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Intrigued With the Afterlife

Louise Glass Author Interview

Dream Lover follows three best friends navigating the chaos of life who, while looking for romance, encounter the paranormal and the lines between mortal and the afterlife start to blur. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

One morning I awoke with the beginnings of a series filling my head. I had a small novel with Harper Collins years ago that my editor sliced and diced, so this time I decided to self-publish my books to keep the storylines intact. Being a clairvoyant empath, I know much about the paranormal world, making it easier to write about. Sitting at my laptop the prologue emerged and soon I was typing quickly. The storyline changes a lot as I progress, and thank goodness for the delete button.

I am lucky that I have enough ideas to write a series. I have no respect for people who hire ghostwriters. Writing is my greatest joy is writing, and I would be lost without it.

Did you plan the tone and direction of the novel before writing, or did it come out organically as you were writing?

Even when I plan the novel’s direction, it constantly changes as more of the book emerges. Midway through Dream Lover, I developed the character of Arianna as a guardian angel, and my imagination took flight. Now, I am most proud of the woman she has become in book two in the series, Arianna’s Story, to be released later this year.

What were some themes that were important for you to explore in this book?

The book’s background is the friendship between the three best friends that never wavers no matter what is happening in their lives. I wanted the readers to learn about the paranormal world, and I became intrigued with the afterlife, which is so vital to my books. A sociopath emerged with a background that surprised me, and I am the writer! I used a trigger warning for the particular villain, and it has added a layer of darkness the book needs.

When will book 2 be available? Can you give us an idea of where that book will take readers?

I am editing and rewriting Arianna’s Story and I am on chapter 24 which has over 60 chapters, but I am sure it will be available this year on KDP Amazon. Arianna was such an intriguing character the book became a time travel with past lives and reincarnation. The most astonishing part was I stumbled upon a heartbreaking real-life Hollywood mystery from the 1940’s. I included two famous actors in the book and gave them the happy ending they deserved. Book two will be around 500 pages and includes LBGTQ life and Fentanyl addiction.

The paranormal world eventually expands into sci-fi, and it entails reincarnation and past lives. My characters, which include the Dream Lover cast and their pets, meet exciting new characters and villains. I take the readers from the glamorous Hollywood of the 1940s to the afterlife and back to urban NYC. I have grown tremendously as a writer, and I hope this continues with book three.

Author Links: GoodReads | Amazon

Intimate, thought-provoking, and utterly unique, Dream Lover is a boundary-breaking contemporary urban paranormal romance packed with a hilarious blend of steamy hot love scenes, female friendship, and the paranormal. Follow the three friends in New York City as they juggle handsome, sexy boyfriends, fancy restaurants, ghosts, dreams come true, and visions of what’s to come. Adult content is tempered by the humor and love flowing through the book.

Ali, Lizzie, and Suzanne are best friends through thick and thin – even when reality turns to utter chaos. Inexplicably, Ali knows her neurotic and witty friend Lizzie cannot step onto the elevator in her building for fear of certain death because Ali has suddenly become psychic and more. Meanwhile, the hopeful and overly trusting Suzanne picks the wrong man and experiences the unimaginable life after death.

Enter Fred, a mischievous, verbose young Sulphur-crested cockatoo that steals the limelight with his insatiable obsession with Cheez Doodles and his toddler-like ways that have readers begging for more Fred the cockatoo. All hell breaks loose when Fred decides to mate with Ali and builds them a nest.

Ghosts and angels run amok, and the line between the mortal world and the afterlife becomes blurred. Ghosts wish they were human once more, and the characters in Dream Lover have to deal with the fallout as their two worlds delightfully collide.

Prepare yourself for a fantastical journey packed with laughter, tears, and soulmate love with the right men. Learn if ghosts can metamorphose and become human, is astral projection dangerous, and much more about the world of the paranormal.

Dream Lover

Dream Lover, by Louise Glass, takes readers on an emotional journey with three best friends, Ali, Suzanne, and Lizzie, as they navigate love, tragedy, and significant life changes. Each woman experiences a whirlwind romance leading to a happy ending while facing unique challenges. Ali discovers her clairvoyant and empathic abilities, Suzanne grapples with loneliness that leads to a major tragedy, and Lizzie’s insecurities complicate her love life. Through it all, their unbreakable friendship helps them endure and thrive.

The novel stands out for its distinct narrative style with alternating perspectives among the three friends and even the men in their lives. While this approach adds depth, I feel it can occasionally be somewhat confusing, but the clear character voices help readers quickly adjust. Glass excels in crafting relatable, multidimensional characters. Ali, Suzanne, and Lizzie each possess unique insecurities and envies, reflecting the complexities of real female friendships. Their individual styles and quirks, including their beloved pets, add charm to the story. Ali’s cockatoo, Fred, is particularly delightful, bringing humor and warmth, while Suzanne’s cat, Precious, provides amusing moments with her dog-like behavior.

Glass’s plot is engaging, with each character’s storyline contributing to a cohesive whole. I believe Ali’s rapid acceptance of her newfound abilities felt a bit rushed and feel a deeper exploration of her initial skepticism would have added realism. The balance of humor and steamy romance keeps the narrative lively. A standout moment is when Fred bites Ali’s partner, Steve, on his bare butt cheek, showcasing Glass’s knack for blending comedy with romance. Dream Lover offers a touch of the paranormal and leaves the storyline open to the potential for more in future installments. Readers are left curious about Suzanne’s sister and eager for further exploration of the supernatural elements.

Dream Lover is an enjoyable read, capturing the essence of female friendship and personal growth. With its memorable characters and engaging plot, it leaves readers looking forward to what comes next in the lives of Ali, Suzanne, and Lizzie.

Pages: 325 | ASIN : B0C9FBPXKY

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