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Dr. Shon Shree Lewis Author Interview

UnTraumatized shares mental health techniques, spiritual principles, and your personal stories of God’s healing & recovery. Why was this an important book for you to write?

Sharing my experiences as a memoir helped me to process it and recover from the devastations of my past traumas. I also wanted to empower others as a Mental Health Counselor, how to heal holistically from crisis and trauma with hope and resilience.

Trauma can take various forms and impact each person differently. What ideas were important for you to share in this book so that it would be relatable to a wide audience?

Acknowledging a person’s pain and suffering to safe people and counselors and providing spiritual, professional, and personal knowledge for every reader to feel hope to heal.

What is one thing you hope readers take away from your book?

God is the ultimate healer of all pain, grief, and loss. He redeems us through His unconditional love, forgiveness, prayer, healing, and the support of family, friends, and counselors.

What is the next book that you are working on, and when will it be published?

My next book focus is likely going to be about living a resilient life through the wisdom of God.

Author Links: GoodReads | Amazon

Do you need healing from Crisis & Trauma dealing with Depression, Covid19, Grief & Loss, Sexual Abuse, & other Traumas? This powerful book shares mental health techniques, spiritual principles, and my personal stories of God’s healing & recovery that will empower each reader to overcome any crisis and trauma with resilience.


Dr. Shon Shree Lewis’s book, UnTraumatized, delves into the multifaceted nature of crises and trauma, providing a comprehensive guide for understanding, coping, and healing. From personal anecdotes to professional insights, the author offers a detailed exploration of various crises, including personal, social, and natural disasters. The book’s structure, which spans from defining what constitutes a crisis to detailed recovery strategies, makes it an essential read for anyone looking to navigate the tumultuous waters of traumatic experiences.

Dr. Lewis’s writing is engaging, particularly because she intersperses professional advice with her personal stories. This combination adds a layer of authenticity and relatability that many purely academic texts lack. For instance, her candid recounting of experiencing COVID-19 symptoms and the emotional turmoil of her divorce brings a human touch to the book, making the theoretical concepts more tangible.

One of the sections I found most impactful was Chapter 8, “Coping with Trauma after Crisis,” where Dr. Lewis provides practical steps for managing trauma. Her advice is grounded in both psychological theory and spiritual wisdom, offering a holistic approach to healing. This chapter stands out because of its actionable advice, such as specific coping mechanisms and the importance of community support. The inclusion of biblical references might not resonate with all readers, but it undeniably enriches the content for those who appreciate spiritual guidance.

Another section I appreciated is Chapter 11, “Movie Reflections Dealing with Trauma,” which analyzes popular films through the lens of trauma and recovery. This unique approach not only makes the content more accessible but also demonstrates how pervasive and culturally significant trauma is. Dr. Lewis’s reflections provide a refreshing perspective on how media can influence our understanding of trauma and resilience.

UnTraumatized is an insightful resource for anyone dealing with trauma, whether directly or indirectly. Dr. Lewis’s blend of personal experience and professional knowledge offers a unique guide to understanding and overcoming trauma.

Pages: 166 | ASIN : B09MSCCZF1

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