends high-octane action with pulse-pounding romantic suspense.

The Space Traveller’s Lover 

The Space Traveller’s Lover, by Omara Williams, is a science fiction romance that features both aliens and humans. Rothwen is an elite soldier, one who is always the vanguard and never shows mercy. But before he leads a vengeance-fuelled invasion to wipe out Earth, he finds himself intrigued by one human–Erin. When Erin finds herself transformed into an alien on her sixteenth birthday, she is torn between her desire for Rothwen and her loyalty to humans.

Omara Williams excels in world-building in this young adult novel. Although I feel the initial exposition is a bit heavy, it sets the stage for a vividly imagined universe. Williams’ imagination shines, particularly in the alien landscapes. The characters are relatable, with Erin and Sam authentically embodying their teenage roles. Rothwen and his fellow soldiers add a layer of complexity, their moods hinting at deeper, unexplored backstories, leaving room for further installments. The dynamics among the human characters, including the tension between Sam’s sister and Erin, and the protective stance of Erin’s adoptive father, are intriguing, though I believe they may leave some readers curious for more depth. Erin’s journey is a true adventure, culminating in a transformative discovery of her true self.

The Space Traveller’s Lover, by Omara Williams, dazzles with its wonderful world-building, creating an immersive and vivid universe. Williams’ strength in crafting an enchanting setting makes this a noteworthy read for fans of imaginative sci-fi. I highly recommend it to anyone looking to explore new and promising authors in the science fiction/fantasy genre.

Pages: 286 | ASIN ‏ : ‎ B09SH9KBTD

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