Nature Is Full Of Amazing Lessons

Robert Tiess Author Interview

May We Learn from the Earth: Nature Poems and Reflections on the Environment is a collection of ecopoetry that explores the Earth and nature from a perspective outside the norm. What was the inspiration for writing these poems?  

I love nature, and I enjoy contemplating the natural world through poetry.  In my nature poems, I try to explore and, at times, celebrate various aspects of nature through unique metaphors, wording, and perspectives.

I endeavor to move beyond what I see and feel so I might have the hope of exploring and illuminating things that may not always be immediately apparent.

I also believe it is important for poets and writers to cultivate environmental awareness and a love of nature, and those are things I have tried to do with the nature poems, ecopoems, and essays in this collection.

What were some goals you set for yourself as a writer in this book?

My main intent was to create a book that had some potential to inspire and inform readers of all ages, backgrounds, and persuasions.

Through various poems in this book, I’ve tried to offer examples as to how we might begin to learn from Earth.  Nature is full of amazing lessons and examples, and it’s in our interest as a species to educate ourselves as much as possible.

With my essays, I wanted to address a variety of essential concepts and misconceptions about nature, climate change, conservation, and environmental protection.

Too many people are willing to diminish or dismiss environmental concerns as political considerations.  I do not see appreciating Earth and wanting a healthy planet as anything having to do with politics.  Rather, I believe it is essential to promote environmental wellness for the sake of all living things, including humans.

Some of my essays include poetic segments and metaphorical thinking, and I’ve tried to creatively engage a variety of serious topics concerning the environment, including human apathy, alarmism, inaction, and the Anthropocene.  

In some ways, I’m trying to challenge preconceived notions; in others, I’m aspiring to motivate new thinking, deeper caring, and closer personal and societal relationships with nature.

In hopes of making these ideas completely accessible to readers, I’ve included reading recommendations and a glossary of environmental terms.

Accessibility is something I prioritize and try to maintain throughout all my writing.  I write with the intention of being read, and so it’s always a wish of mine for readers to feel welcome in my works.

What is one thing that you hope readers take away from May We Learn from the Earth?

We can learn much from our rare and beautiful planet and use that education to promote the wellness of nature, humanity, and all life on Earth.

What is the next book that you are working on and when will that be published?

I’m working on several books, including a nonfiction book about poetry, a collection of essays on literary theory, and new poetry collections.

Author Links: GoodReads | Twitter | Facebook | Website

Following his acclaimed debut, The Humbling and Other Poems, Tiess delivers clear, captivating, and compassionate poetry and essays contemplating Earth and nature.

From the opening poems, we become reacquainted with the natural realm, where we may muse on mountains, reflect on rivers, philosophize in forests, and celebrate creation everywhere.

As we journey into Earth, the Beautiful, studying its rivers, canyons, trees, and fields, we learn and grow more mindful of the environment, ecology, and eventually Earth, the Besieged.

Insightful, inspiring, and impassioned with a lyrical love of life, this timely and truthful collection can be enjoyed by nearly everyone, from budding poetry enthusiasts and nature lovers to environmental champions and beyond.

In hopes of encouraging environmental interest and awareness, the author offers optional reading content, including a series of brief but thought-provoking essays meditating on nature, a concise glossary of Earth terms, reading suggestions, and more for readers to discover and explore.

About the Author: Recognized for crafting clear, classic, and compelling poems, Robert J. Tiess has been writing poetry since the 1980s. He is a SUNY New Paltz graduate, where he earned his degree in English Literature, and a lifetime resident of New York State, where he has enjoyed a fulfilling career in public library service. In 2022, his debut poetry collection, The Humbling and Other Poems, became available in print and electronic editions.

Posted on July 8, 2023, in Interviews and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.


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