The Real Meaning of Change

Ruth F. Stevens Author Interview

My Year of Casual Acquaintances follows a recently divorced woman who lets go of everything from her past to start fresh and rediscover herself. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

Many years ago, after I quit my day job to work from home, a daily trip to the gym became part of my routine—not just to exercise, but also to socialize. I’ve met up with countless acquaintances at the gym—most of them casual, but some that have developed into close, enduring friendships. I’ve always been fascinated by the dynamics of gym relationships and thought that would make an intriguing premise for a novel. When I decided to write about a recently divorced woman looking to reinvent herself and avoid commitment, a gym seemed like the ideal setting.

​I found Mar to be a remarkably well-written and in-depth character. What was your inspiration for her and her emotional turmoil throughout the story?

Thank you! I love stories about intelligent, quirky, opinionated women. I think Mar is all those things, yet I also wanted her to be caring and sympathetic. I decided she should be 50, which I find to be an interesting age. Mar exemplifies a modern woman in midlife—complex, layered, and fraught with contradictions. She’s independent but full of self-doubt, professionally confident but socially insecure, and decisive in her tastes but indecisive about her path in life.

What were some themes that were important for you to explore in this book?

The main themes I wanted to address are the importance of human connection, the value of honest communication, and the real meaning of change and how to achieve it. At the beginning of the story, Mar is grappling with all three of these issues as she sheds her old life and tries to find a different and better one. She takes up with a new acquaintance every month in her episodic journey, and each person teaches her something about herself and how to correct course.

What is the next book that you are working on, and when will it be available?

My next book is The Unexpected Guests. It’s the sequel to My Year of Casual Acquaintances, and it will be published by Black Rose Writing on December 26, 2024.

Author Links: GoodReads | Facebook | Instagram | Bookbub | Amazon

When Mar Meyer’s husband divorces her for another woman, she reacts by abandoning everything in her past: her home, her friends, and even her name. Though it’s not easy to start over, Mar is young-looking, fit, and ready for new adventures-as long as she can keep things casual.

With each passing month, Mar goes from one acquaintance to the next. Among them: a fellow gym member down on her luck, a flirty hip-hop instructor, a bossy but comical consultant, a kindly older gentleman… and Charlie, a handsome best-selling novelist who wants more from Mar than she’s able to give. She learns something new from each encounter. But can she change enough to open herself up to happiness and true connection?

Surrounded by an ensemble of quirky, endearing characters, Mar follows a tortuous and unpredictable path as she navigates the first year of her reinvented life. My Year of Casual Acquaintances is packed with laugh-out-loud moments mingled with scenes of loneliness and self-doubt that will put a lump in your throat.

Posted on June 16, 2024, in Interviews and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.


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