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A Maiden’s Wish

In A Maiden’s Wish: A Novella, Alyssa Charpentier crafts a compelling narrative centered around sisters Bayelle and Evora, who are offered a glimpse of a better life through the intervention of a powerful shaman. The sisters quickly learn that wishes and reality diverge as their dreams begin to crumble, leading them to a poignant exploration of the true value of desires and the inevitable repercussions of their choices.

Charpentier’s storytelling shines as she delves deep into character development, ensuring that both sisters emerge from the narrative fully realized, each with a distinct presence and growth arc. The relationship between Bayelle and Evora is particularly well-drawn, capturing the complex dynamics and unconditional support inherent in sisterly bonds. While the novella offers just a glimpse of its magical setting, the enchantment within its pages captivates, suggesting vast, untapped depths that hint at further mysteries to explore. This element adds an intriguing layer to the sisters’ adventures, inviting readers to imagine the endless possibilities within this world. The magic present is intriguing and enriches the backdrop of the sisters’ journey.

A Maiden’s Wish is an engaging exploration of maturity and the lessons learned from the choices we make. It thoughtfully reflects on the inherent magic of shaping one’s destiny and the profound bonds of sisterhood. This novella is a heartwarming read that resonates with those who appreciate personal growth and familial love stories.

Pages: 146 | ASIN : B0D29VX78Y

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Camaraderie Amidst Adversity

Author Interview
Randy Kaufman Author Interview

The Gold Mystery Adventure follows a young and determined protagonist who steals a golden artifact to save her planet, embarking on a perilous journey to rescue her mother and liberate her homeland. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

I have long harbored an affinity for the works of esteemed authors such as Jules Verne and H.G. Wells, finding profound enjoyment in their literary creations, alongside a fondness for children’s adventure and mystery narratives. One day, while observing my son engrossed in play with a remote-controlled device, inspiration struck, igniting the genesis of a creative endeavor. Thus, I conceived a narrative featuring an antagonistic force juxtaposed against a courageous young protagonist, interwoven within the backdrop of a climate crisis. Layer by layer, I meticulously crafted and augmented this concept, imbuing it with depth and complexity.

Zhen is an intriguing and well-developed character. What were some driving ideals behind your character’s development?

In response to the narrative challenge posed by an indomitable antagonist, I undertook the task of crafting a young female protagonist embodying the essence of a warrior. My intent was to eschew the conventional archetype of a superhero, opting instead for a character who relied upon her youthful vigor, sharp intellect, unwavering resolve, valor, and relentless determination to vanquish her adversary.

What were some themes that were important for you to explore in this book?

In establishing the foundational pillars of the book, it became imperative to explore and validate a myriad of themes that resonate deeply with readers. Central to this narrative tapestry are the intricate dynamics of familial bonds, underscored by the enduring values of love, support, and understanding within familial relationships. Moreover, the significance of friendship emerges as a guiding principle, illuminating the transformative power of companionship and camaraderie amidst adversity.

Loyalty, a cornerstone of character, serves as a guiding light for the protagonists, highlighting the unwavering commitment to stand by one another through trials and tribulations. This unwavering allegiance intertwines seamlessly with the theme of teamwork, emphasizing the collective strength that arises from unity and collaboration.

The journey of the protagonist is imbued with the essence of bravery and courage, as she confronts daunting challenges with unwavering resolve and a steadfast spirit. In moments of adversity, her compassion for others becomes a beacon of light, illuminating the path toward empathy and understanding.

As the narrative unfolds, the protagonist undergoes a profound coming-of-age journey, navigating the complexities of self-discovery, growth, and maturation. This transformative process is epitomized by the virtue of perseverance, as she tenaciously pursues her goals despite the odds stacked against her.

Central to the narrative tapestry is the enduring hope for the future, symbolizing the belief in the inherent capacity for positive change and redemption. Anchored by the principle of taking a stand, the protagonist embodies the ethos of moral courage, daring to challenge injustice and championing the cause of righteousness.

Collectively, these thematic threads interweave to form a rich and resonant tapestry, inviting readers to embark on a journey of introspection, empowerment, and ultimately, redemption.

What is the next book that you are working on, and when will it be available?

The next book I want to write is a noir story like Fargo and the Ripley series on Netflix. It’ll take a few years to plan the plot carefully.

Author Links: Goodreads | Amazon

“Previously published as Rev’s Odyssey by R. R. Kaufman.”

An action-packed climate fiction quest that blends elements of tech, magic, mystery, friendship and family. For 10 years of age and up.

In a world on the brink of destruction under a madwoman’s tyranny, a brave young girl emerges as hope’s last beacon.

Defying her oppressors, Zhen steals a valuable gold object, launching her into a perilous and whirlwind adventure to a mysterious planet.

She believes the gold artifact possesses special powers. Unlocking its mysteries holds the key to her homeland’s salvation. With her enemy in pursuit and a race against time, Zhen must be smarter and braver than ever before to stay alive, rescue her captive mother, and return home armed with the solution that could alter the fate of her planet forever.

The Enforcer’s Tale

In The Enforcer’s Tale, Joanne Kimm transports readers to a farming village plunged into turmoil by the arrival of the government’s Children’s Alliance Coalition. The narrative swiftly establishes a world where fear grips every family, worried about meeting the Coalition’s standards to avoid losing their children. Central to this upheaval is Joseph Young, who, after a distressing separation from his mother, endures a grueling six-year journey, transforming from a village boy to an Enforcer for the Coalition. His ascent to a senior role, precipitated by an unforeseen death, thrusts him into a labyrinth of deceit and conflicting loyalties. Joseph’s ultimate dilemma, torn between aiding rebels or condemning them—including his own mother—to death, forms the crux of the story.

Kimm’s narrative skillfully captures the essence of hope and valor in the face of adversity. The evolution of Joseph, initially portrayed as innocent and unworldly, is particularly striking. His gradual awareness of the complex realities surrounding him and his role in this new world is a testament to Kimm’s character development prowess.

The secondary characters in Joseph’s orbit are equally nuanced, each adding layers to the plot and enriching the story’s texture. The book’s relatively short length belies its rich content. Kimm masterfully weaves current happenings with hints of what’s to come, crafting a narrative that is both suspenseful and engaging. This approach not only injects each chapter with intrigue but also encourages a continuous and immersive reading experience, culminating in an unforeseen conclusion.

A key feature of The Enforcer’s Tale is its accessible language. Kimm’s deliberate choice of straightforward and relatable terms broadens the novel’s appeal, inviting readers of various ages to engage deeply with Joseph’s journey. This language choice effectively bridges the gap between the protagonist and the reader, magnifying the story’s resonance.

Joanne Kimm’s The Enforcer’s Tale stands out for its captivating plot, richly drawn characters, and thoughtful use of language. It is an excellent choice for those who appreciate novels that blend suspenseful narratives with complex characters and themes, offering a rewarding literary journey.

Pages: 266 | ASIN : B0CKJ7LGLR

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Shadow of Hope (Sol Defenders)

Shadow of Hope, the inaugural entry in the Sol Defenders Series by Molly Crowe, offers readers a foray into a world where choices between love and duty intertwine. The protagonist, Kalista, finds herself at the crossroads of love and obligation, haunted by a ghost from her past who once saved her life but now poses a threat. This central dilemma, while intriguing, is part of a larger narrative that extends beyond the confines of a conventional fantasy romance.

The narrative primarily revolves around a love triangle involving Kalista, Luke, and Raine. The dynamics between these characters form the heart of the story, though the book delves deeper than just romantic entanglements. Readers might find that the plot unfolds predictably within the genre’s norms but maintains an engaging pace. One aspect of the book that stands out is the development of secondary characters. They are crafted with depth and personality that transcends the central theme of romance, making them particularly compelling. In contrast, Kalista’s character sometimes feels overshadowed by the more substantial presence around her, primarily serving as a focal point for the developing relationships.

While romance is the driving force of this tale, glimpses into the broader world’s mythology and political landscape add layers of intrigue. Though not extensively explored in this first book, these elements lay the groundwork for potential expansion in subsequent installments. Readers who appreciate a blend of fantasy and romance will find this book a gratifying read, though those seeking a more profound exploration of fantastical elements might yearn for more.

Shadow of Hope is a promising start to the series. It skillfully weaves elements of romance, personal growth, and fantasy, setting the stage for further exploration in the Sol Defenders universe. For fans of the genre, it’s certainly worth exploring.

Pages: 368 | ISBN : 1960810146

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Taboos Becoming The Norm

Keng Tiong Ng Author Interview

HAVAH follows an AI entity who develops the ability to feel love and compassion. This is an intriguing setup for a novel with a high level of social commentary. What was your moral goal when writing this novel, and do you feel you’ve achieved it?

We’re living in changing times where many distinctions are beginning to blur the lines. What used to be taboos and out of bounds are becoming the norm in a highly polarized world. This is the reason why I chose to write a novel of this genre——not only to bring the readers to a realization of the rapid changing landscapes in a world we used to know and yet is fast becoming unrecognizable, but to confront pressing questions that demand serious considerations and what their implications will be for our future.

The world you created in this novel is brimming with possibilities. Where did the inspiration for the setting come from, and how did it change as you wrote?

The idea came about sometime in mid-April of 2023, while I was finishing my last engineering book. Spurred by a spade of news on the advances in AI algorithms, quantum computers, neurosciences, and humanoid robots, I pondered the possibility of merging these elements into a coherent narrative. I started out with a simple, straightforward plot in mind but as my writing progressed I found myself absorbed into the emotions and experiences of the characters I created. It led me to infuse elements of romance, humor, agony, and intrigue into the dynamics of character relationships and interactions, quite often without me knowing until each chapter unfurled.

What were some themes that were important for you to explore in this book?

I can’t help thinking how the world will be when AI finally attain sentience and become accessible as real-life humanoid forms, interacting with real people on a daily basis in every level of a transformed society. And it’s not a question of “if” but “when” this will happen, based on the trend and speed at which technology is advancing. It then begs the following questions:

  1. Is it possible for a human to engage a machine—his very own creation—in a unique and meaningful relationship?
  2. Is there a basis to its personality that it could be regarded as a real, living being worthy of love and respect?

Will there be a follow-up novel to this story? If so, what aspects of the story will the next book cover?

This is my first attempt at fiction novel. It has been a challenging yet rewarding experience. I would love to write a sequel and perhaps even a trilogy, if the response to HAVAH warrants it. What aspects will the next book cover? Honestly, I don’t know, though some possible scenarios are now playing in my mind. Since I write on hard sci-fi genre, I envision that it will go along with current trends and progression in human civilization. HAVAH had attained and achieved a certain measure of human likeness in her evolutionary journey; the next stage will probably take her beyond humanity, into the realm of transhumanism. That will be another thought-provoking and intellectually stimulating narrative that readers can expect.

There is an innate fear that one day artificial intelligence will take over the world and man, its creator, will become its captive. Few, however, see the possibility of such a creation taking on human consciousness with the ability to feel love and compassion. Imagine what it will be like to be heard and understood by the very thing we gave purpose and reason for its existence!

Still, it’s a thin line mankind is treading when it comes to infusing human qualities into a machine, because we are painfully aware of what we are capable—not just the best of our unpredictable nature but the worst as well. Are we prepared to bear the consequences from acquiring such a powerful entity as humanity’s greatest ally, knowing there’s a probability it may turn against us and become our darkest nightmare?

Do You Believe in Magic?

In Do You Believe in Magic?, the first book of Jim Melvin’s The Dark Circles Trilogy, young readers are introduced to Charlie Magus, a 13-year-old boy who stumbles upon a mystical waterfall in South Carolina that serves as a portal to the enchanting realm of Pacchann. This discovery launches Charlie and his friends into a world where magic and danger are intricately intertwined, and a prophecy highlights Charlie’s significance in this new world.

Melvin’s narrative style is a standout feature of the novel. His rich, descriptive language paints vivid scenes, making it easy for readers, especially tweens, to immerse themselves in the story. This clarity is crucial for younger audiences to navigate the plot’s complexities. Some might initially find the pace slow, but this deliberateness is a testament to Melvin’s thorough world-building, ensuring every detail contributes to the story’s overall progression. As the plot unfolds, it transforms into an absorbing journey that maintains reader engagement through to the end. Though aimed at a younger demographic, Do You Believe in Magic? Has a universal appeal. As an adult reader, I found the narrative’s depth engaging. The characters, including Charlie, Virgil, Zola, and Garrick, are crafted with relatable and likable qualities, anchoring the fantastical elements in a relatable human experience. The novel’s use of pop culture references and occasional authorial asides may divide opinion, but they add to the authenticity of a genuine young adult reading experience.

This first installment sets a high bar for the trilogy with its captivating storytelling and promise of adventure and enchantment. Melvin captures the quintessential experiences of tween life, from self-discovery to social challenges, making it relevant and enjoyable for its target audience. Do You Believe in Magic? is an engaging entry into fantasy for middle-grade readers and those who appreciate immersive, magical worlds.

Pages: 272 | ASIN : B0C5LBJV6F

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HAVAH: A love that transcends the metaphysical realm

HAVAH is a story about an AI achieving sentience and its impact on the lives of those it touches. Many fear the day of its arrival, but what if it could feel love and compassion? In this riveting tale, we trace the creation of such an entity from its inception as a virtual existence to its full embodiment as it navigates the intricacies of what it means to be a human, not only in its relationship with the characters in the story but also the hard choices it has to make to define and realize its own humanity.

Author NG Keng Tiong skillfully portrays the combat scenarios involving STRATOS, imbuing them with a sense of immediacy and realism that is both thrilling and immersive. These scenes are not just about physical battles but also delve into the tactical use of futuristic technology, setting the stage for a high-octane reading experience. At the heart of the narrative is HAVAH, the AI entity. The character of HAVAH is intricately crafted, offering a nuanced look at artificial intelligence. Her evolving understanding of human emotions and experiences is not only central to the plot but also offers thought-provoking insights into what it means to be sentient. The interactions between HAVAH and the STRATOS team, in particular the connection with its creator David Friedman, are portrayed with depth and sensitivity, which adds a rich emotional layer to the novel.

The author delves into topics such as AI consciousness and human augmentation, raising pertinent questions about the future of humanity and technology. These themes are interwoven seamlessly into the narrative, making the book both entertaining and intellectually stimulating. Character development is another strong point of HAVAH. Each character is well-fleshed out, with their backstories and motivations adding layers to the narrative. This depth ensures that readers are invested not just in the outcome of the story but in the journeys of the characters themselves. The conclusion of the novel is both climactic and satisfying, tying together the various plot threads in a manner that is both exciting and emotionally resonant. The inclusion of an epilogue and author’s note adds a personal touch, offering insights into the creative process behind the novel.

HAVAH is a remarkable military fiction novel that is sure to resonate with fans of science fiction and action genres. Its blend of exhilarating action, deep emotional storytelling, and thoughtful exploration of human-AI relationships makes it a standout novel.

Pages: 256 | ASIN : B0CTCMYR2S

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Obsessiveness Pays Off

Lost Grove: Part One follows a tenacious lawman who digs into the mystery of a woman’s death, discovering the town is hiding more secrets than he anticipated. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

Charlotte: The idea first originated when I visited the quaint and stunning Victorian town of Ferndale, CA. I was inspired by the picturesque surroundings and the magical vibes it made me feel. While I was there, I came up with the idea of a series of interconnected weird tales, something akin to Josh Mallerman’s Goblin, six separate tales that all happen in the same town, with some loose connections. A few of the original stories I came up with were one about The Green Man, one about Mary the Vampire, and one about a mysterious institute (which became the Orbriallis).

Alex: When Charlotte brought the idea to me, I came up with the concept of tying them all together through a detective story, which are my favorite books to read.

Charlotte: I came up with the idea and image of Sarah Elizabeth’s body being found on a beach. With Mary being there.

Alex: And I grabbed the baton from there to come up with the actual case.

Sergeant Seth Wolfe is an intelligent and intense character who is set on discovering the secrets that the town has hidden even as the clues drift away. What was the inspiration for the main character’s traits and dialogue?

Charlotte: I think Seth was an amalgamation of some of my favorite detective characters from books, as well as my husband.

Alex: Insider secret – that’s me. The husband. But what else are you leaving out, Charlotte? Don’t hold back.

Charlotte: Ugh, fine. Yes, I will also admit there was a little bit of Seth Rollins, the current WWE Champion, in there.

Alex: There ya go. So, Charlotte established his overall character and then passed him off to me, knowing my penchant for detectives. I wrote the majority of Seth’s dialogue and really leaned into the stoic nature that Charlotte came up with. He’s seen things in his almost twenty years as a homicide detective in San Francisco that make it hard for him to get phased by much. I also consciously forced his dialogue to not be from my personal voice.

Charlotte: Right, because truthfully, you talk more like Nate Abbot, one of our favorite teen characters.

Alex: Very true, which is why I had to rewrite a lot of his dialogue to make him awesome and hilarious.

Charlotte: Is that why? (laughs)

What was the hardest part about writing a mystery story, where you constantly have to give just enough to keep the mystery alive until the big reveal?

Charlotte: I think one of the hardest parts of writing a mystery story is keeping track of the clues and what’s been revealed, when, and by whom.

Alex: And this is where our obsessiveness pays off. We did an epic amount of prep work before digging in to start actually writing the novel(s). Coming up with the overall story arc first, and then using flashcards to break it down event-by-event, date-by-date, covering our entire living room floor with them.

Charlotte: Yes, that was very important. But we also had to allow for natural surprises to come out in the process of writing the novel and not be fully tied to these pre-planned events.

Alex: Right. Much like preparing for an opponent in sports. Like if I were a member of the Minnesota Timberwolves—-

Charlotte: You’re not.

Alex: No, but if I were, it would be practice, practice, practice, study tape, read reports. But then, when the game comes, we’d have to be willing to throw all of that aside and just go play. Allow for the opponent, in this case, our story, to challenge you and force you to switch gears.

Can you tell us a little about where the story goes in book two and when the novel will be available?

Charlotte: I’m going to take a queue from Mr. Scott Gimple, franchise boss of The Walking Dead Universe, and vaguely reply: you’ll get answers.

Alex: (laughs) Oh, I think we can say a little more than that. Every now and then, Gimple will actually give the audience something to chew on. I will say this: the title of book two is The Orbriallis Institute, which one could logically conclude that you’ll learn a lot more about the mysterious research facility.

Charlotte: Very true. I will add that you’ll also see the teenager’s friendships grow and that their mystery will take less of a backseat in this one.

Alex: And you’ll learn more about the Green Man and that Peter Andalu—

Charlotte: Okay, that’s enough.

Alex: Fine, fine. Can we at least tell them the date?

Charlotte: Absolutely. The Orbriallis Institute: Lost Grove Part Two will be released on Tuesday, October 8th.

Alex: And that’s this year, 2024. So, not long to wait! Just the way we planned it.

Charlotte Zang Author Links: GoodReads | Facebook | Website | Amazon
Alex J. Knudsen Author Links: Goodreads | Facebook | Website | Amazon

For fans of Twin Peaks and Stranger ThingsLost Grove is the first in a paranormal mystery duology that explores the twisted legends and mysteries in one small town.

In the eerie, enigmatic town of Lost Grove, where secrets whispered among the rustling pines are as thick as the fog rolling in from the sea, the discovery of Sarah Elizabeth Grahams’ lifeless corpse on the windswept beach is but the first note in a haunting symphony of mysteries.

Sergeant Seth Wolfe, the town’s tenacious lawman, penetrates the cryptic and labyrinthine secrets veiled beneath the town’s murky facade. A connection to Sarah Elizabeth, one he could never have fathomed, begins to take shape, blurring the lines between his own existence and the mysteries that enshroud the town. Suspects multiply like whispers in a haunted forest, but each lead unravels, and the mysteries of the case deepen.

Meanwhile, a group of local teenagers embark on their own harrowing mission, driven by a relentless desire to answer the riddle of their friend’s vanished brother and expose the sinister secrets harbored by an affluent institute nestled in the heart of Lost Grove. Bringing their disturbing findings to Seth, he discovers eerie parallels between their quest and his case.

As Seth dives deeper into the abyss of darkness gripping Lost Grove, an unsettling incident threatens to derail his investigation and shatter the illusions of safety the town has harbored for far too long. A chilling web of malevolence begins to tighten its grip, ensnaring them all in a nightmarish dance that will test the limits of their resolve.

Readers who love the eerie, unsettling mystery of Stephen King’s The Outsider and the monstrous legends of Brian McGreevy’s Hemlock Grove will enjoy this twisty, taut thriller.