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What Makes Us Different, Makes Us Beautiful

Jennifer Nestor Author Interview

Jane Escapes to the Jungle of Individuality follows a young girl grappling with feelings of not fitting in who takes an adventure in her imagination to an exciting jungle filled with animals. What was the inspiration for your story?

The inspiration for my story was a mixture of life experiences I’ve had as a little girl, in addition to some of the experiences I’ve observed from others in my life. I originally had the idea of Jane as a character mapped out in my mind before I started writing the story. I wanted her to be humble, unique, quirky, and intelligent, but a bit socially awkward, as most of us can relate to that feeling of not quite fitting in at some point in our lives. As someone who mentored kids in the past, I know that bullying has been a recurring problem, especially with social media in this day and age. I wanted to craft a story about a girl who had such a vivid imagination, she was able to escape into a daydream where this Jungle had animals who were strong to us as humans, but were actually just like Jane when it came to their own unique features. Like Tim the Tiger for example, who has a mohawk. He didn’t love his mohawk at first, but eventually realized it was a characteristic that made him special. I just started writing one day and it clicked that these animals were metaphors for the strength that Jane always had inside of her, but didn’t know.

What were some ideas that were important for you to share in this book?

One of the ideas that was important for me to share in this book was that no matter what quirks we may have, what makes us different, makes us beautiful. The correlation to animals Jane meets in the Jungle of Individuality that are viewed as strong to us like Apes, Cheetahs, and Tigers, but still experienced the same feeling of being different at first, shows that it’s something many of us go through. I wanted children to read this book and understand that not everyone’s the same and that is okay. I also thought it was important to have diverse representation in the book amongst the characters, especially Jane. Lastly, I wanted to shed light on the importance of children having open conversations with their parents if experiencing bullying at school. In the book, Jane talks to her mom about what’s going on at school, and her mom makes sure to listen and provide helpful feedback and is supportive to Jane in that moment.

What is one thing that you hope young readers take away from Jane Escapes to the Jungle of Individuality?

I’d love for young readers to take away the last paragraph of the book when Jane tells her mom that her individuality makes her strong. I hope that they understand that the features that Jane thought made her stand out in a not-so-good way are actually the exact qualities that make her who she is, and that she should embrace them, celebrate them, and ultimately stand up for herself with confidence. I hope that resonates with young readers and that they also enjoy the animals inside The Jungle of Individuality as they guide Jane through this incredible adventure. The imagery is vivid, and the characters are certainly memorable. I hope that young readers find a character within this story that makes them smile, and inspires them to think of one thing they absolutely love about themselves.

Is this the first book in the series? If so, when is the next book coming out, and what can your fans expect in the next story?

Yes. There will definitely be another story within this series. I hope that Jane becomes a familiar face that young readers learn to know and love. The first book will come out in Summer of 2024, and then hopefully, the next part of the series with Jane will come out in late 2025.

Author Links: GoodReads | Facebook | Instagram | Website

This heartfelt adventure follows a young girl named Jane as she tries to navigate the challenge of feeling different in her own skin while experiencing bullying at school. Though she is soft-spoken and quirky on the outside, she struggles on the inside—desperately wanting to belong. Escaping from an uncomfortable moment on the school bus, Jane has a vivid daydream where she enters the Jungle of Individuality: a place filled with animals who all have unique characteristics just like herself. As she embarks on an incredible journey of self-discovery with some new friends, she quickly realizes her individuality is something she should embrace while also learning self-compassion and to be brave when things get tough.


In Jane Escapes to the Jungle of Individuality, author Jennifer Nestor crafts a delightful narrative centered around Jane, a young girl grappling with feelings of not fitting in. Jane’s journey begins en route to school when her imagination whisks her away to a vivid jungle setting. There, she encounters Tim the Tiger, a friendly guide introducing her to various unique animals. This imaginative adventure is a metaphor for embracing individuality and the beauty inherent in our differences.

Nestor’s storytelling is both engaging and instructive, ideal for young readers. She skillfully weaves a tale that encourages self-acceptance and bravery. Nestor uses the metaphor of the “waterfall of strength” to convey a powerful message about finding inner confidence and overcoming life’s challenges. Jane’s character development is particularly noteworthy; her transformation from a shy girl to one who discovers her inner strength is both compelling and relatable. The captivating illustrations are both vivid and bright, effectively immersing readers into Jane’s world. The depiction of jungle animals is particularly engaging, with each creature uniquely and thoughtfully represented, adding depth and enjoyment to the visual experience.

Jane Escapes to the Jungle of Individuality is a charming and meaningful read that imparts essential lessons about individuality and self-confidence. It’s a book that tells a captivating story and leaves its young readers with a lasting positive message.

A Mindful Exercise with a Calm Outcome

Author Interview
Paula Jackson Author Interview

Clover Finds Her Calm follows a high-energy puppy struggling to settle down when it is time for bed who discovers a way to relax and sleep. What was the inspiration for your story?

Sleep had been elusive in my home for my son and myself for many years. I researched quite a few remedies and found that box breathing was right for us, being an activity that was a free-to-do mindful exercise and a natural way to settle in for a restful sleep. Adding to that idea, I only had to look down beside me for my character – Clover. My Jack Russell puppy was my muse for this story. It seemed fitting that a high-energy puppy could use some ‘calm’ at bedtime.

What were some ideas that were important for you to share in this book?

The main idea is the benefit of box breathing as a mindful exercise with a calm outcome. Also, brings awareness to finding a simple solution to a problem that can be found within yourself, regardless of age.

The art in this book is fantastic. What was the art collaboration process like with illustrator Rodrigo Merched?

Rodrigo Merched is an amazing illustrator who identified, quickly, what I was looking for and worked magic to bring the ideas to life on the pages of this book. With creative freedom and forward communication, Rodrigo managed to create dreamy illustrations with characterization and detail fitting for the story.

The idea was to use watercolour and maintain a dreamy look throughout the book. The result was gentle to the eye and soothing.

What is the next book that you are working on, and when will it be available?

The next book will include Clover and a young friend facing a challenge on their journey, a challenge that many children face when traveling, for which they discover a solution with their creative minds. The outcome is quirky, unique, and fun. Together they share the gift that the mind can deliver magic! Availability will be mid-2024. Rodrigo Merched will be the illustrator for this project.

Author Links: GoodReads | Website | Instagram

Clover Finds Her Calm

A bedtime story for young restless, energetic toddlers.
Clover is a bouncy, wriggly puppy who finds her inner calm as she learns to ‘box breathe’ when she spots 4 bright stars in the night sky to follow with her eyes.

“With stars as her guides, Clover’s journey is near. To a land of sweet slumber, without any fear. In this magical realm, she drifts off to sleep, with calmness inside, her dreams she will keep.”

Clover Finds Her Calm

Clover Finds Her Calm delves into the bedtime routine of Clover, a spirited puppy grappling with restlessness. Author Paula Jackson skillfully transports readers into Clover’s vivid, dreamlike world, where she navigates her journey to relaxation and sleep. This children’s narrative stands out for its enchanting illustrations, where soft colors and a beautifully rendered night sky captivate the eye and play a crucial role in mirroring Clover’s quest for calmness.

The artwork is particularly noteworthy for its dreamy quality, making it an ideal choice for young readers who might find comfort in its soothing visuals, especially if they share Clover’s initial apprehension of the dark or struggle with restlessness. An admirable aspect of Clover’s character is her self-awareness and proactive approach to managing her sleep difficulties without succumbing to frustration. She instead finds solace in focusing on her breathing and the tranquil night sky. Jackson’s rhyming scheme adds a lyrical dimension to the story, enhancing its appeal. This element not only aids in engaging young readers but also contributes to the overall soothing rhythm of the narrative, in line with the theme of finding calmness. This story emerges as a thoughtful, visually stimulating book that gently guides young readers through the process of self-soothing and finding peace at bedtime.

Clover Finds Her Calm is a treasure trove of gentle wisdom, artistry, and narrative charm. It stands out as an essential addition to any child’s bookshelf, especially for those in need of a peaceful transition to sleep. This book is not only a story but an experience, one that beautifully encapsulates the journey from restlessness to restful peace.

Pages: 34 | ASIN : B0CL3BBRHQ

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The Love Knot: An Empowering Children’s Book to Work Through Thoughts And Feelings

Step into the enchanting world of Ollie the otter with The Love Knot. This heartwarming tale introduces readers to Ollie, who’s about to make a big splash by joining the boys’ raft. But even with the excitement, Ollie finds himself tangled in a net of anxiety, fearing he might just drift away into the night. Luckily, his family dives into the rescue, filling his days with joyful activities to untangle those worries. And when Ollie’s mom shares a precious love knot, suddenly, he’s armed with the confidence to set sail with the boys.

The Love Knot is not just a story; it’s a beautifully illustrated journey that gently reassures young readers about the normality of anxiety. Through the lovable character Ollie, author Vassi Rombis becomes the guide, helping kids navigate their emotions and showing them how to navigate the waves. This book is a gem to read to toddlers who surf through various emotions daily, assuring them that it’s all part of the ride. The illustrations are vibrant and lively, reminiscent of a favorite cartoon, making the story even more engaging. And don’t miss the cool otter fun facts at the end – a clever touch that adds an extra layer of enjoyment.

The Love Knot comes with my enthusiastic recommendation for parents aiming to create an atmosphere of open dialogue about feelings. This book isn’t just a story; it’s a stepping stone to building emotional intelligence in young hearts.

Pages: 39 | ASIN : B0CCYYXTHP

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Failure Is Part Of Learning

Author Interview
William Gray Author Interview

CJ Silvers and the Long Ride follows a young girl as she attends her first wakeboard lesson who is afraid and wants to quit when things get hard. What was the inspiration for your story?

I was inspired by my daughter attending a girls’ ride wakeboard event. While there, I saw many girls being scared to get hurt and the negative emotions around not succeeding. I also saw many families supporting their daughters. As the event progressed, I saw falling/failing become less emotional, and small successes drive the girls to succeed. This was important to me as my daughter was one of the girls.

Was there anything from your own life that you put into the characters in your book?

The main character CJ Silvers is based on my daughter, Cassidy. She is now nine, and I am very proud that she has the confidence to try new things. I also tried to capture my wife Rebecca’s spirit and how she talks to Cassidy to help her grow up.

What were some educational aspects that were important for you to include in this children’s book?

I think it was important to show that failure is part of learning and getting better. Also, failure itself is not fun, but with practice and guidance, everyone can achieve great things.

Where does the next book in the series take the characters?

CJ Silvers and her family will be having a Christmas adventure. New characters will be introduced, and a clear message that presents are not the most important part of the holiday season will be delivered.

Author Links: Amazon

CJ Silvers has a new skill she wants to learn.
Her parents will watch her while she tries to learn.

CJ Silvers and the Long Ride

CJ Silvers has a big day ahead of her–she is going to learn to wakeboard! Her day begins like any other, with one exception. She is very nervous. Learning something new that could be dangerous is a big deal for a little girl. With her parents supporting her, CJ starts her lesson with many reservations and doubts about her ability to learn this new skill so quickly. CJ’s parents are with her from the beginning of the lesson to the end, and that makes all the difference for a young girl like CJ.

CJ Silvers and the Long Ride, written by William Gray and illustrated by Rebecca Gray, traces the events in CJ Silvers’s incredibly exciting day as she attends her first wakeboarding lesson. This author/illustrator team has crafted a unique book both in writing style and illustrations. Written in verse and more the length of a short chapter book, Gray’s book is a treasure in more ways than one.

CJ’s story is a gift to both young readers and parents alike. CJ is understandably anxious about her new experience and tries several times to quit. Her parents, determined to help her understand the importance of persevering and solving her own problems, encourage her throughout the entire lesson. The author communicates an incredibly valuable lesson to readers via CJ and her reservations.

Gray’s illustrations are exceptional. Each one reveals an aspect of CJ’s day, and readers can see her hesitation, nervousness, and especially her elation when she discovers how wonderful she feels after powering through the day’s challenges. The rollercoaster of emotions is delivered through vibrant pictures with beautifully textured details.

CJ’s story is a wonderful way to teach children that working through their problems on their own is more than worth the frustration and fear. CJ Silvers and the Long Ride is an excellent book for counselors, parents, and teachers alike. 

Pages: 81 | ASIN : B0C9B9W8XX

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Digger the Colony Worker Ant

Digger is not living his best life. In fact, he is being treated like a servant in his own home. Digger spends day and night waiting on his stepbrothers and their hateful mother. He’s a worker ant, but this doesn’t mean he should be doing all of the work. He lives with their threats, snide remarks, and insults day in and day out. Nothing he does is ever good enough for anyone. Soon, it’s time for the Queen’s Gala and the queen to choose a husband for Princess Antilles. Will Digger be among those lucky enough to attend, or will he be at home buried under the usual mountain of chores?

Digger: The Colony Worker Ant, written by Christian Kueng and illustrated by Nana Melkadze, is an amusing version of Cinderella centered around the members of an ant colony. Digger, the story’s main character, will draw young readers into the tale with his many woes and his determination to make it to the gala alongside the others. Readers familiar with Cinderella’s story will easily recognize elements from the classic fairy tale and enjoy comparing and contrasting the two stories.

I especially enjoyed the bits of humor peppered throughout Kueng’s writing. Kueng has taken the well-known narrative and given it new life and a new look. From the fantastic illustrations of Digger decked out in leather and sunglasses to the hilarious side-eye doled out by his cranky stepbrothers, this book is a hit for young readers from cover to cover.

Digger: The Colony Worker Ant is an entertaining and engaging children’s book that children and adults will enjoy. I highly recommend this Cinderella tale to any teacher putting together a fairy tale unit for the upcoming school year. Elementary readers will thoroughly enjoy drawing comparisons between Digger’s life and Cinderella’s as they point out the more modern elements.

Pages: 40 | ASIN : B0BZT59GJ6

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