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Eternal Love: A Poetic Pathway to God’s Heart and Mind

This anthology of poetry by C. Peggy Atoche, titled Eternal Love: A Poetic Pathway to God’s Heart and Mind, explores a rich tapestry of themes, including nature, love, faith, and devotion to Jesus Christ. The collection offers a poignant reflection on the human condition through the lens of Christian faith, emphasizing the transformative power of prayer and God’s unwavering love. Each poem serves not only as an artistic expression but also as a spiritual guide, encouraging readers to let God lead their lives amidst the turbulence of modern existence.

The book resonates as a source of solace and hope, particularly in a world where anxiety and uncertainty often prevail. It prompts believers to seek refuge in their faith, with Jesus as a pillar of strength and clarity. A notable piece, “Aim higher, always, and never settle for the dark,” resonates deeply, reflecting on personal challenges and spiritual aspirations. Another compelling poem, “Final Scene,” delves into the contemplative topic of life after death, offering readers a window into diverse theological reflections. Enhancing the poetry are short stories that provide background on the origins of each poem and offer insights into Atoche’s personal journey and spiritual convictions. These narratives enrich the reader’s understanding and create a more intimate connection with the author, who shares her deep love for Jesus and her dedication to her faith with heartfelt openness.

A Poetic Pathway to God’s Heart and Mind is an enriching read for those drawn to spiritual poetry. It provides a peaceful reading experience that both soothes and inspires, making it a meaningful addition to any Christian literary collection.

Pages: 124 | ASIN : B09TY1DDQ2

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It Started with a 1968 Impala

Author Interview
Jason J. Marchi Author Interview

Automobilia is an anthology of short stories and poems that use automobiles as a central motif to explore a tapestry of human experiences. What was the inspiration for the original and fascinating idea at the center of the book?

I’ve loved automobiles since the day my father bought a new 1968 Impala from a dealer and drove it home. I was seven years old. He pulled into the driveway with the shiny, big car and it was a huge moment of excitement for the family. I still have that car today. In my early years of writing–when I was learning how to write a good story or poem–I had experiences related to automobiles that made me write about them. One was a poem I wrote about a high school acquaintance who was killed in an automobile crash just a few years after our graduation. A few years later I had a dream about someone killed by an automobile. And then I read a poem in a copy of Modern Maturity magazine that featured a writer’s memory of being a boy riding in the backseat of the family car, watching the moon following along on the ride. Those three things made me think that assembling an anthology of stories (and poems) by others featuring the automobile might be a cool idea that some readers might enjoy.

What were some goals you set for yourself as the editor of this book?

I wanted to assemble a collection of stories featuring automobiles as an integral part of the plot from famous or established authors like Matheson, Finney, and Nolan, along with newer writers. I also included some poems because the first professional sales I made as a new writer were poems to a couple science fiction and horror magazines. Stories from all genres were welcome in the anthology — from mainstream to science fiction to ghost stories — since the automobile is such an influential technology on the planet. Just about every perspective for a possible story can be connected to an automobile. 

What was the process you used to collect the stories and poems for this collection and then narrow them down?

First, I set about looking for stories from known writers I might be able to buy reprint rights from. Each of those authors–or their agents for those no longer living–were very accommodating. I cannot thank them enough. Then I issue a call-for-submissions to the major writer’s markets listed on the internet, like Duotrope. I believe in paying writers (since I’m a writer too) a fair wage for their work. So, I offered the Science Fiction Writers Association per-word minimum at the time, which was eight cents per word and a dollar a line for poems.

I hope the series continues in other books. If so, where will the next anthology take readers? 

Thank you for that good hope! There were so many GOOD stories featuring automobiles I could not get the rights to or include in a single volume I plan to publish two more anthologies featuring autos to make a trilogy. Right now, however, I already have a call for submissions out for the next two thematic anthologies. One is ALIENS AMONG US and the other is TRAIN TALES. I’m open for submissions for those until November 30, 2024. I’m paying a little more this time: 10 cents per word and $2 per line for poems. Publication for both books is planned for the first quarter of 2025.

Author Links: GoodReads | Facebook | Website

41 stories • 9 poemsSince the first automobiles rolled down a street, the range of human emotions attached to these machines has run from love to hate, humor to horror, joy to sadness. This book is a sampling of how fiction writers have viewed the automobile, from yesteryear to tomorrow.
Famous writers, experienced story tellers, and new literary voices are mixed together between these covers.
Automobilia is the first in a trilogy of stories and poems featuring that one machine that has changed the face of the earth, for the good and for the bad…the automobile.

Authors include: Jack Finney, George Clayton Johnson, Richard Christian Matheson, Richard Matheson, J. P. Seewald, Bruce Boston, Marge Simon, Kevin David Anderson, Katherine Tomlinson, James S. Dorr, William F. Nolan, Dean Wild, Sarah Key, Robbie Sheerin, and J.R. Hayslett, among many others.

God Got Me Too

God Got Me Too is a collection of poems narrating the poignant journey of a man named Jason, grappling with depression, suicidal thoughts, and anxiety. As the narrative unfolds, Jason finds a respite and burgeoning hope through his faith. The opening stanzas vividly depict his mental turmoil and desperate pleas for divine intervention. He seeks solace in prayer and scripture, oscillating between profound despair and a strengthening faith.

The poems artfully transition between Jason’s internal struggles and his experiences of divine presence, which imbue him with the strength to persevere. A particularly striking moment occurs when Jason witnesses a Bible that miraculously burns without being consumed, symbolizing God’s enduring presence and guidance. As Jason’s spiritual journey progresses, his poems reflect a transformation from overwhelming darkness to a trusting reliance on divine mercy. His narrative is a testament to the power of faith to offer not just solace but also a renewed sense of purpose.

Through intimate dialogues with God, revealed in verse, Jason shares his battles, aspirations, and the profound impact of his faith. For readers of faith, this collection serves as a reminder of the steadfast love and support of the divine, even through the darkest times. Jason’s story, rendered through his deeply personal and evocative poetry, offers hope and encouragement to anyone facing their own moments of darkness, emphasizing the redemptive power of faith and the possibility of finding peace amidst turmoil.

Jason’s poetic narrative is a heartfelt reminder that hope and renewal can emerge even from the depths of despair. His journey encourages us to seek out our own paths to healing and reminds us that we are never alone in our struggles. God Got Me Too is not just a set of poems, but a beacon of hope for anyone searching for light in the shadows of life.

Pages: 117 | ASIN : B0CD8N17F2

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Love and Nature/Amor y Naturaleza

Love and Nature/Amor y Naturaleza, authored by Abraham Garcia, is an eloquent compilation of bilingual poetry, seamlessly blending themes of love, nature, humanity, and fantasy in both Spanish and English. Garcia commences his collection with “Forever,” a heartfelt ode that reveals his profound appreciation and adoration for his partner. Through his vivid depiction of eternal love, Garcia not only celebrates the joy and serenity this bond brings into his life but also sets the tone for the collection.

As the book progresses, Garcia explores the intricate and inseparable relationship between love and nature, portraying them as fundamental and authentic aspects of life. His writing delves into the subtle, often unnoticed beauties of the natural world – the serenity of rainfall, the majesty of trees, the freedom of birds, and the warmth of sunshine. In doing so, he invites the reader to pause and relish the omnipresent yet frequently overlooked marvels of the natural environment. As a reader who has experienced love, the authenticity and relatability of Garcia’s love poems evoke a sense of nostalgia and reflection.

His keen attention to detail and ability to capture the essence of moments speak to his profound observational skills and deep emotional connection with his subjects. The poem “Essence” particularly stands out, showcasing Garcia’s dedication and enchantment with his muse, evoking a desire in the reader for such personalized, heartfelt verses. “The Train,” my personal favorite from this collection, resonates on a different level. It vividly captures the tranquil pleasure of train journeys, echoing the simple joys of watching the landscape pass by and the inherent peace in such moments. Garcia’s skillful use of language and imagery in this piece mirrors these sentiments, connecting profoundly with anyone who cherishes similar experiences.

The bilingual presentation of this anthology is a commendable feature, making it accessible and appealing to a diverse readership. Compact yet impactful, Love and Nature/Amor y Naturaleza is a delightful read, especially for enthusiasts of romantic poetry. It’s an invitation to explore the depth of love and the beauty of the natural world through the eyes of a poet who skillfully intertwines these themes.

Pages: 70 | ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0CX47R7GQ

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Literary Titan Gold Book Award: Poetry

The Literary Titan Book Award recognizes poets who demonstrate exceptional artistry and proficiency and push the boundaries of language and expression. The recipients are poets who excel in their technical skills and evoke deep emotional responses, challenge thoughts, and illuminate new perspectives through their work. The award honors those who contribute to the literary landscape with their unique voices and powerful words.

Award Recipients

Visit the Literary Titan Book Awards page to see award information.


Automobilia, compiled and edited by Jason J. Marchi and Jeffery L. Buford Jr, is an intriguing anthology that interweaves short stories and poems, using automobiles as a central motif to explore a tapestry of human experiences. This collection skillfully spans multiple genres, including thriller, drama, and horror, providing a varied literary landscape.

In this anthology, vehicles are not merely background elements but pivotal to the narrative structure. For instance, “Duel” is a gripping tale where protagonist Mann faces off against a relentless truck driver in a high-stakes road chase to San Francisco. “Passages” delves into the poignant story of Beth, grappling with the loss of her boyfriend Rick and his Mustang in a tragic accident. Meanwhile, “Homeless” introduces us to Max, whose late-night walk leads to an unexpected encounter at an accident site.

The stories in Automobilia are characterized by their exploration of themes such as loss, grief, resilience, redemption, courage, and the bonds of friendship. Each narrative offers a unique perspective on life’s complexities, enhancing the reader’s appreciation of the human condition. A standout feature of these stories is their unpredictability, which injects a sense of excitement and keeps the reader engaged. The use of automobiles as a unifying theme is not only original but demonstrates remarkable creativity. The stories are crafted with skill, demonstrating a keen eye for detail and a flair for capturing the reader’s imagination. While the anthology presents a rich variety of stories, a broader cultural context in some narratives could have offered an even more diverse and enriching experience. The writing throughout is concise and compelling, making each story a satisfying read.

Automobilia contains mature themes and hence, is more suitable for an adult audience. Readers who appreciate an inventive approach to storytelling and the exploration of human emotions and experiences will find this book particularly engaging.

Pages: 299 | ASIN : B0CVPZY4QV

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Gracious Nature: Poems on Earth and Life

Gracious Nature by Robert J. Tiess is a thoughtful and evocative exploration of the natural world and its interplay with human experience. Tiess’s collection serves as a canvas where nature’s grandeur and the human condition are painted with a rich palette of emotions and observations. His verses traverse a diverse landscape, from the microcosms of backyard flora to the majestic vistas of mountains and oceans, reflecting an earnest contemplation of Earth, life, and their interconnectedness.

Tiess’s writing style invites readers to delve into the simplicity of natural beauty while pondering its deeper implications. For instance, in “Nature Preserves,” Tiess reflects on the transformative power of nature through personal experience, juxtaposing a routine, confined life with the liberating embrace of the natural world. His poems are a mosaic of vivid imagery and sensory details that capture the essence of each subject, be it the delicate dance of a dandelion in “To a Dandelion” or the formidable presence of a mountain in “Peak Humility.”

A recurring theme in Tiess’s work is the symbiosis between humans and nature. In poems like “Cetacean” and “Mud Lessons,” he eloquently illustrates how nature serves as both a teacher and a sanctuary, offering wisdom and refuge. These pieces highlight the poet’s ability to find lessons in everyday natural phenomena. His voice resonates with a deep appreciation for nature’s bounty and an awareness of the human responsibility to protect and cherish it.

In “Gracious Nature” and “Recipe for Mass Extinction Number Six,” Tiess addresses environmental concerns, subtly urging a collective awakening to the impacts of human actions on the planet. His tone shifts to a more somber one here yet remains imbued with a hopeful undercurrent, suggesting redemption through awareness and change.

Gracious Nature: Poems on Earth and Life is a compelling ode to the natural world, its beauty, its lessons, and its fragility. Robert J. Tiess’s work is a fitting read for anyone who cherishes the natural world or seeks solace and wisdom in its embrace.

Pages: 182 | ASIN : B0CXT9K3FN

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The Mole Vol XIV: In the Olive Grove (Book II) A Quintet

This collection of poems by Ron Raye in The Mole Vol. XIV: In the Olive Grove (Book II) presents a poignant exploration of the 1948 tragedy in Daer Yassin, Palestine, through the perspective of Abdullah, a survivor. The narrative delves deeply into the harrowing experience of war, effectively illustrating the destruction of homes and the irrevocable loss of entire generations. Raye’s portrayal of the soldiers is stark, highlighting their lack of empathy amidst the chaos.

Further, the poems offer a glimpse into Abdullah’s personal agony, underscoring his profound loss of family and friends. This personal element adds depth to the overarching themes of war’s relentless devastation, its psychological toll, and the seemingly endless cycle of violence. Through Abdullah’s eyes, readers witness both the immediate brutality of conflict and its enduring impact on the human psyche. In a turn towards hope, the collection concludes with themes of reconciliation and peace.

Raye’s closing reflections resonate with a universal message about the inherent destructiveness of war and the imperative to pursue peace. Based on historical events, specifically the Tantura Massacre, these poems are not just a recounting of history but a call to remember and learn from it. Raye’s skillful storytelling and vivid imagery transport readers into the heart of the historical moment, encouraging empathy and reflection. This emotional resonance is a testament to the poet’s ability to blend historical detail with the nuanced portrayal of human experiences.

For those who enjoy poetry that explores the themes of war, history, and human resilience, The Mole Vol. XIV: In the Olive Grove (Book II) is a highly recommended read. It serves as a poignant reminder of the past while also offering hope for a more peaceful future.

Pages: 320 | ASIN : B0CWLR9L7D

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