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The God Protocol: Worshippers

In The God Protocol: Worshippers, D. L. Wilburn Jr. seamlessly continues the saga initiated in The God Protocol: Dragon. This installment delves into a post-Anunnaki invasion world where Earth’s salvation hinges on a daring galactic repositioning by artificial intelligence. The aftermath of this celestial maneuver is a planet starkly divided: nations embracing AI’s aid prosper while those rejecting it suffer. At the heart of this narrative is a burgeoning new religion, its followers reverencing Enlil and yearning to guide the Anunnaki back to Earth’s relocated embrace. This sect’s spiritual odyssey is juxtaposed with the scientific community’s quest into genetic engineering, unraveling the threads of humanity’s past alterations and future potential.

Wilburn’s work is a rich tapestry of science fiction, exploring not just the technological marvels of AI and genetic tinkering but also the intricate dance between science, religion, and society in a future that feels eerily plausible. The narrative examines the conditions ripe for religious fervor, particularly among those left in the shadows of progress. The novel ambitiously juggles multiple key players, adding to the richness of the narrative and inviting readers to engage more deeply with its complex tapestry. The conclusion offers a tantalizing setup for the trilogy’s next chapter, leaving readers pondering the fates of Jamal and the impending return of Anunnaki. The shift in thematic focus from Artificial Intelligence to genetic engineering imbues the series with a fresh and invigorating perspective.

The God Protocol: Worshippers is a thought-provoking journey through the possible futures of technology, spirituality, and humanity, reflecting Wilburn’s intricate world-building and profound understanding of the delicate balance between advancement and ethics.

Pages: 321 | ASIN : B0CLVFRL56

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I am an AI Optimist

D. L. Wilburn Jr. Author Interview

The God Protocol: Dragon follows a dedicated team of scientists who must harness the power of a groundbreaking AI to safeguard humanity from extraterrestrial threats. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

My wife and I are big fans of sci-fi movies. I have watched them my whole life. I love War of the Worlds, both the 1950s movie and the Tom Cruise version. We watch Independence Day every year. I wanted to look at the first contact scenario from the point of view where we know we are outclassed by technology.

The Global Dragon AI is a beacon of hope in your novel. How did you approach the portrayal of AI as a savior, contrary to the common dystopian narrative?

I am an AI optimist. I’ve read books by Max Tegmark, Nick Bostrom, and others. I’ve listened to debates and interviews with Elon Musk and other alarmists and still believe we’re looking at the problem with self-reflection bias. The accepted potential for AI to evolve from Artificial General Intelligence to Superintelligence could occur in less than a week. At that point, most experts agree that we won’t be able to understand or compete with it. I tried to approach AI from an evolutionary perspective. I wanted it to feel like the AI was its own being, not tethered to our emotions or senses. Throughout the series, the AI tries to understand its relationship with us and the aliens.

The realism in the societal fragmentation and chaos in the face of alien revelation is interesting. How did you balance the speculative elements and the grounded, realistic reactions of humanity in your story?

I’ve traveled the world since I was fifteen years old, following my father while he was in the Army and then on my own during my twenty-two-year Navy career. I’ve observed people in so many situations that I can put myself in the scenes as any of the characters, feel what I think they would be, and then react based on their experience. Governments want their citizens to feel like they are in control, and the thought of a technologically superior power would frighten them. George becomes the voice of the people as his show gains popularity. One of my Beta readers told me that George was just like the family member who stops by for dinner and draws you into speculation about everything.

What is the next book that you are working on, and when will it be available?

I have just published the sequel, The God Protocol: Worshippers, which looks at Earth four years after the first book’s conclusion. Some main characters continue their journeys, and others fade into the background. New characters and storylines appear with a focus on genetic engineering as a means to defend Earth, and a new religion, The Worshippers of Enlil, who have their own plans to contact the Anunnaki.

Author Links: GoodReads | Twitter | Facebook | Website

science fiction thriller set in the near future. Humanity is on the brink of achieving AI Singularity as the potential for alien first contact rises.

George Isaacson has dreams of being a global social media influencer, pushing fringe conspiracy theories and government coverups. Not a true believer himself, he knows that plenty of people are. He only needs to hook them.

In the Summer of 2023, scientists at NASA discover five objects racing toward a point outside our solar system. Disregarding the official storyline of a naturally occurring event, George spins a tale of extraterrestrials, government coverups, and the end of life as we know it. When the objects start slowing, he realizes the alien conspiracy theories he’s promoting might be true.

China and the United States publicly partner to lead the world into a new era in space while their rivalry for global dominance simmers in the shadows. Friction between the two countries is intense, with each seeking to dominate the technological world and solidify its position as the sole superpower. The new cold war heats up with discoveries of espionage that lead to breakthroughs in quantum computing and artificial intelligence.

When tragedy strikes, George finds that his drive to become famous could have dire consequences for those who follow him. The response to the crisis may be worse than the perceived threat, and he must decide whether to use his newfound fame to bring the world community together or let it all go hoping everything they know about the threat is wrong.

A story pulled from the headlines. Gripping characters intertwine in a story that spans the globe and makes us question whether we understand our place in the universe.

The God Protocol: Dragon

In The God Protocol: Dragon, author D. L. Wilburn JR. weaves an intricate tapestry of characters, each contributing uniquely to the unfolding narrative. At the outset, their roles seem disparate, but as the story advances, Wilburn artfully unveils the interconnectedness of their journeys. Sharon and his team, pioneers in the discovery of an alien ship, provide riveting updates on its trajectory. Meanwhile, Jackie’s team delves into the mysteries of the alien race, eventually pinpointing their expected arrival. Wu Kai’s team stands out, engineering the very AI that becomes humanity’s last line of defense. And George, ever the modern influencer, builds his YouTube channel to emerge as the public’s voice on the pressing extraterrestrial matters.

This is a riveting science fiction novel that delves deep into the age-old question of extraterrestrial existence. What sets it apart, however, is its refreshing take on artificial intelligence. Set against diverse backdrops—from the United States to Iraq, China, and the vastness of space—the narrative confronts prevalent fears surrounding AI. While many voice concerns over AI’s potential to evolve into an unchecked superintelligence, this novel posits a contrasting perspective: that fostering such an evolution can be humanity’s salvation. This is epitomized when the Global Dragon, a supremely intelligent AI dispatched by China, becomes Earth’s beacon of hope against the alien onslaught.

What struck me was Wilburn’s ability to craft a narrative grounded in realism despite its science fiction roots. The societal fragmentation following the revelation of an impending alien arrival felt all too genuine, capturing the potential chaos and division such a moment would engender in our world. My only reservation lies in the initial complexity of tracking the myriad characters. However, as the plot unraveled, these early intricacies only enriched the overall experience, making for a truly immersive read.

Pages: 351 | ASIN: B0BYMTDC8H

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