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Rough Edges: A Steamy Single Parents Romance

Elsa Jacobs’ Rough Edges is a heartfelt contemporary romance that follows the lives of two single parents whose paths cross when their teenage sons become fast friends on the high school basketball team. Laura Fields, a dedicated nurse and single mother, has been navigating life alone since the tragic death of her husband eleven years ago. Bennett Keller, a recent widower and factory foreman, relocates from Cleveland to a small New York town to provide a fresh start for his son Marcus, who has been struggling since losing his mother five years prior. As their sons, Daniel and Marcus, play matchmaker, Laura and Bennett find themselves drawn to each other despite their initial reservations.

The charm of Rough Edges lies in the fresh twist of two teenage boys scheming to unite their parents. This engaging subplot injects a unique and delightful dynamic into the story, offering a departure from typical romantic narratives. The boys’ genuine desire to form a cohesive family unit is palpable and heartwarming; Laura fills a void in Marcus’s life, and Bennett does the same for Daniel, fostering a bond that extends beyond mere friendship between the boys. This interconnectedness leads Laura and Bennett to spend more time together, allowing their relationship to blossom naturally. The chemistry between the characters is undeniable, and as Laura gets to know Bennett better, her perception of him shifts, revealing the depth of their connection.

While the novel’s ending is satisfying, it left me wishing for an epilogue to glimpse the future of Laura, Bennett, and their sons. Seeing how their newly formed family continues to evolve would have been a delightful addition, enriching the story’s resolution and providing a fuller sense of closure. The early moments of tension between Laura and Bennett add an interesting layer to the narrative. Laura’s initial misjudgments based on Bennett’s tattoos and his job as a factory foreman create a compelling starting point for her character’s growth. Her evolving perception of Bennett, as she comes to appreciate his dedication as a single father, enriches the storyline and deepens their relationship. The author’s writing style adds to the book’s distinctive voice, encouraging readers to engage more deeply with the text and its underlying themes.

Rough Edges is a warm and engaging romance that beautifully captures the complexities of blending families and finding love after loss. I highly recommend this book to fans of contemporary romance, especially those who enjoy stories centered on family dynamics and personal growth. Jacobs’ novel offers a touching portrayal of second chances and the unexpected paths that lead to healing and happiness.

Pages: 348 | ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0CTD61Y82

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Inner Strength

Iris Dorbian Author Interview

In Next Stop, Boston, a young woman finds herself in the care of a temperamental rock-and-roller following her sister’s tragic death. Where did the idea for this novel come from?

The story is very loosely inspired by the old Fellini film classic La Strada. I wrote it for fun during one of the COVID surges. It encapsulates all my guilty pleasures–rock music, scandal-ridden rock star bios/memoirs, Hollywood gossip, fanfiction, and soap operas.

In addition to La Strada, the story is also inspired by other favorites, Janet Fitch’s White Oleander, Thomas Hardy’s Tess of the D’Urbervilles (my favorite novel as a teen), and the film Captain Fantastic.

The inspiration for the novel has its genesis to when I was a struggling theater actress in New York City in the early 1990s. I was called in by an off-off-Broadway theater company to participate in a play reading of a script about a young girl and a musician. I read the part of the young girl. The script was very well received, and I remember everyone commenting on how much it reminded them of La Strada. At the time, I didn’t see the movie, but later I did–several times. So, the germ of the idea began there. However, I put my own feminist spin on it because what was acceptable when the film came out in the early 1950s, doesn’t work in this modern post-MeToo era.

Was there anything from your own life that you put into the characters in your novel?

Other than my love of rock music, there is very little from my own life that I incorporated into Next Stop, Boston. I certainly don’t have any personal traits that are similar to Dez’s–that’s for sure. At least, I hope not. (I did stay one week at the Chelsea Hotel years ago, but that was in between apartments, and it wasn’t to score heroin). But I did enjoy writing him very much. It’s so much fun, even cathartic, to create a character most readers would consider to be the “villain” of the story. The thing about villains or morally ambiguous characters is they never consider themselves in that light. Not at all. They always think they’re in the right and everyone else is wrong! It’s very important to humanize them and invest them with a lot of nuance and dimension because if you don’t, you’re just going to create caricatures or stock villains with no depth or insight into their motivations.

I did base Val, the drummer who tries to help Geri, on a charming, cute drummer I briefly dated way back when. He was a sweetie, very similar to Val’s temperament and physicality. Sadly, I went on a few dates with him right before his band went on the road to promote an album and a video on MTV. Though we talked about picking up where we left off after the tour ended, I never saw him again. HA-HA. Musicians!

The only points of similarity I have with any of the characters in Next Stop, Boston would be with Geri in terms of her vulnerability, keen curiosity about the world, her sincere desire to improve herself, and her frustration at being misunderstood and dismissed by the adults around her considering her youth and neurodivergence. I’m not neurodivergent, but I was badly bullied when I was a young teen and still carry those wounds around with me as an older adult. That type of trauma can either strengthen, harden, or weaken you. I did incorporate some of that inner turmoil into Geri when I was working on her POV chapters.

What were some themes that were important for you to explore in this book?

If there is any message I wanted to convey with this story is how important self-reliance is in the end. Never depend on anyone for the validation of your self-worth. Depend on yourself and draw upon your inner strength to grow and move on.

What is the next book you are working on, and when will it be available?

For my next novel, I am toying with an idea of a story that will take place in 1986. The story will draw a little on my crazy youth in New York City and those nutty survival jobs I took to pay the rent and buy food.

Author Links: GoodReads | Twitter | Facebook | Website | Amazon

Sixteen-year-old Geri Randall’s life is turned upside down when her late sister’s fiance, Dez Deacon, a washed-up rock star, is named her guardian. Whisked away from the only life she knew and taken on a rock and roll tour, Geri is initially desperate to win Dez’s approval. That desire hits a sour note when Dez’s treatment of her becomes too much to bear. What ensues is a battle of wills between her and her temperamental guardian, a collision course that will push Geri to do the unthinkable to get what she wants.

Next Stop, Boston

Next Stop, Boston is a riveting tale that delves into the depths of love, tragedy, and personal transformation within the backdrop of the rock music scene and familial relationships. Iris Dorbian masterfully crafts a narrative that revolves around Geri, a young woman grappling with the aftermath of her sister Michelle’s tragic death, and Dez, a troubled rock star who unexpectedly becomes her guardian. Set against the electric atmosphere of backstage concerts, their complex relationship unfolds, driven by a shared history of loss and a bond forged in the fires of dysfunction.

From the outset, Dorbian captivates readers with Geri’s journey, from her humble beginnings to her immersion in the tumultuous world of rock and roll alongside Dez. The authenticity of their dynamic, fraught with tension yet laced with moments of unexpected connection, propels the narrative forward, ensnaring readers in its grip. The rich tapestry of characters, each intricately drawn with flaws and vulnerabilities that render them achingly human makes them relatable. Geri’s quest for self-discovery amidst the chaos of fame and personal tragedy, mirrored by Dez’s own inner turmoil, unfolds with a rawness that resonates deeply. Dorbian deftly navigates their emotional landscapes, presenting a nuanced exploration of grief, resilience, and the complexities of human relationships.

The rock music scene serves not merely as a backdrop but as a pulsating, vibrant force that infuses the narrative with energy and authenticity. Dorbian’s vivid descriptions of concerts and musical performances leap off the page, immersing readers in Geri and Dez’s world with palpable intensity. Through this lens, she explores themes of identity, belonging, and the pursuit of artistic expression, inviting readers to experience the transformative power of music alongside her characters.

Next Stop, Boston is a testament to Dorbian’s skill as a storyteller and her insightful exploration of the human condition. As the final pages are turned, readers are left with a lingering sense of both satisfaction and longing—a testament to the enduring impact of Geri and Dez’s journey. Dorbian’s novel is a poignant reminder of the resilience of the human spirit and the redemptive power of love, making it a must-read for fans of literary fiction and music enthusiasts alike.

Pages: 206 | ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0CLL32H97

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Real-Life, Superstition, & Myth

Hanna Park Author Interview

Finding Tiegan follows a widow on a journey of Self-Discovery who makes a trip to Portugal, where she meets a man with whom she feels an unexplainable connection. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

I traveled to the Algarve region in Portugal and stayed in the little town of Carvoeiro, the setting of Tiegan and Tómas’s tale. Before arriving in Portugal I extensively researched the area, and had already sourced out, via Airbnb, the apartment Tiegan would rent for her three month stay. I wanted something that captured the essence of the region, and the Moorish-style building overlooking the sea was perfect. The Algarve’s stunning coastline, the friendly people, and wonderful food is something to write about.  

I enjoyed the romantic relationship between Tiegan and Tomás. How did their relationship develop while you were writing it? Did you have an idea of where you wanted to take it or was it organic?

Tiegan and Tomás’s relationship naturally evolved as the story unfolded. The places I visited became crucial settings and scenes, while the voices and experiences of the people I met along the way deeply influenced the development of both characters. This blend of real-life encounters with a strong dose of superstition and myth added depth to the narrative. 

This story is more than just a fast-moving romance. You bring to light different topics in the story that enhance it. What were some themes that were important for you to explore in this book?

I immersed myself in the mythology and folklore of Portugal, particularly the Roma people. My inspiration blossomed, inspired by their beliefs and superstition. Tomás’s character was crafted from those beliefs, and the story line evolved from there. Cape Breton, where Tiegan was from, boasts rich Celtic folklore, which ties in wonderfully with Tomás’s character.

What is the next book that you are working on, and when will it be available?

I’m currently tidying up the final edits of my second novel and at present have not signed with a publisher.

“Beyond the Faerie Rath,” the first installment in a magical Ireland trilogy, uncovers the ancient world of the Tuatha Dé through the eyes of the O’Donnell clan, and the three main characters, Ríaghain, Nemain and Macha. The story follows Calla Sweet (Ríaghain) as she begins a new life in a distant land. Her gift of foreseeing death has impacted her life and inheriting a property far from her past offers a fresh start. Meeting Colm O’Donnell awakens both her desires and fears as her visions and encounters with the unseen lead her to question her sanity. Unbeknownst to her, her arrival was orchestrated by her biological father, Finvarra, the King of the Faeries. Colm, enchanted by Calla, finds himself drawn to her mysterious aura and becomes entangled in a web of magical intrigue and danger as he seeks to protect her from a relentless pursuer intent on proving the existence of immortals.

Author Links: GoodReads | Twitter | Facebook | Website

A holiday in the Algarve of Portugal…sunshine…fun-shine. It’s what I need. It’s time to be me. Time to find the woman I was before the nightmares, outlandish dreams, and sleepwalking. But I wasn’t expecting to find Tomás Ferreira, a man made for pleasure. And now, my heart throbs with unfulfilled excitement, fire burns in my belly, and swirling flames lick my thighs. I’m a glorious mess. Where did Tiegan Moss come from? And why is she suddenly here on the day of the dead, the day the door to the otherworld swings open, the day the veil is thin? I’d hidden in the shadows, content, a life barely lived. You’ve changed everything. You make me want. You make my blood sing. Lost in your kaleidoscope eyes, trapped in the pout of your lips, I can’t escape. And I don’t like it one bit. Can our two haunted souls find a future together?

Finding Tiegan

Hanna Park’s Finding Tiegan skillfully weaves a tapestry of romance, mystery, and the intriguing concept of fate. The protagonist, Tiegan Moss, embarks on a transformative journey following the loss of her husband and the end of a significant relationship. Her decision to spend three months in a quaint Portuguese town, indulging in local cuisine, picturesque scenery, and nurturing her artistic talents, marks the beginning of her healing process. Upon arriving in Portugal, Tiegan encounters Tomás Ferreira, igniting a profound and unexplainable connection. Despite the undeniable attraction and a shared magnetic pull, Tomás’s enigmatic past and inner turmoil present obstacles to their budding relationship. Park explores themes of love, destiny, and the pursuit of truth as Tiegan and Tomás navigate their complex feelings for each other.

Tiegan’s character is portrayed with resilience and fearlessness, willingly confronting challenges that contribute to her personal growth. Her unwavering determination to explore the depths of her connection with Tomás, despite his intimidating aura, adds layers to her character. Tomás, contrastingly, is depicted as a character grappling with his troubled past, leading to a self-imposed restraint that complicates their relationship. The rapid progression of their romance, underpinned by the notion of destiny, offers an interesting perspective on the concept of soulmates. The narrative unfolds through alternating perspectives, allowing readers an intimate glimpse into the protagonists’ internal conflicts and emotions. As the story progresses, supernatural elements emerge, intertwining with a mysterious prophecy that hints at a deeper connection between Tiegan and Tomás. This blend of romance with paranormal aspects adds a compelling twist to the plot.

Finding Tiegan is a riveting novel that captivates readers with its blend of romance, suspense, and paranormal elements. Park masterfully balances the themes of overcoming dark pasts and embracing life, creating an engaging and thought-provoking narrative. Lovers of romance, especially those who appreciate a mix of eroticism, plot twists, and paranormal intrigue, will find this novel compelling.

Pages: 294 | ASIN : B098PHTW8D

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