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Never Give Up On A Dream

Dr. Calvin James Author Interview

River follows a young boy with a unique lineage who has big dreams and learns how to navigate challenging situations and how he can impact the world and people around him. What was the inspiration for your story?

My struggles in my life and the struggle of finding success writing children’s books, novels, music, establishing a brand, and running a business. I’ve written fifteen children’s books to date. Three have been released. I hope to continue releasing one a year in the future. My first novel will be released this year. I released an album, CITY, under my own label, Climax Records, Inc. in 2005. I’ve produced music videos, written hundreds of songs, and yet I may not reach the level of success I dream of, despite talent, hard work, and perseverance. But I want to ensure I pass down all the knowledge and experience I’ve learned to my sons. I want them to know that sometimes what they want is not meant to be, regardless of the work put in. It does not mean you are a failure, because success can not be achieved without failure, learning from your mistakes, and applying those lessons in the future.

The art in this book brings the story to life, drawing children into the story and helping them relate to Renly. What was the art collaboration process like with illustrator Jordan Pizzuti?

I have been very fortunate to have Jordan on my team. I’ve learned through my music collaborations that when you’re working with professionals, they need little direction. So our collaboration process is simple. I give her the story and let her have free rain to create the vision that she sees. I do this because sometimes, an outside perspective can see aspects of a story the creator can’t and come up with something better. Jordan is great at that.

What were some educational aspects that were important for you to include in this children’s book?

  1. Never give up on a dream: When you’re tired and you want to quit, rest, but don’t stop. What you’re looking for might be closer than you think. So I want children to listen to their hearts, follow their dreams, and not let others steal their enthusiasm.
  2. Sacrifice: But that means working harder and risking more than others to achieve your dream.
  3. Family: Renly could have never strived for his dreams without the encouragement of his mother, the values she instilled in him, and the generations that came before him to lay down a path to reach success.

Can you tell us a little about where the story goes in book two and when the novel will be available?

So the next book is not a continuation of RIVER, but another story about a mother and son called, LONG, LONG TIME. That will be a sing-a-long book, which will be my second that I’ve released so far. Here is an excerpt of the story:

She drove home in the pouring rain.
I knocked on the window and called her name.
She came in. She looked so tired.
She said to me, “Baby, I need to rest a while.”

Now I can’t keep pretending that she’ll be ok.
But I don’t want to believe what I’m trying to say.
In my heart something tells me she’s losing this war.

I don’t know how long she’ll hold on.
I pray that I’m wrong.
And she’ll be here a long, long time…

You can read excerpts from all seven of my upcoming books at my website under the “READ” section. My first novel, THE WHITE, will be released this year, HALLOWEEN 2024.

Author Links: Twitter | Facebook | Website

A boy learns where he comes from and how far he can go. While his mother gives all she has to help him reach his dreams, he discovers how many lives he can touch in his struggle to have a better life.


River, by Dr. Calvin James, skillfully intertwines themes of nature, family, sacrifice, and grief into a narrative that fully engages its young readers. The story revolves around Renly, a boy who embodies the essence of a stream. His unique lineage, with a mother depicted as a brook and a father who was a fleeting snowstorm, sets the stage for an imaginative exploration of the natural world. Renly’s upbringing in the forest, surrounded by a communicative and vibrant ecosystem, fuels his aspiration to become a river, symbolizing growth and transformation.

Dr. James’ writing style adeptly balances poetic flair with accessibility for children, effectively introducing literary techniques like repetition and personification. This dual approach captivates young minds and serves as an educational resource for introducing complex literary concepts. The book’s enchanting illustrations and vivid descriptions of the forest environment are instrumental in nurturing an appreciation for nature among its readers. A notable aspect of this book is its portrayal of Renly and his family as people of color, executed with realism and beauty. This representation enriches the narrative and contributes to the diversification of characters in children’s literature. Moreover, Renly’s journey through various emotional landscapes, including how he seeks and accepts assistance, provides valuable lessons in emotional intelligence and resilience.

River is an enriching read for children aged 8-12. It features an unconventional ending that, while it may be thought-provoking for some, also holds the potential to deeply resonate with young readers who have encountered similar experiences, offering them comfort and profound insights.

Dr. Calvin James’ River is a thoughtful addition to any collection, particularly for those navigating difficult life experiences or seeking to diversify their reading material with inclusive characters. Its unique storytelling and character development approach makes it a compelling read for a broad audience.

Pages: 27 | ASIN : B0CZQP7MCN

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The Courage to Change

Michele L. Sayre Author Interview

I Can Do Bad All by Myzelf follows a disgruntled elf who was not hired by Santa, so he decides to get revenge by sabotaging Santa’s workshop. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

It was the month after Christmas in January 2023, and I was trying to generate some children’s book ideas. I was thinking about what the perfect job would be, and working for Santa came to mind. But Santa can’t hire everyone, right? So, even though this book was the fourth one published in the Holiday Tails series, it was the idea for this book that led to the development of all the other books, and, believe me, there will be many. Four are complete, and two more are slotted for this year.

The art in this book is unique and modern, really drawing in the older elementary-level children. What was the art collaboration process like with illustrator Christina Cartwright?

I always give Christina an idea of what I’d like to see on the page, but I leave it up to her imagination as well. There have been a couple of times that Christina misinterpreted what I was wanting (or more like I wasn’t as clear as I could have been), and I ended up going with what she gave me because I could see it was a better idea. For example, she proposed that we make the other elves’ skin colors be nontraditional human tones, and I thought it was a fantastic idea, so we ran with it.

What were some themes that were important for you to explore in this book?

The main themes I focused upon were:

Disappointment in life. Sometimes we can’t seem to make our dreams come true, no matter how hard we wish for it.

Finding the courage to change. Bad things happen – are we going to let them define us or are we going to listen to our hearts when they warn us we are on the wrong path? Can we find the courage to change?

Unconditional love. No matter what we do, everyone deserves a chance to be loved and do the right thing.

What is the next book that you are working on, and when will it be available?

The next book I’m working on is a follow-up to last year’s bunny book. Yakov is a wild and funny character, so it’s great to revisit his crazy antics. It should hopefully be done by summer and available to read and enjoy by all.

Author Links: GoodReads | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | YouTube | Amazon

The greatest job in the world is working for Santa, making toys for children, and bringing joy to every innocent heart. It’s the top job to which every mythical creature aspires, but none wish for this job more than elves.

But what if Santa won’t hire you? He can’t hire everyone. The greatest job in the world will only go to a select few. What do the rest of the rejected applicants do?

Well, if your Myz the elf, you get revenge on Santa. You make him rue the day he ever turned you away from the one thing you’ve ever wished for – working for the big man himself, Santa Claus.

Myz does everything he can think of to make the big guy’s life miserable and when he finally succeeds in attaining his naughty goal? Myz sees a side of Christmas that isn’t very beautiful or joyful.

Will his heart change in time to save Christmas? Sometimes we don’t know the true meaning of things until we almost lose them.

I Can Do Bad All by Myzelf (Happy Tails)

I Can Do Bad All by Myzelf presents an imaginative twist on a classic holiday theme. The story follows Myz, an elf who feels slighted for not being chosen as one of Santa Claus’s helpers. He and his penguin friend Nogol embark on a mischievous adventure in Santa’s toy distribution center. Their antics include mislabeling gifts, tampering with the naughty and nice lists, and even inadvertently causing conflict between the Lord’s angels and humanity. Myz’s journey of chaos culminates in a moment of reflection and remorse, leading him to strive to rectify his actions.

In this engaging young adult novel, readers are invited into a world that blends the enchantment of the holiday season with meaningful life lessons. Suitable for avid young readers who are comfortable with chapter books, this story delves into the dynamics of behavior and its ripple effects on others. It thoughtfully illustrates how positive and negative actions influence how people interact with each other. A notable aspect of the book is its portrayal of Santa, who recognizes the potential for positive change in Myz, a character initially driven by negative behaviors.

This narrative arc is a powerful reminder that seeking attention through adverse actions often leads to unintended consequences, a lesson that resonates well with the intended audience. The book’s illustrations are a standout feature, boasting a modern, video-game-like aesthetic that is likely to appeal to young readers. These contemporary visuals complement the story and enhance its appeal, making the book a captivating read for the young adult demographic. Michele L. Sayre’s use of rhyming infuses her writing style with a delightful charm, creating a rhythmic and engaging reading experience.

I Can Do Bad All By Myzelf is a compelling blend of holiday magic and insightful life lessons, making it a valuable addition to any young reader’s collection. The story’s exploration of behavior and its impact, combined with its visually striking illustrations, ensures it is an enjoyable read and an important tool for understanding the nuances of human interactions. This book is an excellent choice for young adults looking to immerse themselves in a story that is as thought-provoking as it is entertaining.

Pages: 75 | ASIN : B0CQQTVZM7

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