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The Possibility of Reincarnation

Kathy Bolte Author Interview

Ringo’s Rainbow Journey: A Memoir of Our Border Collie’s Return to His Soul Family illustrates the multifaceted relationship between humans and their animal companions, capturing the essence of love, loss, and the indelible mark a pet leaves on a family. Why was this an important book for you to write?

I was compelled to write this book because of the extraordinary story my husband and I lived through. We began communicating with our dogs and cats through a very gifted animal communicator. Through these conversations, we learned some extraordinary things that 1) validated my beliefs in living, loving, and the potential for an afterlife. 2) turned my lifelong atheist/skeptic husband into someone who now believes in the unseen/unprovable mysteries of life. This book is primarily about the return of our elder male border collie, through reincarnation, coming back to us in the body of our sweet little female border collie. But, beyond that, it is an entertaining walk through the lives of many of our pets, our connection to them, and the unconditional love we have for them.

What were some ideas that were important for you to share in this book?

Well, this is a little unique and perhaps tips the “believability scale” for some people, but it was my dog who urged me to write this book because he had two important lessons to teach humans: 1) Bodies come and go, but the soul is eternal. 2) Gender fluidity is a natural and normal thing in the animal kingdom. Humans need to get over their judgment of it.

What is your background and experience in writing, and how did it help you write Ringo’s Rainbow Journey?

I was in the corporate world, as a Vice President for a staffing company. In that role, I did a lot of writing and public speaking, teaching, and mentoring. I retired from that career in my late forties and became a yoga teacher. During this second phase of my career life, I began writing for an online publication, specializing in “the mindful life” – Elephant Journal. I became a featured writer for them, with over 90 articles published within about a two-year period. I stopped writing for them when I began writing Ringo’s Rainbow Journey. Writing has always come easy to me. My readers tell me that I write in a very conversational style, eliciting the feeling of two friends talking over coffee. The time I spent writing for Elephant Journal likely helped me hone my skill for writing my memoir.

What is one thing you hope readers take away from your story?

I want everyone who reads my memoir to understand how intelligent and multi-faceted our animals are. When they read my words, I believe they will come to see the depth of character, of understanding, of emotional facility, and ability to love profoundly, not only in the stories I tell about my own animals, but also as they look into the eyes of their own precious dogs and cats. I also hope it will open people’s eyes to the possibility of reincarnation and that this could help people navigate loss and grief with a little more optimism and understanding of the bigger picture.

Author Links: GoodReads | Facebook | Website | Amazon

Kathy’s husband, George, yearned for a Border Collie. This is the story of the birth and life of their beloved Ringo, the transition out of his body and rebirth as little Nina, a female Border Collie.

As Ringo and their matriarchal cat, Solo, faced health challenges and moved toward their end-of-life, Kathy and George were referred to Amanda Reister, a gifted pet communicator, to learn how best to care for their aging pets. Suddenly, everything changed.

The conversations they’ve had with each of their pets, through Amanda, were nothing short of miraculous and completely changed their paradigm. The wisdom, joy, and depth of understanding revealed caused them to view each pet as the uniquely wise being they truly are. It was Ringo, who urged Kathy to write his memoir. Through Amanda, he shared his important life lessons for us humans.

Bodies come and go, but the Soul is eternal. Gender fluidity is natural and normal. Soul Families are real. Return to them if you can. And the most important lesson of all, which is to simply love one another.

Ringo’s Rainbow Journey: A Memoir of Our Border Collie’s Return to His Soul Family

Ringo’s Rainbow Journey: A Memoir of Our Border Collie’s Return to His Soul Family, by Kathy Bolte, captures the precious bond between a pet and its family, a relationship often as deep as any other familial connection. Bolte’s narrative starts with the adoption of Ringo, tracing their shared experiences from joyous adventures to their eventual, inevitable parting. This book is more than a simple recounting of pet ownership; it’s an engaging, love-filled journey through life with Ringo, marked by vibrant anecdotes and moments of joy.

Bolte does not focus solely on Ringo; she paints a full picture of her life with multiple pets, both cats and dogs, detailing the family dynamics and the different personalities of each animal. Her writing brings us into the fold of her household, enriched with photographs that offer a glimpse into these cherished relationships. The inclusion of characters like Amanda, who possesses the ability to communicate with animals, adds a unique dimension to the narrative, deepening our understanding of the pets’ distinct traits. The prose is rich and evocative, effectively conveying the emotional landscape of living with and loving animals. It emphasizes themes of empathy and family unity. The story is beautifully told, with life lessons woven through the personal reflections and shared moments that will resonate with anyone who has ever loved a pet.

In Ringo’s Rainbow Journey, Kathy Bolte beautifully illustrates the multifaceted relationship between humans and their animal companions, capturing the essence of love, loss, and the indelible mark a pet leaves on a family. Her heartfelt storytelling invites readers into a world where pets are not just animals, but cherished family members with their own stories and personalities. This memoir not only shares the joy and challenges of pet ownership but also celebrates the unbreakable bonds that form along the way, leaving readers with a deeper appreciation for the creatures that enrich our lives.

Pages: 238 | ASIN : B0D3KB31WW

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Grief Does Get Easier

Danell teNyenhuis Black Author Interview

Suddenly: A Widow’s Story of Unexpected Loss and Healing shares the process you went through when your husband died suddenly, and you had to reframe your life for yourself and your daughters and find a way to endure. Why was it important to share your story with the world?

Prior to losing my husband, I read the book Radical Survivor by Nancy Saltzman. Nancy lost her husband and two young sons in a plane crash, and I was amazed by her resilience. I reread her book after my husband died, and her story inspired me to move forward. I am hoping my story has the same impact on others who have been widowed or suffered another loss.

What were some ideas that were important for you to share in this book?

I feel it is really important to normalize grief. Death is a part of life, and it is easier to deal with if grief is acknowledged. I wanted to convey to my readers that grief does get easier over time. We are never going to forget our loved one, nor would we want to, but we can move forward.

Healing from a loss like yours is never easy. What is one piece of advice someone gave you that changed your life?

There are no rights or wrongs when it comes to grief. Don’t let others dictate what you can or can’t do. This is your journey, and you can grieve on your own timeline.

What is one thing you hope readers take away from your story?

My greatest wish is to provide hope. You can be happy again. I like to say that good things have happened to me in spite of my loss.

Author Links: GoodReads | Twitter | Facebook | Facebook Author Page | Website | Amazon

Imagine suddenly losing your soulmate of 30 years. What would help you to keep moving forward?

Danell was living her dream life with her husband Patrick and two daughters when he left for a morning bike ride and never returned home. Danell was suddenly a single parent who was faced with learning to move forward on an unfamiliar path. Danell treasured the impact Patrick had on the lives of others and dedicated herself to making that kind of difference in the future.

In Suddenly: A Widow’s Story of Unexpected Loss and Healing, readers will discover how Danell:
Used writing to record memories while they were fresh, helping to process grief
Discovered a new purpose through introspection
Strengthened family traditions and created new ones
Allowed herself to experience happiness and joy after the grieving process
Supported her daughters as they found their own purpose

Danell found strength in the stories of other widows. She aspires to have her story provide hope for others experiencing loss.