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Hunnie Bunny’s Special Gift

Hunnie Bunny’s Special Gift is the delightful fourth installment in the Hunnie Bunny series, a charming tale that captures the warmth of friendship and the spirit of giving. In this book, we join Hunnie Bunny, Mr. Squirrel, and Mr. Frog as they prepare for the approaching winter season.

The story is set in a beautifully depicted woodland, where the three friends ready themselves for the cold months ahead. The narrative is engaging, drawing readers into the heartwarming activities and the camaraderie shared among the characters. Central to the plot is the mystery of Hunnie Bunny’s special gift. The story gently unfolds, revealing how each friend contributes to the preparations and the significance of Hunnie Bunny’s unique present. The anticipation builds as readers are invited to discover not only what the gift is but also who receives it and why it holds such special meaning. The book excels in conveying themes of cooperation, kindness, and the joy of giving. Young readers will find themselves enchanted by the colorful illustrations and the relatable characters, while also learning valuable lessons about the importance of community and generosity.

Hunnie Bunny’s Special Gift is a heartwarming addition to the series, perfect for children and parents to read together. It’s a story that celebrates the simple yet profound pleasures of friendship and the thoughtful acts that make the winter season special.

Page: 32 | ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0D3B6D5TR

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The True Meaning of Christmas

Deborah Carter Martin Author Interview

Hunnie Bunny’s Christmas Wish follows a young bunny enjoying the first snow of the season who encounters a pair of cardinals, and together, they plan a tree decorating for all the animals of the forest. What was the inspiration for your story?

After writing the third book in the series, Hunnie Bunny’s Special Gift, which takes place in the fall with the characters preparing for winter, Hunnie Bunny wanted to tell a story about how the woodland animals would celebrate Christmas. It was important to show the true meaning of Christmas through her eyes and actions by decorating the tree with items from the woods and spending quality time with friends. Also, I wanted to include the possibility that wishes can come true during the holiday season.

If you were to write a spin-off about a side character, which would you pick?

I would choose Mrs. Owl for a spin-off book because she is wise and would offer counsel and support to the woodland animals who come to her for help. Also, children love owls and find them fascinating. (She will appear again in the book Hunnie Bunny’s Great Escape.)

What is the most valuable piece of advice you’ve been given about writing?

When I was in college, I did a mini-term project with the head of the Creative Writing department. He gave me some advice that I have never forgotten: “After you write your first draft, put it aside for a few days and come back to it with a fresh set of eyes and perspective. Also, be prepared to edit and re-edit your work many times until you are confident that it has been completed to the best of your ability.”

What types of questions do you ask yourself when planning a new book?

In the Hunnie Bunny series, Hunnie Bunny has guided me on the journey for each book. I ask myself what Hunnie Bunny would do in a particular situation, what types of characters children like, and then Hunnie Bunny takes the story from there. For example, there are two books with new characters, a woodland fairy and a unicorn, which can ignite a child’s curiosity and imagination. Also, I want the books to be educational as well as entertaining, so I make sure that a lot of the content is factual whenever possible, and most of the books offer a moral lesson that parents can discuss with their children. This is important to me since Hunnie Bunny seems to have become a positive role model.

Author Links: Goodreads | Twitter | Facebook | Website | Amazon

Hunnie Bunny’s Christmas Wish is a delightful and heartwarming story that captures the magic of Christmas and the joy of sharing. It emphasizes the importance of love and friendship during the holiday season and encourages children to appreciate the simple pleasures of holiday traditions. The charming narrative and vibrant illustrations will surely make this picture book a cherished favorite for children and their families.

Hunnie Bunny’s Christmas Wish

Deborah Carter Martin’s Hunnie Bunny’s Christmas Wish is a charming tale that introduces young readers to the values of sharing and the spirit of Christmas. The story unfolds with Hunnie Bunny, the protagonist, who is thrilled to see the first snow of the season. Her ensuing adventure through the forest is depicted with a sense of wonder and excitement. As she encounters a pair of cardinals, a simple conversation about a tree leads to a heartwarming endeavor of decorating it for the community to enjoy. This act of collective decoration, with items like berries and pinecones, becomes a focal point for the animals to gather and celebrate.

Hunnie Bunny, with her endearing and friendly nature, becomes a catalyst for bringing the forest animals together. Her character exemplifies kindness and the joy of sharing, serving as an inspiring figure for young readers. Martin’s narrative style is both cheerful and engaging, effectively conveying the message that the essence of Christmas transcends receiving gifts and lies more in the joy of giving and harmony. The book’s illustrations complement the story beautifully, with vivid colors and expressive characters that add to the playful and enthusiastic atmosphere of the story. The story skillfully interweaves themes of friendship, tradition, and kindness.

Martin’s writing displays a deep understanding of positive concepts for children, showcasing that acts of helping can be as fulfilling as play. The plot, imbued with tenderness much like its protagonist, offers a captivating and enjoyable reading experience for children. Hunnie Bunny’s Christmas Wish is a celebration of camaraderie, good manners, and the joy found in assisting others.

Pages: 32 | ASIN : B0CQ256DG3

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Hunnie Bunny’s Positive Influence

Deborah Carter Martin Author Interview

Hunnie Bunny’s Garden Mystery follows a dedicated gardening bunny who becomes confused when her vegetables start to disappear, and she has to discover what is happening. What was the inspiration for this story?

The inspiration for Hunnie Bunny’s Garden Mystery is based on a real event that happened to my son and his girlfriend when they were living in San Francisco many years ago. They had put in a lot of time and effort planting a wonderful garden in their back yard, and one day watched several of their vegetable plants disappear into the ground. It turned out that their neighborhood had a gopher infestation which destroyed most of the gardens in the area. Obviously, Hunnie Bunny handles the situation in the book differently and with compassion.

What is one thing that people point out after reading your book that surprises you?

That is an interesting question. I would have to say that Hunnie Bunny’s positive influence on their children and the bond they have developed with her not only surprises me, but is very humbling as well. That realization has made this journey even more special.

Are there any books or authors that inspired you to become a writer?

From a young age, I liked to write stories about animals, and the first author to inspire me to become a writer was Anna Sewell and her incredible book Black Beauty. I still have a copy of that book in my library.

What adventures do you have in store for Hunnie Bunny next, and when can your fans expect the next story to be out?

After the first book, Hunnie Bunny’s Garden, was finished, Hunnie Bunny decided that she had many more stories to tell. The third book that was recently published was Hunnie Bunny’s Christmas Wish, which was released in early December. It was actually the fourth book written in the series, but we wanted to get it out before the holidays, so it was finished before the book that is now being illustrated, titled Hunnie Bunny’s Special Gift. This book should be published and available sometime in January 2024.

There are a total of ten books in the Hunnie Bunny series. The stories that follow Hunnie Bunny’s Special Gift are Hunnie Bunny and the Lost Fairy, Hunnie Bunny’s New Neighbors, Hunnie Bunny and the Magic Flute, Hunnie Bunny and the Unicorn, Hunnie Bunny’s Great Escape, and Hunnie Bunny – A New Beginning.

Author Links: GoodReads | Twitter | Facebook | Website | Amazon

What’s happening to Hunnie Bunny’s garden? Join Hunnie Bunny, Mr. Squirrel and Mr. Frog as they uncover the mystery of the disappearing vegetables in this second book of the Hunnie Bunny series.
Discover how Hunnie Bunny and her friends solve the mystery of the disappearing vegetables from her garden.

Hunnie Bunny’s Garden Mystery 

Hunnie Bunny’s Garden Mystery is an engaging children’s tale that takes the reader on an adventure with Hunnie Bunny as she nurtures her garden with the hope of growing her favorite vegetables. As the story unfolds, Hunnie Bunny’s excitement is palpable as she witnesses the sprouting of her garden, only to be met with the puzzling disappearance of her vegetables. This leads her on a quest to uncover the mystery behind the vanishing produce.

Author Deborah Carter Martin provides readers with a delightful read and a subtle educational tool, imparting an important lesson about respecting others’ possessions. The inclusion of various animal characters adds depth to the narrative, each contributing uniquely to the resolution of the mystery. Particularly notable is the character of Mr. Gopher, who, despite initial apprehensions, becomes an ally to Hunnie Bunny, highlighting themes of friendship and sharing. The book’s vibrant illustrations are a standout feature, offering an array of visual stimuli that make the reading experience interactive and enjoyable for both children and their parents. These illustrations complement the narrative beautifully, adding to the overall appeal of the book.

Hunnie Bunny’s Garden Mystery is a commendable choice for young readers, effectively combining storytelling with moral lessons, making it a worthwhile addition to a child’s reading list.

Pages: 29 | ASIN : B0CM852TLH

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Educational, Encouraging, and Fun

Deborah Carter Martin Author Interview

Hunnie Bunny’s Garden follows a young bunny who, while on a stroll, finds some seeds and plants them in her garden to watch what grows. What inspired you to write this children’s book?

I wrote this story in 1985 when my son was two years old because I wanted to encourage him to like vegetables. It wasn’t until my grandson was born last year that I finally decided to find an illustrator to bring the book to life. Though I am active and healthy, it is important to me to leave something special behind for him to remember his grandma by. So, I formed my own publishing company, SimpleReadsBooks, and have begun my journey as a published author. I am thrilled that he loves Hunnie Bunny, Mr. Squirrel and Mr. Frog and wants the book to be read to him every day.

What were some educational aspects that were important for you to include in this children’s book?

I wanted to make sure that the information contained in Hunnie Bunny’s Garden (and all the upcoming books) is factual, offering a learning opportunity about animals, nature, and the aspects of gardening. For example, all the herbs and vegetables that are planted in the garden grow from seeds and are foods that bunnies can eat and enjoy.

The art in this book is fantastic. What was the art collaboration process like with illustrator Sandamali Kamalchandra? 

Sandamali is an incredibly talented illustrator, with a master’s degree in digital art design, among other skills. When I was searching for an illustrator for the book, I kept coming back to her because I liked the samples of her illustrations from books she had done for other clients. I feel that we were destined to work together. I am very detail oriented, and she is extremely gracious and cooperative with all the changes I ask for. Initially, I just gave her minimal ideas about the main characters and was blown away with her designs of Hunnie Bunny, Mr. Squirrel and Mr. Frog! In fact, when the book was finished, I was so overwhelmed to finally see my story come alive that I cried. And, because of her illustrations, Hunnie Bunny has taken on a life of her own, inspiring me to write nine more Hunnie Bunny books. Sandamali will, of course, illustrate them all. I can’t imagine doing any of my books without her!

What is the next book that you are working on, and when will it be available?

There are a total of ten books in the Hunnie Bunny series. The second book, “Hunnie Bunny’s Garden Mystery,” is about to go to print, and I plan to release it by the first of November 2023. Sandamali is currently illustrating the third book, “Hunnie Bunny’s Christmas Wish,” which will hopefully be available sometime in the middle of November 2023.

Author Links: GoodReads | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | Website

Hunnie Bunny’s Garden is a young children’s picture book. While out in the woods, Hunnie Bunny finds some seeds and plants them in her garden. Explore the world of vegetables with Hunnie Bunny and her friends.

Hunnie Bunny’s Garden

On a beautiful spring morning, Hunnie Bunny embarks on a leisurely stroll through the enchanting woods. During her adventure, she stumbles upon a cluster of seeds thoughtfully left behind by a bird. Filled with curiosity and enthusiasm, Hunnie Bunny decides to bring these seeds back to her cozy home, where she diligently plants them in her garden. As she nurtures her garden with care and tenderness, she eagerly anticipates the bountiful results of her efforts. By the time summer arrives, her garden has transformed into a vibrant array of wholesome vegetables. After savoring the delicious produce and fragrant herbs, Hunnie Bunny wisely saves the seeds, paving the way for another fruitful garden the following summer.

Hunnie Bunny’s Garden offers a delightful reading experience, particularly suited for beginner readers. The book’s vivid and engaging illustrations are sure to capture the hearts of young readers, simultaneously encouraging them to develop a fondness for vegetables. Through this charming tale, young readers gain insight into the fascinating process of planting seeds, tending to them with care, and witnessing the magical transformation into delectable vegetables. This not only makes for an entertaining story but also provides a relatable experience.

Hunnie Bunny’s Garden is a concise and swift read. While its charm and educational value shine through, I think there is room for the narrative to expand. For instance, I would love to see Hunnie Bunny either counting the vegetables or sharing them with her friends, introducing an educational dimension and immersing readers further into Hunnie Bunny’s world. Nonetheless, this minor point does not detract from the fact that Hunnie Bunny’s Garden is a delightful and endearing read, perfectly tailored for budding young readers. It leaves a lasting impression, enticing them to explore the wonders of the natural world with newfound enthusiasm.

Hunnie Bunny’s Garden is a delightful journey that ignites young readers’ curiosity and leaves them eager to discover the enchanting magic of nature.

Pages: 30 | ASIN : B0CG3V3J28

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