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Intrigued With the Afterlife

Louise Glass Author Interview

Dream Lover follows three best friends navigating the chaos of life who, while looking for romance, encounter the paranormal and the lines between mortal and the afterlife start to blur. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

One morning I awoke with the beginnings of a series filling my head. I had a small novel with Harper Collins years ago that my editor sliced and diced, so this time I decided to self-publish my books to keep the storylines intact. Being a clairvoyant empath, I know much about the paranormal world, making it easier to write about. Sitting at my laptop the prologue emerged and soon I was typing quickly. The storyline changes a lot as I progress, and thank goodness for the delete button.

I am lucky that I have enough ideas to write a series. I have no respect for people who hire ghostwriters. Writing is my greatest joy is writing, and I would be lost without it.

Did you plan the tone and direction of the novel before writing, or did it come out organically as you were writing?

Even when I plan the novel’s direction, it constantly changes as more of the book emerges. Midway through Dream Lover, I developed the character of Arianna as a guardian angel, and my imagination took flight. Now, I am most proud of the woman she has become in book two in the series, Arianna’s Story, to be released later this year.

What were some themes that were important for you to explore in this book?

The book’s background is the friendship between the three best friends that never wavers no matter what is happening in their lives. I wanted the readers to learn about the paranormal world, and I became intrigued with the afterlife, which is so vital to my books. A sociopath emerged with a background that surprised me, and I am the writer! I used a trigger warning for the particular villain, and it has added a layer of darkness the book needs.

When will book 2 be available? Can you give us an idea of where that book will take readers?

I am editing and rewriting Arianna’s Story and I am on chapter 24 which has over 60 chapters, but I am sure it will be available this year on KDP Amazon. Arianna was such an intriguing character the book became a time travel with past lives and reincarnation. The most astonishing part was I stumbled upon a heartbreaking real-life Hollywood mystery from the 1940’s. I included two famous actors in the book and gave them the happy ending they deserved. Book two will be around 500 pages and includes LBGTQ life and Fentanyl addiction.

The paranormal world eventually expands into sci-fi, and it entails reincarnation and past lives. My characters, which include the Dream Lover cast and their pets, meet exciting new characters and villains. I take the readers from the glamorous Hollywood of the 1940s to the afterlife and back to urban NYC. I have grown tremendously as a writer, and I hope this continues with book three.

Author Links: GoodReads | Amazon

Intimate, thought-provoking, and utterly unique, Dream Lover is a boundary-breaking contemporary urban paranormal romance packed with a hilarious blend of steamy hot love scenes, female friendship, and the paranormal. Follow the three friends in New York City as they juggle handsome, sexy boyfriends, fancy restaurants, ghosts, dreams come true, and visions of what’s to come. Adult content is tempered by the humor and love flowing through the book.

Ali, Lizzie, and Suzanne are best friends through thick and thin – even when reality turns to utter chaos. Inexplicably, Ali knows her neurotic and witty friend Lizzie cannot step onto the elevator in her building for fear of certain death because Ali has suddenly become psychic and more. Meanwhile, the hopeful and overly trusting Suzanne picks the wrong man and experiences the unimaginable life after death.

Enter Fred, a mischievous, verbose young Sulphur-crested cockatoo that steals the limelight with his insatiable obsession with Cheez Doodles and his toddler-like ways that have readers begging for more Fred the cockatoo. All hell breaks loose when Fred decides to mate with Ali and builds them a nest.

Ghosts and angels run amok, and the line between the mortal world and the afterlife becomes blurred. Ghosts wish they were human once more, and the characters in Dream Lover have to deal with the fallout as their two worlds delightfully collide.

Prepare yourself for a fantastical journey packed with laughter, tears, and soulmate love with the right men. Learn if ghosts can metamorphose and become human, is astral projection dangerous, and much more about the world of the paranormal.

Finding Common Ground

Justin Kojok Author Interview

Whispers in the Vineyard follows a woman looking to learn more about her heritage and winemaking who falls in love with the son of a rival family. What inspired the setup of your story?

Whispers in the Vineyard draws inspiration from a rich textile of sources, combining elements of classic romantic literature, the time-honored tradition of vineyard cultivation, and the vibrant cultural heritage of Ghana. The central theme of the story—rival families with a complicated history finding common ground through the younger generation is a twist that highlights reconciliation and cooperation instead of tragedy.

The novel also taps into the universal appeal of returning to one’s roots. The protagonist (Loom)’s journey to learn more about her heritage and the art of winemaking serves as a metaphor for exploring one’s identity and reconciling with one’s past. This theme resonates deeply in a global context where many seek to reconnect with and understand their cultural backgrounds. Additionally, the setting in a vineyard is particularly symbolic. Vineyards, which require patience, careful cultivation, and a deep understanding of the land, parallel the process of nurturing relationships and building communities. They are places where nature meets human craft, where each season brings new challenges and opportunities for growth—much like the personal and communal growth experienced by the characters in the novel.

Lastly, the choice to set the story in Ghana—with its rich history, diverse cultures, and beautiful landscapes—provides a backdrop that enriches the narrative with authenticity and a sense of place. It allows the story to delve into specific cultural practices, particularly those surrounding agriculture and communal living, that shape the characters’ lives and the plot’s development.

Overall, the setup of Whispers in the Vineyard was inspired by a desire to weave together themes of love, heritage, and personal growth within the evocative setting of a Ghanaian vineyard, offering readers a story of enduring human connections forged in the face of historical rivalries.

Are there any emotions or memories from your own life that you put into your characters’ lives?

For characters in a novel like Whispers in the Vineyard, emotions such as longing, redemption, and reconciliation are often inspired by universal human experiences. These emotions are frequently explored in literature and reflect common human conditions—struggling with one’s identity, resolving past conflicts, seeking understanding and common ground, and experiencing the growth that comes from overcoming challenges.

Moreover, the emotions and journeys that characters like Loom and Feika experience can be modeled on real-life stories of heritage discovery, the complexities of family legacies, and the passionate pursuit of personal and professional dreams. The backdrop of a vineyard adds a layer of connection to the land and a tradition that many readers might find evocative and grounding. Thus, while the characters and their emotions are fictional, they are constructed to echo real human feelings and developments, not the author’s personal life, making them accessible and engaging for readers who may see reflections of their own lives and struggles within these stories.

What were some themes that were important for you to explore in this book?

In Whispers in the Vineyard, several themes were pivotal to enrich the narrative and offer depth to the reader’s experience. Here are some of the key themes explored in the book:

1. Heritage and Legacy: The book delves into the significance of understanding and embracing one’s heritage. Loom’s journey into the world of winemaking is not just about learning to manage a vineyard but also about connecting with her ancestral roots and the legacy left by her family. This theme underscores the importance of preserving cultural heritage and how it shapes individual identity.

2. Reconciliation and Forgiveness: The theme of overcoming historical rivalries and personal grievances is central to the novel. The story explores how Loom and Feika navigate their initial animosity and the broader family feud to find common ground. Their journey toward reconciliation serves as a metaphor for healing and building new futures on the foundation of forgiven pasts.

3. Community and Unity: The story highlights the strength and resilience of community bonds. As Loom and Feika work together to revitalize the vineyards, they also strive to unite the community of Domeabra. The book celebrates how collective efforts and shared goals can lead to substantial communal growth and harmony.

4. Love and Partnership: Loom and Feika’s romantic love intertwines with their professional partnership, showing how relationships can evolve from rivalry to deep affection and mutual respect. This theme is explored in the context of personal and professional growth, illustrating how love can drive change and achievement.

5. Connection to the Land: The vineyard itself is almost a character in the story, representing a deep connection to the land that sustains the community. This theme explores how the land shapes the lives of the characters and serves as a legacy that ties generations together. It also reflects on the challenges and rewards of working closely with nature.

6. Resilience and Adaptation: The characters’ ability to adapt to changing circumstances and overcome challenges is a recurring theme. The novel showcases how resilience, often nurtured through adversity, is crucial for both personal growth and community survival.

7. The Power of Stories: Throughout the novel, stories play a crucial role in preserving history, teaching lessons, and bringing people together. The theme of storytelling is celebrated as a means of passing on wisdom, maintaining cultural identity, and strengthening bonds within the community.

What is the next book that you are working on, and when can your fans expect it to be out?

I am currently writing a romance novel. As I fine-tune the elements of these stories, considering various factors that will shape their final forms, I will soon decide on the final title and when it will reach my readers. I eagerly look forward to sharing this news with my fans. Stay tuned for updates and teasers that I hope will whet your appetite for the romantic journeys ahead!

Author Links: GoodReads | Twitter | Facebook | Website | Amazon

Whispers in the Vineyard is a romantic story of heritage, rivalry, love, and reconciliation. Loom, a young and independent woman who inherited a vineyard in Domeabra, Ghana, only to find herself entangled in an ancestral rivalry with the neighboring vineyard owner, the charismatic Feika.
Despite their intermittent clashes, Loom and Feika’s mutual passion for winemaking and respect for tradition kindled a romance that blossomed amidst the challenges they faced. The discovery of family diaries unveiled a history of love and conflict. Nevertheless, that discovery laid the groundwork for understanding, healing, and love.
Bravely confronting the past, Loom and Feika collaborated to unite their vineyards. Their journey, marked by innovation, resilience, and community support, transformed their rivalry into a partnership that revitalized the vineyards and became the heartbeat of Domeabra.
They ultimately got married and were blessed with a baby girl, Loombik. The novel culminates in a grand celebration of the vineyard’s success, symbolizing the power of unity and the enduring bonds of love. They experienced the transformative power of forgiveness and the beauty of a shared vision woven into the rich embroidery of Ghanaian culture.

Camino to Love

Camino to Love by Yolanda Elso-Ponzo is a contemporary Romance set against the backdrop of the 2010 World Cup. While going through her deceased father’s belongings, twenty-five-year-old Lily Harrison discovers an envelope bursting with cash in his closet, alongside a heartfelt note asking her to take his dream trip to Spain. Hesitant at first, Lily decides to honor her father’s last wish and travels to Pamplona with her friend, Jade. As she steps into the vibrant tapestry of Pamplona’s festivities and the exhilarating fervor of the World Cup, she crosses paths with Miguel, a man whose complexity seems to both intrigue and repel her.

Yolanda Elso-Ponzo’s exceptional writing shines through in the vivid portrayal of the San Fermin festival and the charged ambiance of the World Cup football. Through her adept use of descriptive language, she captures the essence of these vibrant events by skillfully interweaving sensory details and dynamic imagery, enabling readers to immerse themselves in the pulsating energy and cultural richness of the setting.

Camino to Love offers a leisurely-paced narrative that provides a refreshing break from typical suspenseful stories and the traditional tropes of Insta Love romance novels. It allows readers to immerse themselves at a gentle pace, making it a unique reading experience.

The characters leave an impact and pass along valuable lessons on love, family, friendship, culture, and sacrifices. Despite the exasperating nature of Miguel and Lily’s tumultuous push-and-pull dynamic, the provided context allows for a deeper understanding of their emotional journey, fostering empathy and a more profound connection with the intricacies of their relationship. It is a captivating read that caters to enthusiasts of contemporary romance novels with a cultural backdrop and those interested in the nuanced development of slow-burn romances.

Pages: 138 | ASIN : B0CHBD3L6V

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