Dark Cascade

Journey with Kel Chaada as he navigates a galaxy teeming with diverse alien races, each with its unique motives and aspirations. A particularly menacing extraterrestrial race with advanced weaponry and a hunger for planetary resources threatens to destabilize the balance. In a bold move, Kel and his select crew venture directly to this menacing civilization’s galaxy, intending to halt the impending doom at its origin. Amidst this high-stakes mission, Kel grapples with the dilemma of potentially becoming what he’s trying to resist.

Dark Cascade, the enthralling second installment in Bert-Oliver Boehmer’s Galacticide series, effortlessly immerses readers into its cosmos—even those unfamiliar with the inaugural book. While it’s evident that Boehmer is influenced by sci-fi titans such as Asimov and Philip K. Dick, his narrative carves its distinctive mark.

The allure of Dark Cascade stems not only from its expansive cosmic view but also from Boehmer’s nuanced exploration of interstellar politics and morality. As the story unfolds, one is compelled to question: In the quest for species survival, where do we draw the line? Kel Chaada stands as a beacon of humanity’s perseverance, yet the narrative gracefully introduces moments where alien races and AI beings demonstrate equally commendable motives.

Boehmer blurs moral boundaries, suggesting that even the most drastic measures, including genocide, might find justification depending on perspective. This intricate dance between ethical dilemmas and intergalactic politics sets Dark Cascade apart, positioning it in a league distinct from its sci-fi contemporaries.

Pages: 323 | ASIN : B0BMFWXQDJ

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Posted on September 23, 2023, in Book Reviews, Five Stars and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.


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