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Found-Family Crew of Misfits

Callan Mulligan Author Interview

The World Settlers follows a group of colonists aboard a starship headed for the center of the Milky Way who encounter challenges with passengers and the ship, both of which threaten not just their mission but their lives. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

I was on board a cruise ship in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, dreaming of space travel, when the idea for The World Settlers hit me. I thought, “You know what would make a cool story? The Titanic, but in space.” I wrote the first chapter on that cruise and published the first part (Astraeus) a little over one year later. It was so well received that a sequel was basically demanded of me, and the rest is history.

Were you able to achieve everything you wanted with the characters in the novel?

Having multiple POVs was a difficult task for my first novel, but the benefits outweighed the risks. A cast of several characters means the reader will always relate to at least one of them, and more complex relationships can be formed between them all. Fortunately, I was able to weave the story successfully through each of their experiences. I’ve never been more attached to fictional characters than to this found-family crew of misfits.

Did you plan the tone and direction of the novel before writing, or did it come out organically as you were writing?

I plotted and planned several chapters ahead as I went, while also allowing the characters to take me in the direction they needed. This allowed for imaginative world-building and a lot of consistency, but also created an organic experience. The one thing I didn’t expect was how the ending would turn out – but everyone says it’s mind-blowing!

What is the next book that you’re working on, and when can your fans expect it?

It’s top secret, but it’s a game-changer for the sci-fi genre. There is no date set for release, but I would expect within the next few years!

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After the cradle was lost, humankind expanded across the Orion Arm of the Milky Way. Centuries of conflict followed, but peace returned under the rule of the Commonwealth. Now, the enormous world settling starships of the past have been recommissioned, and the Astraeus has set sail to find new worlds at the centre of the galaxy.

Not long into the journey, Lizabeth Denning witnesses a horrific murder and sees the wrong man framed. And to make matters worse, the ship begins to experience violent tremors. In a race against time, the passengers must find the killer and repair the ship before they fall victim to the cold, empty, void of space.

But things are not as they seem on this World Settler. When secrets are uncovered, Lizabeth and her new friends find themselves at the centre of a conspiracy, and the galaxy will never be the same…

The World Settlers 

In The World Settlers by Callan J. Mulligan, readers are taken on a futuristic journey aboard the starship Astraeus, embarking on a 200-year quest to the Milky Way’s center. This science fiction narrative, divided into several parts, intricately explores the lives and challenges of its characters in an ambitious world settlement mission. Central figures like Jim Atley, a lottery winner adapting to ship life, and Lizabeth, who carries a potentially mission-altering secret, offer personal insights into the novel’s themes. These include the formation of new societies in space, the psychological impacts on settlers, and innovative technologies like the Tyson Particle enabling deep-space exploration. As the voyage encounters unexplained tremors, the tension among the settlers escalates, intertwining personal tales with broader societal and space travel challenges.

Mulligan masterfully crafts a narrative where intrigue, friendship, and despair are intertwined in a world brimming with imaginative settings and lore. The characters, from Cassian to Lisabeth and Carron, are rendered with remarkable realism, drawing the reader into their personal journeys of struggle and success. The author’s narrative prowess shines throughout the book as each character steps into the limelight, showcasing a commendable balance in character development. The intricate world-building complements the characters’ stories, making the reader increasingly engaged with the universe Mulligan has woven. The resolution of the characters’ complex challenges in an unexpected manner may leave readers with mixed feelings.

Callan J. Mulligan’s The World Settlers is a captivating science-fiction novel that takes readers on a thrilling journey through space. This imaginative space opera delves into the possibility of colonizing space and what that means for humanity’s future. The novel will keep fans of the genre engrossed from beginning to end.

Pages: 318 | ASIN : B0CTX3TCXZ

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