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Social Anxieties and Insecurities

 Rob Sudano Author Interview

In Owl B. Blue on Valentine’s Day, an owl learns to overcome his own fears and insecurities as he sets out to find the one thing he has always wanted but has never been able to find–a best friend. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

My own life experiences and inexperiences reflect on a lot of the situations in which OBB finds himself. I grew up in a single-parent home, as an only child, and because of that, I am inherently an introvert. Shocker, right?! So, it was difficult for me to navigate social situations as a youngster. Unfortunately, it is still a struggle for me as I avoid crowds and have a fear of public speaking. Hopefully, numerous crowded book signings and school visits will cure me! My inspiration is to help kids learn coping skills early on to deal with their own social anxieties and insecurities. I want to show kids that they don’t have to be afraid in uncomfortable situations and, with the help of loved ones and friends, that they can become strong enough to overcome those obstacles!

This story seems like so much fun to create. What was your favorite scene in this story?

My favorite scene is when Blue finally lands on the branch next to Pink when everything becomes quiet and still. He is a hot mess and so nervous my heart just goes out to him. He is so out of his element and you want to cheer him on! I love the anticipation in that moment and having the reader wonder just what will happen next and what will Blue do?!

What is one thing you hope young readers can take away from Owl B. Blue’s experience?

I want them to see that being brave can lead to marvelous outcomes and WHOOO knows…you may just make a forever friend in the process!

Can we expect to see more adventures from Owl B. Blue? What are you currently working on?

YES!!! I have over 15 stories already written that I still need to illustrate. Blue’s next adventure will be at the beach! Do you think he might be a bit crabby?? Later this year, I will be putting out Halloween and Thanksgiving stories as well! And, of course, Blue needs to tell his birthday story which will be a perfect read for young ones on their birthdays!

Author Links: GoodReads | YouTube | Instagram | Facebook | Website | Amazon

On a snowy day in February, lonely Owl B. Blue is trying to summon up the courage to find that rare and elusive thing in all the world… A BEST FRIEND! And WHOOO knows what else that could lead to?!!

OBB lives up to his name once again in this Valentine’s Day love story! Read along as Blue searches to find a friend, and possibly more than that. Hopefully, Blue will find someone to warm his heart and melt away the chill of loneliness on this cold winter day!

Blue is a sometimes sad, always lovable, little owl that works hard to overcome his insecurities and fears. He faces many challenges on his path to find true happiness.

Join little Owl B. Blue on his many adventures and learn how he copes with, and eventually conquers, his fears. He learns that he can do anything with the help of family, friends and his own inner strength!
This is the second book in the Owl B. Blue Adventure series with much more rhyming fun to come!