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Our Intricate Whole

Alyssa Charpentier Author Interview

A Maiden’s Wish: A Novella follows two sisters who are offered a glimpse of a better life from a powerful shaman. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

Initially, I aimed to tell a much shorter morality tale about two friends: a vain and misguided young woman and her humbler companion who are both offered a wish-making proposition by a supernatural entity. The entity promises fame and fortune to the one but warns that this fate will be achingly empty. In contrast, to the other woman, it promises an eternally rewarding life laden with hardships and heavy burdens. “You will not see the fruits of your efforts in this lifetime,” the entity tells the humble woman who desires to use her talents for humanity’s goodwill. “But they will echo across eternity.”

This concept, set in modern times, was eventually abandoned in favor of A Maiden’s Wish, which plays to some of the same narrative beats but has a much richer journey, more ideas, and (in my opinion) a superior ending.

Bayelle and Evora experience a vast range of emotions as they come to realize the cost of the choices they make. Are there any emotions or memories from your own life that you put into your characters’ lives?

Bayelle and Evora represent the internal struggles I’ve contended with as a young woman, especially in the flippant, sometimes predatory internet sphere. Evora is the identity I chose, along my social media path, to reject: male manipulation, self-objectification, and abuse of beauty for “likes” and flattery. Conversely, Bayelle embodies my frustrations and deepest longings as a woman and, indeed, a human being: the desire to love, be loved, and impress an eternal impact upon the world through my creative skills.

Bayelle encounters opposition from worldly wickedness, oppressive opinions, and erroneous religious teachings along her journey, representative of our culture’s current divisions in the realms of feminism, “red pill” society, and the Christian church. As I have come to triumph over the flaws and failings in each of these groups, I developed the satisfaction I have been privileged to bestow upon Bayelle at the peak of her struggle.

What were some themes that were important for you to explore in this book?

Mankind has a warped view of what constitutes a fulfilling life, and it also holds a warped perception of women. As a race, we’re made for so much more than the glazed-eyed, hazy-minded daily grind. You can own as much “stuff” as you like; the stuff won’t fit into the hole in your heart. It can’t plug up and force away the sadness we sometimes feel or keep joy locked inside. Beauty, in its physical form, will erase its bloom from every face that weathers enough time and exposure to this world. The good news? That’s okay.

Appearances are one small and impermanent part of our intricate whole, and beauty that penetrates no deeper than one’s moisturizer cannot affect a grander purpose. A Maiden’s Wish asks our divisive culture to be realistic and seek deeper things than what is readily seen. Women are beautiful, and our femininity distinguishes us from men, but visuals don’t make or break us, just as they don’t make a book interesting beyond a fleeting glance. Women are not toys, commodities, objects (whether exploited by self or others), or beings of inferior purpose and intellect, all tailored for the same purpose—we are equals under God and accountable to none but Him.

Will there be a follow-up novel to this story? If so, what aspects of the story will the next book cover?

The power of this story, for me, is its brevity and finality; I do not anticipate a sequel or spin-off, but I’m sure it will have “spiritual successors” of a sort. The book’s themes, gentle magical varnish, and the nature of the characters within made for a wonderfully appealing writing process that might be cathartic to explore in a different, unrelated world and plot.

Author Links: Goodreads | Website | Amazon

One wish to turn one’s fate…
The human heart harbors many desires—some fulfilled, others forgone. But young Bayelle and her sister have a guaranteed chance at a better life in the form of a powerful shaman who can grant them each one wish. When dreams and reality clash and the dust of their decisions settles, Bayelle and Evora discover what is truly worth wishing for… and the consequences of entrusting one’s future to the forces of magic.

A coming-of-age and morality tale.

A Sinister Love

In A Sinister Love, by Spencer Hixon, we are introduced to Scribble, a demoness abruptly reassigned from her mundane clerical duties to a role she never anticipated: a Sinister on Earth. Tasked with tempting her assigned human, Paul, into sinning, Scribble struggles not from a lack of cunning, but because she tends to talk more than she tempts. Deciding that a physical presence might improve her odds, she assumes a succubus body with the help of her enigmatic new boss. As Scribble navigates her new form, she not only charms Paul into offering her a job but also grows unexpectedly close to him, leading to unforeseen emotional complications. Is her discomfort due to the new body, or could she be falling for a human?

Hixon’s portrayal of Scribble as an avid reader adds an unexpected layer of relatability to the demoness, making her journey from timidity to bravery quite compelling. Similarly, Paul is a thoughtfully crafted character whose struggles with mental health add depth and relevance to the narrative. The character of Rotworm is vividly realized—his sleazy demeanor is palpable, yet he delivers surprises that leave readers eager for more. While the novel excels in character development and a gripping plot, I feel that some areas seemed a bit underexplored and could benefit from further elaboration. Despite these minor gaps, this book remains a highly engaging read, especially for those who appreciate a blend of supernatural elements with human emotional dilemmas. Hixon’s work is a commendable addition to the genre, promising a level of intrigue that will keep readers looking forward to the next installment.

Spencer Hixon’s A Sinister Love masterfully blends the supernatural with the profoundly human, crafting a narrative that is both entertaining and emotionally resonant. Through the eyes of Scribble, a demoness finding her footing among humans, readers are treated to a story that challenges the traditional boundaries of genre fiction. This book is sure to delight those who enjoy tales of personal growth, supernatural intrigue, and the complexities of love, making it a worthy addition to any reader’s collection.

Pages: 344 | ASIN : B0D1F6FS5K

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The Door to Trilesk

The Door to Trilesk by Shannon Holly is an evocative tale that delves into the journey of self-discovery and embracing one’s true identity. The story centers on Kate, a young woman who inherits the traveler gene from her family lineage, a trait her mother, Janice, vehemently opposed activating. The narrative begins when Janice decides to sell Aunt Esmerelda’s house, compelling Kate to visit the place that holds the key to her suppressed memories. As Kate spends time in the house, she begins to recall the summer she spent there with her aunt at the age of eight. These resurfaced memories awaken her latent traveler abilities, setting her on a path of conflict with her mother to preserve the house and her freedom. Through this struggle, Kate not only embraces her true self but also unlocks the potential to rescue her aunt from mysterious captors.

Set firmly within the fantasy genre, The Door to Trilesk captivates with its imaginative realms and magical dimensions. Holly skillfully blends the present with the past, creating a seamless narrative highlighting self-acceptance’s importance. Kate’s journey is a poignant reminder that one cannot escape their true nature. Suppressed for years, her traveler gene reactivates when she reconnects with her past, leading her to abandon her former career aspirations in favor of a fulfilling life as a traveler. Holly’s writing is both accessible and engaging, guiding the reader effortlessly through the transitions between past and present. The vivid descriptions of Kate and Esmerelda’s experiences create a realistic portrayal, though Janice’s character development introduces a layer of ambiguity, making the reader question the reality of these events. The male characters serve as a backdrop that highlights the strength and complexity of the female protagonists, adding a unique dynamic to the story. The narrative’s mystery, especially surrounding why Janice’s door leads to a dark dimension, adds an intriguing layer that keeps readers engaged and eager to uncover more.

The Door to Trilesk is a compelling read that combines magical elements with a heartfelt exploration of identity and personal growth. Shannon Holly’s talent for storytelling shines through, making this book a worthwhile addition to the fantasy genre.

Pages: 227 | ASIN : B0CW9FRJPQ

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