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Our Intricate Whole

Alyssa Charpentier Author Interview

A Maiden’s Wish: A Novella follows two sisters who are offered a glimpse of a better life from a powerful shaman. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

Initially, I aimed to tell a much shorter morality tale about two friends: a vain and misguided young woman and her humbler companion who are both offered a wish-making proposition by a supernatural entity. The entity promises fame and fortune to the one but warns that this fate will be achingly empty. In contrast, to the other woman, it promises an eternally rewarding life laden with hardships and heavy burdens. “You will not see the fruits of your efforts in this lifetime,” the entity tells the humble woman who desires to use her talents for humanity’s goodwill. “But they will echo across eternity.”

This concept, set in modern times, was eventually abandoned in favor of A Maiden’s Wish, which plays to some of the same narrative beats but has a much richer journey, more ideas, and (in my opinion) a superior ending.

Bayelle and Evora experience a vast range of emotions as they come to realize the cost of the choices they make. Are there any emotions or memories from your own life that you put into your characters’ lives?

Bayelle and Evora represent the internal struggles I’ve contended with as a young woman, especially in the flippant, sometimes predatory internet sphere. Evora is the identity I chose, along my social media path, to reject: male manipulation, self-objectification, and abuse of beauty for “likes” and flattery. Conversely, Bayelle embodies my frustrations and deepest longings as a woman and, indeed, a human being: the desire to love, be loved, and impress an eternal impact upon the world through my creative skills.

Bayelle encounters opposition from worldly wickedness, oppressive opinions, and erroneous religious teachings along her journey, representative of our culture’s current divisions in the realms of feminism, “red pill” society, and the Christian church. As I have come to triumph over the flaws and failings in each of these groups, I developed the satisfaction I have been privileged to bestow upon Bayelle at the peak of her struggle.

What were some themes that were important for you to explore in this book?

Mankind has a warped view of what constitutes a fulfilling life, and it also holds a warped perception of women. As a race, we’re made for so much more than the glazed-eyed, hazy-minded daily grind. You can own as much “stuff” as you like; the stuff won’t fit into the hole in your heart. It can’t plug up and force away the sadness we sometimes feel or keep joy locked inside. Beauty, in its physical form, will erase its bloom from every face that weathers enough time and exposure to this world. The good news? That’s okay.

Appearances are one small and impermanent part of our intricate whole, and beauty that penetrates no deeper than one’s moisturizer cannot affect a grander purpose. A Maiden’s Wish asks our divisive culture to be realistic and seek deeper things than what is readily seen. Women are beautiful, and our femininity distinguishes us from men, but visuals don’t make or break us, just as they don’t make a book interesting beyond a fleeting glance. Women are not toys, commodities, objects (whether exploited by self or others), or beings of inferior purpose and intellect, all tailored for the same purpose—we are equals under God and accountable to none but Him.

Will there be a follow-up novel to this story? If so, what aspects of the story will the next book cover?

The power of this story, for me, is its brevity and finality; I do not anticipate a sequel or spin-off, but I’m sure it will have “spiritual successors” of a sort. The book’s themes, gentle magical varnish, and the nature of the characters within made for a wonderfully appealing writing process that might be cathartic to explore in a different, unrelated world and plot.

Author Links: Goodreads | Website | Amazon

One wish to turn one’s fate…
The human heart harbors many desires—some fulfilled, others forgone. But young Bayelle and her sister have a guaranteed chance at a better life in the form of a powerful shaman who can grant them each one wish. When dreams and reality clash and the dust of their decisions settles, Bayelle and Evora discover what is truly worth wishing for… and the consequences of entrusting one’s future to the forces of magic.

A coming-of-age and morality tale.

Making Complicated Choices

Author Interview
Quinn Lamothe Author Interview

The Wolves of Orkerion follows a young princess born from the union of a god-king and a troll king who wants to prove her worth as a warrior and carve out her own destiny. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

The inspiration came from me wanting to start Lunaria off as a young character who is changed by combat. With the Wolf-Ones, I wanted them to feel desperate and that rebelling was their only option. 

I find the world you created in this novel brimming with possibilities. Where did the inspiration for the setting come from and how did it change as you were writing?

I used Norse mythology as a base for my world. The trolls being a large people with strength much greater than any human, I wanted their world to show that. I would say most thing stayed the same during the writing process.

What were some themes that were important for you to explore in this book?

The themes I wanted to explore are many, but the main one is choice. I find it interesting when characters are forced to make complicated choices. Choosing to go to war isn’t on easy choice to make, neither is killing those who are just following their leaders out of loyalty or other reasons. Another theme is growing up. We all have to do it eventually. The third theme is parenting. Ithagmir is not a good parent, but she does try to love Lunaria.

Can you tell us more about where the story and characters go after book one?

I do plan on expanding the story. After the first book, Lunaria will be a changed woman. She’ll be more accepting of violence and may commit savage acts. Due to her heritage, Lunaria will also be an important political figure, but not all will be so welcoming of her. Lunaria will meet her father and get some much-needed answers. Her extended family will also be a focus for the next installments.

Author Links: GoodReads | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | Website

In the mystical realm of Orkerion, a young troll princess named Lunaria Druutha embarks on a daring quest to prove her worth. Born of the union between a god-king and a troll queen, Lunaria is determined to carve her own destiny amidst the chaos of the nine realms. When her mother, the esteemed High Queen Ithagmir Druutha, faces a perilous rebellion, Lunaria’s mettle is put to the ultimate test. Battling her fellow trolls as well as Wolf-Ones, she plunges into the heart of conflict, which challenges her beliefs and redefines her identity as a warrior. With the fate of House Druutha hanging in the balance, alliances crumble, and betrayal lurks in the shadows as the entire continent is plunged into civil war. Amidst the chaos, hard choices must be made, testing the bonds of family and honor. Will Lunaria rise above the challenges and prove her worth, or will House Druutha fall, lost forever to the annals of history?

The Wolves of Orkerion (The Lightning Child Book 1) 

Quinn Lamothe’s The Wolves of Orkerion is a riveting journey set in a dynamic, fantasy world. Centered around the young princess Lunaria Druutha, the narrative unfolds in the enchanting realm of Orkerion. Born to a god-king and a troll queen, Lunaria is a character of great determination, poised to carve a distinct path in the legacy of the nine realms. The story gains momentum as Lunaria’s mother, the esteemed High Queen Ithagmir Druutha, faces a formidable uprising, propelling Lunaria into a vortex of conflict and self-discovery. As the continent is engulfed in civil unrest, she encounters the legendary Wolf-Ones and her own kin, the trolls, in a series of conflicts that test her mettle and shape her identity as a warrior.

The novel excels in its harmonious blend of brisk action and imaginative storytelling. Lamothe’s prowess in constructing the world of Orkerion is noteworthy, crafting a landscape rich in cultural and mystical nuances. The well-developed characters add depth to the story’s complex tapestry. Particularly captivating is the juxtaposition of the enigmatic Wolf-Ones with the formidable trolls, a combination that infuses the tale with intrigue and surprise. Lamothe’s narrative style is compelling, drawing readers into the heart of Orkerion’s struggles and triumphs. The author’s attention to detail in world-building is remarkable, with each aspect of Orkerion intricately designed to immerse readers in its vibrant and mystical atmosphere. From the vast landscapes to the societal structures, every element contributes to an expansive and immersive reading experience.

The Wolves of Orkerion is a testament to Lamothe’s skill in blending action and fantasy. It offers an engaging and thoroughly enjoyable story. This vivid and imaginative foray into the fantasy genre is sure to captivate and entertain readers.

Pages: 386 | ASIN : B0CV8P4ZQC

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Strange and Often Quite Humorous Places

S.P. Somtow Author Interview

Club X: Vampire in the Closet follows four boys attending an elite all-boys Catholic school in Thailand who try to uncover the school’s dark secrets while figuring out their own sexual identities. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

Long story but here goes…I had a friend, a former executive of The Nation TV, a major media outlet in Thailand. He said to me, “Can you think of a Thai series I could sell to a Western platform?” I researched all the Thai TV series that were available on Netflix and other internationally available sites, and it was clear that the most popular subject matter, the one that Western felt to be “Thai” in feel, by far, were stories known as “BL”…tales of high school romances between boys. Generally rather innocent. In Asia, the main audience for these stories is actually young women. European and American TV are only just starting to toy with this genre (notably shows like the British Heartstopper for instance) but in Asia it is a huge genre, dominating the young adult market. I told my friend that this wasn’t a genre I was that familiar with. But, if I could combine the milieu with a storyline kind of like what I am more known for…that is horror or fantasy…perhaps, I could create a hybrid that might be quite fresh. So, I basically grafted the American “boys discover the dark secrets of their school” genre on top of the “BL” genre, and it led to very strange and often quite humorous places. And I started to create the pilot for this putative series.

Now, Amazon Vella was being born at that very time. So, I thought, as a serial format, it could be a way of testing out the story on people who like to read stories with cliffhangers. This is how the novel came about. At first, no one really noticed it, but after a few months, some of my regular book readers started to pick up on the series, and it was briefly one of the more highly-rated series on Vella, enough that I was able to use it to find people to invest in an independent production of the live-action version. So…it happened all at once, and we found ourselves shooting a series in various converted offices and people’s houses while I started writing Book II of Club X. Well, the series is in post-production and on the verge of appearing on some web TV platforms.

So, this is how this rather unusual setup came into being.

In a lot of contemporary coming-of-age fiction novels, authors often add their own life experiences to the story. Are there any bits of you in this story?

Yes and no. I did go to an elite boarding school but in England. I was also briefly in a Catholic school in Thailand but not a boarding school. As the director of a youth orchestra program, I’m often surrounded by people in this age bracket and able to observe how they talk and think at close hand. I’ve raised someone with Asperger’s, and my adopted son had many gender issues. All the characters are, in fact, inspired by real people.

What were some themes that were important for you to explore in this book?

The genre hands you a set of readymade characters — you can see this in everything from “IT” to “Stranger Things.” The coming-of-age trope says you must have four boys: a cute one, a tough one, a fat one, and a geek. You must have a girl that they all like because she plays their games, but will normally end up with the cute one. The tough one is usually also vulnerable. The cute one is often a writer, dreamer, a thinking man, and often a stand-in for the author himself. So, when I moved the milieu to a Thai-style BL milieu, the four compulsory boys underwent transformation. The main kid, the thinking one suffers from Asperger Syndrome. His best friend is a child prodigy. The kid who is usually presented as “fat” has a different social “issue” – he’s gender fluid, but he’s completely ok with it and so are all his friends. The “geek” becomes the kid with strange paranormal powers. So, there are many themes of identity and selfhood that are common to kids everywhere but are given a new twist because of the cultural setting. Interestingly, the original book and serial are written in English, but I had to write the screenplay in Thai (a first for me although I am bicultural.)

I hope the series continues in other books. If so, where will the story take readers?

The second book, Zombie in the Fridge is already out. I’m working on a third, the title unsure, but I might go with Banshee in the Bathtub.

Author Links: GoodReads | Twitter | Facebook | S.P. Somtow | Patreon | Website | Amazon

Season One of World Fantasy Award-winning author S.P. Somtow’s vella series is adapted and compiled into book form.

St. Cecilia’s boys’ school is an elite boys’ school in a remote part of Thailand, a hotbed of hormones, mystery, fantasy, and dark secrets! Five kids (binary and non-binary) uncover the dark secrets of their school amid mysteries of identity and sexual attraction.

Why does Dr. Leopold Strange only teach after sundown? Why is Sister Euphemia dancing in the forest without her habit? And why can’t Kim and Fluke talk about the awful thing that happened to them in Oldenburg? And what’s in the closet?

The Gatekeeper of Pericael

In The Gatekeeper of Pericael, Hayley Reese Chow introduces us to Porter, a 12-year-old grappling with the dual complexities of adolescence and his predestined role as the Kotalla Kan. This title positions him as the guardian of a portal linking the human world to Pericael, a mystical parallel universe. Porter’s journey, initially marked by his reluctance to embrace his magical heritage in favor of ordinary teenage experiences, evolves dramatically as he faces an impending threat to Pericael.

Chow’s middle-grade fantasy novel is characterized by its engaging narrative and well-constructed world. The protagonist, Porter, embodies the archetype of a reluctant hero, whose yearning for a typical life is at odds with the extraordinary responsibilities of his destiny. This conflict enriches his narrative, adding layers to his personal growth and self-discovery. The fantastical elements, such as the enigmatic ranja and the spirits of Pericael, are woven seamlessly into the story, enhancing the novel’s imaginative quality. Chow’s vivid depictions of this otherworldly realm, complete with its unique landscapes and creatures, offer readers an immersive experience. The book also excels in character development. Porter’s evolution from a hesitant figure to a decisive hero is skillfully portrayed. The supporting cast, including Porter’s cousin Ames, contributes significantly to the narrative. Their interactions and relationships bring a sense of warmth and camaraderie to the story, balancing the thrilling, action-packed sequences with moments of character introspection and bonding.

The Gatekeeper of Pericael distinguishes itself within the middle-grade fantasy genre. It combines themes of friendship and personal growth within a creatively crafted magical setting, appealing to young readers who relish stories where ordinary characters rise to extraordinary challenges.

Pages: 189 | ASIN ‏ : ‎ B08QZW7Y8Q

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