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Finding a Family and Love

Albert T. Franklin Author Interview

Searching for Zen follows a young boy from Earth who is given a divine destiny and the chance to impact civilization if he confronts humanity’s dark side and discovers the meaning of love. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

A long time ago, I lost someone and decided to drive across Canada alone. I felt like my life was all but over. I felt like I had wasted all my potential and listened to Beck’s Sea Change for the first 20 hours. After a while, I needed to change my mindset, so I decided to tell myself a story to help change my mindset. I needed to remind myself what I felt was most important. The story, of course, has changed a lot in the past 20 years.

Zen goes through many changes and challenges, shaping who he becomes. A lot of time was spent crafting the character traits in this novel. What was the most important factor for you to get right in your characters?

I was hoping you feel him being lost. So all his powers and potential are not what is really important, but finding a family and love was what was most important. Maybe just me, but I think it’s finding those connections that really matter in life.

What were some themes that were important for you to explore in this book?

I feel like the current situation of our world is darker than it has been since I’ve been alive, and many feel lost. I just wanted to be a small voice to remind people what is important.

Will there be a follow-up novel to this story? If so, what aspects of the story will the next book cover?

I have 6 other stories or books, but I do have a plan for 2 more books for Zen. The next might be Zen headed to the spiritual realm and look into that. I don’t see my story as a spiritual one really, but I do think faith is important. I like leaving that open to interpretation, but I was trying to blend a more modern take on fantasy religion or faith.

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In a world where Earth intertwines with realms of fantasy and science fiction, a humble boy is bestowed with a divine destiny, thrusting him into a journey of self-discovery and perilous adventure.

Our story begins on Earth, but an Earth with a past steeped in fantasy, myths, and legends. From humble beginnings, a boy is given a divine destiny, a chance to make his mark on human civilization, but he must embark upon a life-changing journey. Our hero struggles to understand what he has been given and what to do with it, losing himself in doubt and loneliness as he confronts the dark side of humanity.

Coming of age, Zen finds strength in himself, builds a family from a motley collection of strangers, and discovers love. His newfound friends help him open up, learn to trust others, and eventually understand his reason for fighting. The trials he faces throughout his quest amplify as his power increases, and he even sparks the ire of those in the spirit realm, who doubt any human can wield such power successfully.

As Zen grapples with the weight of his purpose and the sacrifices it demands, he learns that the true power lies not in his abilities alone, but in the bonds of love, friendship, and the resilience of the human spirit.

Searching For Zen: A Tale of Divine Destiny

Searching for Zen by Albert T. Franklin presents a compelling narrative centered around Zen, a character destined to become the Zendarian, a beacon of hope and leadership. Zen’s journey, marked by isolation due to his unique abilities, unfolds as he grapples with the burden of his powers and the quest for self-identity.

The novel opens with a captivating premise: a child, chosen by a divine force and bestowed with formidable powers, becomes an outcast in his own village. This intriguing start sets the stage for a richly constructed world. However, it sometimes leaves the reader pondering whether its inspiration is derived from ancient Earth or an entirely fictional realm. The diversity of characters, including various mythical entities, adds depth and color to this universe. The assortment of powers and skills each character possesses enhances the narrative and plays a crucial role in the unfolding of events. The brisk pacing of the story speaks to its engaging nature, keeping readers constantly intrigued and eager for further development in its rich setting and multifaceted themes. Zen’s ability to swiftly overcome obstacles highlights his exceptional skills and the strength of his character, providing an optimistic view of his journey and the challenges he faces. The book ventures into the realm of romance, presenting opportunities for even more nuanced development in future installments. Zen’s dialogue, predominantly marked by wisdom and maturity, intriguingly explores different facets of his character in more personal contexts, adding layers to his persona and keeping the reader engaged in his growth and evolution.

For those drawn to self-discovery stories, Searching for Zen offers a journey through a vividly imagined world filled with intriguing characters and fantastical creatures. The theme of finding one’s chosen family resonates throughout the narrative, making it appealing to enthusiasts of epic adventures and explorations of personal identity.

Pages: 201 | ASIN : B0CNHX1WFD

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