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Patience and Endurance

Keith Gillum Author Interview

Blue Dream follows a man whose dream reveals a mysterious symbol and opens the door to an entirely new reality. Where did the idea for this novel come from?

Originally, I wanted to write a fantasy novel. I kept picturing a young guy and a dwarf robot crossing a pitch-black chasm. That’s pretty much what started the book. And then I entered a miniature screenplay contest where Dom adventures through an evil tunnel. I didn’t win, but the judge said it read like the beginning to a cool Sci-fi movie. So, I took his advice, writing a novel instead.

I found Dom to be a fascinating character. What was the inspiration for his traits and dialogue?

Most readers feel a strong connection to Dom. I think it’s because anyone can relate to the inner turmoil he experiences. It’s all part of the fight of life. He struggles to find a place in the world and is happy to learn a new one is well on the way. Although, getting there isn’t easy.

What were some themes that were important for you to explore in this book?

In Blue Dream, I draw on Christian themes time and time again. Especially, the encouragement found in Revelation and the rewards that come from patience and endurance.

Can readers look forward to more work from you soon? What are you currently working on?

I poured everything I could into Blue Dream. It’s all in there, really. Every part of me and everything I’ve experienced and know. Right now, I occasionally post on my substack. Other than that, starting a political campaign for State Rep has been taking up most of my free time.

Author Links: GoodReads | Substack | Facebook | Website | Amazon

Sometimes you have to dive deep to find God. Hope you can swim…

Dom has been living in digital paradise for as long as he can remember. He’s lucky enough to be one of the gogglers of the Trop. However, having all that he can imagine has been less than blissful. He thinks too much, consumes too little, and it’s stressing out his manager.

Everything changes one night when a dream swims his way, and he finds a mysterious symbol. Soon he is sliding into a new reality and following a way he knows little about. His decision to go deeper brings him face to face with the scariest depths of the program. The ensuing battle will require him to wear the full armor of God.

BLUE DREAM. Find faith in the static.

Family Bonds

Joseph Schwartz Author Interview

Wilder Fire: Thomas Berenford Chronicles follows a man claiming to own a pest removal business who takes on the role of trying to save this community from the danger that threatens it. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

The core character inspiration was my father, Richard Schwartz. On his best day, he was Thomas Berenford. Charming, competent, and conflicted. In terms of genre, inspiration came from swords and sorcery fantasy from my youth mashed with the noir detective novels and movies.

Thomas acts out of a need to protect and rectify the wrongs in the world. What were the morals you were trying to capture while creating your characters?

Courage: Something in short supply today.

What were some themes that were important for you to explore in this book?

Family bonds and the enduring devotion of the dog.

Where does the story go in the next book, and where do you see it going in the future?

So glad you asked! Coming soon, Berenford will appear in a prequel called Blood Daggers, inspired in part by the likes of The Godfather and The Sopranos. Afterwards, look for another Berenford exploit set in the Wild West. No, he will not don a cowboy hat, but he will ride a horse.

Author Links: GoodReads | Twitter | Facebook | Website

Pests come in all shapes and sizes.

Nothing comes easy for me. No matter where I wander, whenever I hang my sign, the inevitable femme fatale crosses my threshold and hires my services for the day.

I’m Thomas Berenford. Today, I’ll be on the hunt to rescue a wayward kid banging around with a band of were-dogs. Sort of man’s worst friend. Difficult, to say the least, and hardly worth the gold.

Why bother? To right a few wrongs, that’s why. To expose the pernicious forces behind the Gray Ruin, a fatal disease striking down the best denizens of my latest home. To untangle a web of corruption between violent thugs, greedy crime lords, malevolent mages, and a twisted old witch bearing a hot grudge.

Fear not, for I’ve got a skin of hooch, a few cigars, and Wilma — my tumultuous broadsword and collaborator. I should be fine. Just fine.

All in a day’s fun for an entrepreneur in the business of Pest Control.

Wilder Fire: Thomas Berenford Chronicles

In Wilder Fire: Thomas Berenford Chronicles, by Joseph Schwartz, readers are introduced to Thomas Berenford, an intriguing character with a knack for wielding a broadsword and a sharp sense of humor. Set in the fictional community of Blackstone Springs, Berenford’s arrival marks the beginning of his journey as he sets up a pest control business, only to find himself entangled in a web of danger. The narrative suggests a connection between these perilous events and the enigmatic characters of the Wilders and Kilgore. As the plot thickens, it becomes apparent that Blackstone Springs faces a grave threat, and Berenford might just be the key to averting it.

Schwartz’s fantasy adventure novel is rich with vivid battle scenes and mythical creatures, aligning well with the shifter or werewolf genres. Readers familiar with Andrzej Sapkowski’s “The Witcher” series may find similarities in theme and style. Berenford, as a protagonist, melds the roles of warrior and detective, navigating the story’s challenges with both physical prowess and keen insight. The novel’s first-person narration enhances the storytelling, with Berenford’s acerbic wit and world-weary demeanor bringing a unique perspective to the magical and mystical elements of the plot. Despite his experience in facing formidable challenges, Berenford finds the situation in Blackstone Springs particularly daunting. The injustice perpetrated by Kilgore and the Wilders strikes a chord with him, compelling him to take action. Berenford’s motivations evolve from self-interest to a genuine desire to do good, revealing his underlying heroism. His character, reminiscent of Han Solo from the Star Wars saga, is driven by a deep-seated need to confront and rectify the wrongs he witnesses. This transformation from a mercenary to a champion of justice adds depth to his character, making him an engaging and relatable figure for readers.

Schwartz skillfully weaves a tale of adventure, mystery, and moral complexity, presenting a protagonist whose journey is as much about internal discovery as it is about external conflict.

Pages: 124 | ASIN : B0CNG7R5CP

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