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Capable of Big Dreams

Katie Marie Author Interview

In T-Rex and Tuck Explore Outer Space, a young boy and his pet dinosaur teach readers about celestial bodies while embarking on an imaginary journey into outer space. What inspired you to write this children’s book?

The inspiration for the entire T-Rex and Tuck Explore series comes from my son, Tucker. He has always been fascinated with outer space and the moon. He received a telescope for his birthday last year which inspired this particular story.

Imagination is such an integral part of childhood. Are any of your own childhood imaginings part of T-Rex and Tuck’s story?

I remember having a love for outer space facts when I was a child. There was one book in particular that was a favorite of mine because of the sheer size of the book. It was approximately 20×16 and with the pictures of different types of galaxies and planets, I have always found it all awe-inspiring. I would use that book and pretend to teach my students (at the time that meant my baby dolls) about the universe. So, I guess with those childhood memories along with my son’s interest, this book was destined to exist.

What is one thing you would like young readers to take away from this book?

I hope this story inspires young readers to use their imagination. Pretend play is such an important part of childhood. I hope every reader takes away the belief in themselves at the end of the story as well. I end all of my books and my in-person readings with positive affirmations. “I am brave. I am strong. I am smart. I am kind.” I truly hope as my author journey continues that one of the biggest takeaways for all readers is a belief that they are capable of big dreams.

Can we expect to see more from T-Rex and Tuck soon? When will your next book be available?

I am very excited about the next T-Rex and Tuck book that will be available in time for the holidays. T-Rex and Tuck Explore the Kitchen is the title of book 3. T-Rex and Tuck bake a cake with Tuck’s mom. They not only make a delicious cake but quite a mess as well. This particular story will help young readers understand the importance of patience and how much fun baking can be especially when you do it with people you love.

Author Links: GoodReads | Facebook | Instagram | Website | Amazon

In the second installment of the T-Rex and Tuck Explore children’s book series, follow along as Tuck and his best friend, T-Rex, take an imaginary adventure to outer space! You’ll learn interesting facts about comets, the moon, and the planets in the solar system all before drifting off to sleep dreaming of all the stars in the sky.

I Love All Things Science and STEM

Jennifer Swanson Author Interview

Spacecare: A Kid’s Guide to Surviving Space answers children’s questions about the challenges faced by astronauts living and working in space. I imagine this was a fun book to write. Can you tell us a bit about the writing process and how you gathered your information?

I spent many hours reading lots of books written by astronauts in space. I looked up scientific papers to understand some of the science research being done in microgravity. And I interviewed space medicine doctors and even Astronaut Megan McArthur. I’m also lucky enough to have participated in two NASA Social events where I got to visit behind the scenes at NASA Johnson and NASA Kennedy Space Center.

Did you learn anything that surprised you as you put your book together?

I didn’t know that your heart changes shape when you’re in space. Instead of being more like an oval to a circle. It’s because gravity is not acting upon the heart, pulling it down. Also, there is no “down” or “up” in space. Either position is just the same.

Can young readers expect to see more informational texts from you soon, and when will your next book be released?

I have 50 books out now that readers can choose from. They are nonfiction, mostly about STEM, and cover topics from WWII to robotics, to astronauts and aquanauts, to Zoology and crash-test dummies. I love all things science and STEM. Check them out on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, your favorite local bookstore. And tons of them are in the library, too. Science Rocks!

Author Links: GoodReads | Twitter | Facebook | Website

An out-of-this-world exploration of health and how scientists care for astronauts while they are in space.

T-Rex and Tuck Explore Outer Space

Join T-Rex and Tuck on a journey through the cosmos. While Tuck’s heart is captivated by the twinkling stars, T-Rex’s curiosity propels them toward a thrilling voyage into the great expanse of outer space. In the delightful tale of T-Rex and Tuck Explore Outer Space, our dynamic duo embarks on an extraordinary adventure, venturing to Mars, the moon, and the wondrous planets of our solar system, all before drifting off into a dreamy slumber.

Author Katie Marie has crafted a truly enchanting and enlightening children’s picture book destined to capture the hearts and minds of young readers. This literary gem serves as the perfect tool to introduce budding astronomers to the marvels of our solar system. Its vibrant illustrations transport readers into the amazing world of T-Rex and Tuck, igniting their imaginations for a mesmerizing expedition through the cosmos.

T-Rex, with his endearing charm, inspires Tuck to embark on a quest for knowledge about our celestial neighbors. Remarkably, within the pages of this short yet compelling read, Katie Marie weaves a tapestry of fascinating facts about outer space, making learning an exhilarating adventure. This adorable children’s story is destined to set young readers’ imaginations soaring into uncharted realms, leaving them with a lasting sense of wonder and awe.

I highly recommend T-Rex and Tuck Explore Outer Space, by Katie Marie, as it contains a delightful blend of entertainment and education, featuring charming characters and stunning visuals. This is the perfect children’s story for parents and educators who wish to instill a passion for learning about space and inspire young minds to reach for the stars.

Pages: 36 | ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0C5GLZ2GX

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Spacecare: A Kid’s Guide to Surviving Space

There is so much about the wide, wonderful world above us, its endless fields filled with stars, its vast expanses as yet untouched by humankind–a fascinating untold mystery. One of the questions many of us may ask is, “How does the human body respond to a space environment?” In this comprehensive and colorful guide, decades of data on human adaptation to a microgravity environment are shared with the reader in an engaging journey through the medical science of space. With records from real astronauts, hard data from the Mayo Clinic, and information from the Smithsonian Institute, this educational guide is a snapshot of life aboard the International Space Station and the effects of space travel on human physiology.

Spacecare: A Kid’s Guide to Surviving Space, by Jennifer Swanson, is no science-fiction tale. Instead, it is an insider’s guide to life aboard the International Space Station. With full-color photographs and numerous side panels filled to the brim with interesting and relevant facts, readers are pulled into this world of real scientific study that seems to beckon readers to venture out into the unknown.

It was Lord Byron who once wrote, “Truth is stranger than fiction.” This statement holds true for this book, where the reader learns facts that seem far beyond the realm of possibility. One such fact is the sheer speed of the space station, which hurtles through the abyss at over 17,000 MPH every single day. Other facts are surprising in a much different way, where avid science fiction fans must remember that some aspects of space travel, such as artificial gravity, have yet to be invented. Taken together, this engaging guide showcases the magic and mystery of the space environment, whose secrets have only just begun to be revealed to the human race.

Spacecare: A Kid’s Guide to Surviving Space is highly recommended for educators and parents who want to find scientifically reliable guides for their children about space. With the STEM movement rising to the forefront of education, no library should be without this comprehensive guide to human physiology in space. Earning five out of five stars for relevant information, high educational value, and engaging format, this incredible guide to space is a great fit for readers of all ages who wish to learn more about the world outside our atmosphere.

Pages: 80 | ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0BKCHFFV3

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