A Time To Grow

Book Review

A Time to Grow by Lowell Duane Pabst presents an enticingly fresh take on the fantasy genre that lures the reader into an immersive realm of wonder and intrigue. The novel commences on a startling note, introducing a woman in the throes of severe muscle spasms, a phenomenon she likens to a demon attempting to vacate her body. Soon, we learn that this distressing experience is the nightmarish premonition of Cynderet, an adoptee of Lord Blue Skon, and Lady Laura, custodians of the Hall, where gifted individuals are nurtured and honed.

The Hall, a sanctuary for the gifted, is home to several adoptees, including the skilled warriors Ashley and Ryan. In the world beyond, we encounter Madelynn, the enigmatic widow of the infamous Jason of Cotton Creek, and the mistress of indentured servants such as the young Lynnea and elderly widow Sabrine. Following the death of her villainous husband, a mysterious voice compels Madelynn to question her late husband’s intentions and to seek vengeance. The evolving narratives leave us pondering the whereabouts of Ryan and the looming perils encroaching upon the Hall.

Pabst’s writing style is an intriguing blend of vivid descriptions and compelling narrative. His ability to weave intricate details into the story offers an exceptional sensory journey for the readers. The landscapes and characters come alive, making readers feel as though they are embarking on this epic journey alongside them. Moreover, Pabst’s adeptness at striking a balance between a concise narrative and rich descriptions is commendable, as it ensures the readers remain engaged and yearn for more.

Pabst’s nuanced approach to character development is another highlight of the book. The interpersonal dynamics, particularly the subtle moments of compassion and camaraderie, significantly enhance the reading experience. Notable instances include Lord Blue Skon’s elation at being referred to as a father by Ashley and Ashley’s mixed emotions upon the anticipated reunion with her biological brother, Patrick.

Though A Time to Grow is a sequel to a series that began with Razon’s Daughter, it holds up as a standalone read. However, for an enriched comprehension of Pabst’s ingeniously crafted universe, I’d recommend indulging in both novels.

A Time to Grow is indeed one of the more compelling narratives I’ve encountered in the fantasy genre. Pabst’s keen focus on individual character arcs and their intricate relationships, combined with his masterful use of metaphor, lends the novel a distinct depth and allure. For anyone with a penchant for fantasy, A Time to Grow is a highly recommended read.

Pages: 226

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Posted on July 19, 2023, in Book Reviews, Five Stars and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.


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