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Light in the Abyss

Light in the Abyss, the third installment in Bennett R. Coles’ Blackwood and Virtue series, takes readers on a thrilling journey aboard the spacefaring frigate Daring and her escort ship Freedom. The narrative centers on Lord Commander Liam Blackwood and Quartermaster Amelia Virtue as they embark on a mission to recover a stolen artifact from an alien theropod named Shordar, all while navigating a romance complicated by their differing ranks and societal positions.

Though this novel is part of a series, it stands alone effectively, with only minimal references to previous events. While familiarity with earlier books may enhance understanding of the universe Coles has crafted, new readers will find Light in the Abyss approachable and engaging. The plot focuses primarily on the crew’s confrontation with Shordar and the complexities of interstellar politics, with tantalizing mentions of other alien species. One of the novel’s most refreshing elements is its distinctive setting: spacefaring ships reminiscent of traditional sailing vessels. This unique motif lends the story a sense of realism, grounding the science fiction elements in a familiar framework.

The titles and roles aboard the ships echo historical naval traditions, adding depth to the world-building. The portrayal of social politics within the human empire further enriches the narrative, highlighting the struggles of the characters against rigid social structures.

At the heart of the story is the pursuit of a stolen artifact known as the suncatcher, which serves primarily as a plot device to drive character development. Blackwood and Virtue’s personal and professional challenges, especially their struggle against the societal constraints of their empire, are poignantly depicted. Coles excels in portraying their emotional turmoil, making their journey as compelling as the external conflict with Shordar.

Light in the Abyss delivers a captivating blend of space adventure and character-driven drama. Bennett R. Coles skillfully balances action and emotion, creating a rich, immersive experience for readers, whether they are long-time fans of the series or newcomers.

Pages: 435 | ASIN : B0D1ZY4MP5

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The Reentrant

The Reentrant, by Terrence Hart, is an engaging sci-fi novel that delves into futuristic themes such as biological evolution, the origin of life, and the future of technology and space travel. The novel’s central character, Aurelia, undergoes a transformative journey starting on contemporary Earth. She becomes the first to test Reentrancy technology, which allows her consciousness to be uploaded to the digital realm. This groundbreaking event enables her to transcend biological death. After a lengthy period of stasis, Aurelia awakens in a distant future as a digital entity, capable of transferring her consciousness into bio-shells, specialized biological organisms designed for foreign planets. The novel follows her as she navigates this new future, where time is perceived differently and interstellar travel is possible thanks to Reentrancy technology.

The novel is exceptionally well-written, with compelling characters and convincing premises. Hart effectively grounds the reader in Aurelia’s familiar world before launching her into a vast journey through the cosmos. The descriptions of space travel and the technology that enables it are detailed and immersive, creating a richly imagined future. The plot is strong and captivating, filled with vivid imagery of a galaxy brimming with life, new technology, and the potential for indefinite survival in digital form. The characters are engaging, particularly Aurelia, whose survival journey is easy to root for. Her bond with her new space companion, Nimishi, adds depth to the story as he helps her adjust to her new life among the stars. The book offers an enjoyable and intriguing read, with Hart’s writing style effectively addressing relevant themes.

The Reentrant, by Terrence Hart, stands out as a compelling exploration of futuristic themes, blending intriguing characters, imaginative technology, and a captivating plot. Terrance Hart’s storytelling weaves an immersive journey through time and space, leaving readers with much to ponder about humanity’s future.

Pages: 330 | ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0CW1GM2K5

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Compassion and a Sense of Duty

Justin Caleb Author Interview

The Blue Star: First Locality Adventure follows a Navy captain and his crew who discover an alien plot to exterminate the human race and must do what they can to stop them. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

This is probably true for most (if not all) science fiction authors, but I hoped to create exotic locations where interesting things happened to interesting people. I was inspired by the exotic aliens and locations of Star Wars and the adventures and themes found in Star Trek. My desire was to create a story whose main characters traveled to interesting places and were motivated by compassion and a sense of duty to help their people. And to do it boldly, even when the opposition looked overwhelming.

When you first sat down to write this story, did you know where you were going, or did the twists come as you were writing?

This novel was a long-time project, I kind of worked on it in the background for years, but I did have a fairly clear idea of what I wanted to happen early in the writing process. Having said that, the pacing of the novel, and the degree to which different sub-plots intersect, was something that only came together over time.

What were some themes that were important for you to explore in this book?

I love this question! There are a few themes I wanted to explore in The Blue Star. I am a firm believer in the “everyday hero.” There is no “Chosen One” in my novel, no person with special powers or a glorious destiny, although those are popular themes that absolutely make for great storytelling. I wanted to write a novel where the “heroes” are simply those people who committed themselves to doing the right thing, even when the situation was chaotic, scary, and life-threatening. They were in the right place at the right time and were willing to take the initiative.

Another theme I wanted to explore was the dynamic between characters with very different personalities. A young captain battling with insecurity interacts with an older alien minister who is confident and forthright. A famous, eccentric scientist interacts with a quiet, no-nonsense security guard. And perhaps most importantly, this disparate group of people is able to work together towards a common goal. I think good storytelling requires a bit of tension, but just having opposite personalities clash felt like it would be cheap and predictable. I wanted characters who were capable of dealing with the threat to the Locality (the area of space in which they lived) in a mature, respectful way without having to butt heads every five minutes. And where there was tension, I want it to be relatable, so the reader might think, “I’ve felt so much pressure that I’ve lashed out angrily and said something I normally wouldn’t, so I can understand and forgive that.”

When it comes to the aliens of The Blue Star, I wanted them to be interesting, maybe even exotic by some standards, but also have traits that are recognizably human. The alien Elzor Drin has an unusual manner of speech and trades in exotic goods, but he’s cheap and crews his ship with college graduates because he can pay them less.

Conversely, I wanted to spotlight how our own behavior can seem alien or amusing to outsiders. Shaking hands is a well-known human greeting, but to an alien, grasping just one of their hands and moving it up and down would seem like a strange thing to do.

Is this the first book in the series? If so, when is the next book coming out, and what can your fans expect in the next story?

It is! I am working on the Second Locality Adventure (which doesn’t have a name just yet). I would like to continue the adventures of the characters from The Blue Star, and I would like to do it in a way that the plot of the second novel is easy to follow. I don’t want it to become too convoluted with multiple overlapping storylines. At the time of writing this (late December 2023) I’m about 20% into it, and I hope to release the second novel in 2024 or early 2025.

Author Links: GoodReads | Website | Amazon

A strange virus is spreading through the Locality, transforming people into twisted, animal-like versions of their former selves. Torina Jadus, Minister of Medicine and Health, sets off on a dangerous journey across space with her loyal team to work on a cure with one of the galaxy’s greatest medical minds. Planets and entire star systems are quarantined or destroyed as governments struggle to contain the outbreak. With civilization on the verge of collapse, will she be able to save her people, the Tuulan For?
For humanity, who are immune to the plague, this seems like a distant problem. But the peace and quiet is disturbed when a mysterious alien vessel is shot down over a remote human world. The brief but violent encounter reveals them to be the vanguard of an alien race bent on the extermination of the human race. Simon Marston, newly-promoted captain of the Navy ship Pericles, and his untested crew must learn how to use the information obtained from the alien ship to save the Human Interstellar Commonwealth before the enemy can complete their genocidal campaign.