
Gene Richard Piotrowsky Author Interview

Forgery by Deception follows a rebellious and ambitious banker who orchestrates a complex operation to smuggle drugs disguised as legitimate products and counterfeit currency. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

I first thought about the counterfeit aspect many years ago when I watched an old Sherlock Holmes film, Dressed to Kill, starring Basil Rathbone. He is tasked with finding the hiding place of the Bank of England’s five-pound note plates before the criminals find it. The drugs were based on a friend’s job years ago. She was the Country Manager for a very large pharmaceutical firm producing drugs in a third-world country. It was only after I wrote my first novel Unfaithful, that I felt it was time for Forgery by Deception.

Richard Brock is a well-developed character that is believable and relatable. Was the character’s backstory something you always had, or did it develop as you were writing?

Only one part of Richard Brock’s character was based on a fellow I met many years ago. He was working for a New York Bank, setting up banks in Latin America. All of the other character traits were invented as I started writing the book.

What scene in the book did you have the most fun writing?

Actually, all the scenes between Cynthia Blane and John Paxton, I really enjoyed writing. I wanted to show their byplay as their relationship developed. I guess the fire-fight against Murray was the most intricate in terms of how to set up that scenario.

What is the next book that you are working on, and when will it be available?

I’m working on a World War II spy story. It’s just in the research stage. I’m a student of WWII history, especially the espionage missions and deceptions that were carried out.

Author Links: GoodReads | Facebook | Instagram | Amazon

After spending six years in a highly successful financial career, Richard Brock felt a restlessness, a growing feeling that what he was doing was not enough. A need to step out and create something sensational, something no one had dared to do. He formulated an audacious two-fold plan that would confound and confuse multiple law enforcement agencies.

First, they were going to create economic chaos in the United States economy, by producing currency that is both genuine and untraceable. By using an informant in the Treasury Department with a Top-Secret clearance, he was able to pull off the ‘Heist of the Century.’ A robbery so sensitive, that only a few select senior officials were informed. The result was that Security Chief, Thomas Ryan found it necessary to secure an independent agent outside of the Treasury Department, but with a department background.
Enter John Paxton, an old friend, and ex-Navy Seal, now retired who was a top Treasury Agent. Paxton, now 53 retired after having been seriously injured in a fire-fight during his last assignment. John is living on his sailboat the ‘PEGGY SUE,’ somewhere in the Florida Keys.

The Second part of Richard’s plan is to devise a one-hundred percent foolproof method of importing drugs into the United States. A method so complex, and a method so clever, that the DEA, The Coast Guard, and any other drug enforcement agencies, will be completely baffled.

Now for the last year, cut cocaine from Columbian drug lord Enrico Sanchez, has been successfully smuggled into New York City undetected.

Besides the law enforcement agents working on this case, a sharp and creative investigative reporter for The National magazine has been tirelessly concentrating on this one particular story, a petite 45-year-old Cynthia Blane.

Frustrated by lack of substantial leads and clues, Cynthia formulates an almost absurd theory as to how the drugs are being brought in. What if the drugs are coming in legally? If so, they would have to be different. They would have to be in an innocuous form. Some everyday product. Something we take for granted.

John Paxton now looking for any anomalies in recent unsolved crimes, is directed by Sean London of the DEA to contact Cynthia about her theory. After they meet on his sailboat anchored in the harbor of the Bahama Island, San Salvador, they exchange information about both their cases. They concluded that there is strong evidence that both of their cases are related in some fashion. The decision is that they join forces to solve both anomalies.

Posted on June 8, 2024, in Interviews and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.


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