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There Is a Place for Everyone

LoLisa Marie Monroe Author Interview

The Kitten That Could Not Meow follows five kittens who are looking for their forever home, including one that could not meow. What was the inspiration for your story?

Last year, one of my daughters adopted a homeless cat, rescued in the streets of Tennessee after a terrible storm months before. He was frightened of everything, and he could not meow. No one wanted to take him home except my daughter. Showing us there is a place for everyone! Months later, I got a phone call, and what did I hear? “Meow!”

​What were some ideas that were important for you to share in this book?

I have always loved orange cats. My favorite orange cat, I named Bob, after Bill Murray in What About Bob? My friends at Draw and Care in Ukraine illustrated Maria and Clara from images of my daughters. I wanted to share their love for kittens and mine. Bob, of course, is the orange kitten. I believe one of the most precious sounds in the world is purring…it does not matter how we ‘hear’ it.

I felt this children’s story was well-written and intensely meaningful for today’s children. What experience as a writer helped you create this heartwarming story?

I just could not get the idea of my daughter’s cat, Simon, who could not meow out of my head. How many children would never hear a meow? How sad. I woke up in the middle of the night and envisioned how my little tale could end. It still makes me cry when I read the last page. When, as a writer, I can feel emotionally engaged every time, perhaps I have penned a meaningful story.

What is the next book that you are working on, and when will it be available?

Penelope’s Peace Place, is another precious and timeless ‘tale with tails,’ illustrated by my friends in Ukraine. It is a journey showing children the importance of family and sharing. Look for it in July.

Author Links: GoodReads | Website | Instagram | Amazon

This sweet story shows children that their disability does not define them but instead empowers them to connect in different ways. Each of the kittens in this special litter of five, find the perfect loving child to go home with. Momma Kitty, like all mothers, worries about her kittens finding their way in life. With a little Grace and Hope, they all find their way.

The Kitten That Could Not Meow

In The Kitten Who Could Not Meow by Lolisa Marie Monroe, a litter of five kittens is born on a sunny May morning. Each kitten, varying in color and size, is distinct. As they grow and are ready for adoption, the litter quickly finds homes, except for one little orange kitten who cannot meow. Her mother fears that this unique trait might deter potential adopters. However, hope arises when a family expresses interest in meeting her to see if she would be a perfect companion for their daughter, Grace.

I found this children’s book to be a heartwarming example of the adage, “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” The orange kitten’s inability to meow does not make her weak; instead, it highlights her unique charm. This story teaches children that being different is something to celebrate and appreciate. Embracing our uniqueness is what sets us apart and makes us special.

Monroe’s storytelling is captivating, particularly in her portrayal of the little orange kitten. Without revealing too much, the family that visits the kitten seems destined to be her perfect match. As I read, I felt a surge of anticipation, hoping they would love her as much as I did. I am confident that children will fall in love with the orange kitten just as easily. The illustrations by the Draw & Care Ukraine team are remarkably lifelike. The illustrations perfectly capture the essence of the kittens and add depth to the story.

The combination of Monroe’s engaging narrative and the Draw & Care Ukraine team’s stunning illustrations creates a picture book for any child to cherish. This is an endearing children’s book that shows a love for children and animals.

Pages: 26 | ASIN : B0D4GWQJGC

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