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In Forty Years to Life, Brenda Bradford Ward offers a profound exploration of the challenges and triumphs of her journey as a transgender person. With compelling honesty, Ward recounts her struggle with identity, shedding light on the complexities of transitioning and its impact on relationships with family and society. The narrative serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of approaching transgender experiences with empathy and understanding.

Ward takes readers through her recurring struggles with identity, from childhood confusion to adult self-realization. She vividly describes her therapy experiences, suicidal thoughts, and the initial trials of wearing women’s clothing amidst societal rejection. Her journey is not just a personal memoir but also a reflective analysis of broader themes, including history, religion, philosophy, politics, and human nature.

The book’s strength lies in its raw and candid prose, revealing Ward’s deepest thoughts, doubts, fears, and questions. Her writing invites readers to understand that being transgender is not a whimsical choice but often a lifelong struggle against one’s assigned gender. This perspective challenges preconceived notions and emphasizes the persistence and courage required to live authentically as a transgender individual.

Beyond personal narrative, Ward engages in analytical discussions on diverse topics such as governmental laws, societal norms, and family dynamics related to gender. This blend of memoir and critical analysis enriches the reading experience, providing new insights into how various societal structures influence the transgender experience. The story also encompasses a variety of themes, including music, friendship, the process of coming out, high school challenges, and medical issues associated with transitioning. These elements combine to create a multifaceted portrayal of Ward’s life, making the book relatable and engaging for a broad audience.

For readers unfamiliar with transgender experiences, Forty Years to Life offers a detailed and educational perspective on what it means to live as a transgender person. Those who have lived through similar experiences will find resonance and relatability in Ward’s story. Ward’s enlightening narrative in Forty Years to Life is a powerful call to challenge biases and embrace the experiences of transgender individuals.

Pages: 759 | ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0CW1FWKVV

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Promote Empathy and Inclusion

Grace A. Wolf Author Interview

May I Sit at Your Table? follows a second-grade girl who is deaf and experiences a transformative moment when her teacher introduces American Sign Language, sparking her goal to connect with her peers. Why was this an important book for you to write?

At one of my brother’s neurodiverse basketball games, I experienced a pivotal moment. While signing “hello” and “good job” to a Deaf teammate on my brother’s team, his father, moved to tears, approached me and shared how meaningful it was to see someone communicate with his son. This encounter inspired me to become fluent in American Sign Language (ASL) and the culture. I’ve always been concerned about bullying and exclusion, and my research disclosed that Deaf children are often victims. I wanted a book that would promote empathy and inclusion of this ostracized community.

The art in the book is fantastic. What was the art collaboration process like with illustrator Samuel Gross?

Thank you for your kind comment! It was truly a work of love. Sam is my brother. He is 14 years older than me, and he suffers from autism. I worked with him in creating the sketches for the book by reading the book to him over and over and then explaining the specific storyline on each page. He then would interpret those events and draw the scene in pencil. It’s fascinating to watch him draw because he holds the pencil in his fist and never picks the pencil off the page when drawing. It’s also amazing to see the world through his eyes. I then traced the drawings in pen and added color and shading.

Doing the illustrations was one of the highlights of Sam’s life. It has bolstered his self-esteem and brought him great happiness. It has also brought us closer together.

What were some themes that were important for you to explore in this book?

My book is more than a children’s book; it’s a social story about how to accept people who are different. Here, a young Deaf girl is ostracized by her peers because she is seen as “different.” It’s my belief that these actions are simply a result of a lack of knowledge. I wanted to show that educating grade school children about diverse communication styles fosters empathy and teaches inclusiveness.

Another key theme is that exclusion often occurs in less supervised settings like school lunchrooms.

Finally, I wanted to explore the often-private nature of the pain caused by exclusion. Children, like the character Abby in my book, may feel reluctant to express their hurt and only confide in their families. Abby’s experience highlights the importance of attentive and caring teachers who can recognize and address such issues, offering support where it’s needed most.

What is the next book you are working on, and when will it be available?

My next book has already been published. It is titled, May I Come to Your Party? and is about a young boy who suffers from autism and is never invited to parties, and he invites everyone to his birthday parties, but no one ever comes. Here is an Amazon link: May I Come to Your Party? I also have a website with more information: Grace Wolf Books

Author Links: GoodReads | Website | Amazon

May I Sit at Your Table? takes us into the world of Abby, a Deaf second grader who uses American Sign Language (ASL) to communicate. Despite her elementary school being a hub of joy and laughter, Abby often finds herself lonely due to her peers’ lack of understanding about her unique way of communication. Inspired by her parents’ words of encouragement, Abby tries to engage with her classmates, only to be met with confusion and dismissal. When her plight is noticed by Ms. Baker, a caring teacher, she takes it upon herself to teach the class about ASL, gradually guiding the children to understand and empathize with Abby’s world.

The story beautifully captures the transformation that comes with understanding and acceptance, underscoring the importance of empathy, inclusivity, and embracing our unique attributes. May I Sit at Your Table? leaves readers with the important message that everyone, no matter how they communicate, deserves to be heard, seen, and accepted.

Let’s Talk! Celebrating the Holidays

Let’s Talk! Celebrating the Holidays, by Lisa Jacovsky, is an engaging narrative that thoughtfully highlights the value of embracing cultural diversity through festive traditions. The book centers around Harper, who celebrates Christmas, and her friends Emma and Jerry, who observe Diwali and Hanukkah respectively. Their curiosity about each other’s traditions leads to a collaborative effort to learn and celebrate together, culminating in a party that integrates elements from all three festivals.

Jacovsky skillfully portrays the characters’ diverse backgrounds and personalities, weaving them into the fabric of the story. The author underscores the theme of inclusivity with the addition of Emma, an autistic character, who communicates using special cards. The characters’ interactions embody mutual learning, emphasizing the significance of understanding and valuing different cultures. This is particularly evident as the children work together to blend their traditions into a harmonious celebration.

The narrative, while straightforward and without a central conflict, succeeds in being both educational and enjoyable. It effectively imparts universal values such as empathy and friendship, alongside fostering creativity in problem-solving and event planning. Jacovsky’s writing style is clear and accessible, making the book suitable for young readers. The story’s vibrant illustrations further enrich the experience, vividly portraying moments of joy and cultural sharing.

Let’s Talk! Celebrating the Holidays emerges as an effective resource for initiating conversations about inclusivity, tradition, and respect among children. It not only entertains but also educates, making it a valuable addition to any young reader’s collection. Jacovsky’s balanced representation of the three holidays reinforces the book’s message of equality and mutual appreciation among different cultures.


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